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CS-1 6/1/2015 1 6/1/2015 Towards a Work Breakdown Structure for Net Centric System of Systems Engineering and Management 20 th International Forum on COCOCMO.

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Presentation on theme: "CS-1 6/1/2015 1 6/1/2015 Towards a Work Breakdown Structure for Net Centric System of Systems Engineering and Management 20 th International Forum on COCOCMO."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS-1 6/1/2015 1 6/1/2015 Towards a Work Breakdown Structure for Net Centric System of Systems Engineering and Management 20 th International Forum on COCOCMO General Session October 2005 Gan Wang Ricardo Valerdi Jo Ann Lane Barry Boehm

2 2 6/1/2015 Outline  Background, motivation, goals and scope −Relevant needs and trends in SoS system engineering and management −Development objectives  Basic foundations for the SoS WBS −Product-oriented structure −Scalable Spiral Model −Three-team construct  Net centric System of Systems (SoS) Program Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) – Top-level View  Anticipated benefits and conclusions

3 3 6/1/2015 Background  Systems engineering needs and trends −Increasing focus on capability-based acquisition −Increasing focus on user/value −Increasing complex systems of systems Disproportional increase in complexity and interdependency Disproportional increase in needs for interoperability −Increasing COTS, Open Source, reuse, and legacy integration  New challenges in systems engineering and program management −Evolutionary, rather than revolutionary −Capability, rather than functionality −Lifecycle perspective, rather than acquisition focused −Heterogeneous, rather than homogeneous −Negotiation, rather than mandate

4 4 6/1/2015 Motivation for Net Centric SoS WBS  No standard or commonly-accepted WBS above system level −Traditional program/project management focuses on system and performance Build-to-spec, requirement-driven, waterfall-ish −Existing WBS constructs are system development focused – difficult to scale upward Development/acquisition centric, little attention to O&M Interpretabilities and independencies disregarded Enterprise context absent  Time to step back and rethink −Systematic −Holistic −Mission and capability focused New Perspective Required for Net Centric SoS/FoS

5 5 6/1/2015 Motivation (cont.)  Tool needed for integrated systems engineering and program management in net centric SoS programs −Facilitates the unification of SoS SE and PM −Emerging systems engineering method: Capability Planning  Basis for cost estimating  A step into continuing understanding of net centric SoS systems engineering and management −What is common, what is different? −New scopes and emphases Beyond traditional systems engineering considerations Emerging behaviors and risk from evolutional process −What is/belongs, what is/does not? −What works, what does not?

6 6 6/1/2015 Net Centric SoS WBS Goals  Provide −Standardized, yet flexible, prototypical WBS for net centric SoS engineering and management programs – a standard template to develop program- specific WBS −Reference model for SoS program management, systems engineering and cost estimating −Full SoS life cycle “cradle-to-grave” perspective and support −Systematic and holistic approach −Basic analysis framework for decision making −Clear, consistent and commonly accepted terminology definition −Tailorable and adaptable model

7 7 6/1/2015 Goals (cont.)  Integrate community-accepted best practices −General systems engineering and program management lifecycle −System-level WBS −Program and practice examples −Existing international standards ISO/IEC 15288: Systems Engineering – System Life Cycle Processes DoD 5000.2: Operation of the Defense Acquisition System ANSI/EIA 632 Processes for Engineering a System MIL-HDBK-881: Work Breakdown Structure  Leverage leading development in net centric SoS systems engineering and processes, e.g., −Spiral development model −Capability-based acquisition −Capability planning and investment analysis practices

8 8 6/1/2015 Net Centric SoS WBS Scope  Target SoS/FoS type programs −With the charter to evolve mission capabilities of a SoS/FoS −Prototypical program lifecycle perspective  Consider −Program management and the supporting enterprise functions −Systems engineering and integration products −Development and O&M environments −Governance model  Capture three basic components of the SoS engineering and management practices −Systems Components and relationships Infrastructure −Processes Program management Systems engineering & integration Technology development Operations and support −People Management and acquisition authorities Teams Stakeholder community

9 9 6/1/2015 Outline  Background, motivation, goals and scope −Relevant needs and trends in SoS system engineering and management −Development objectives  Basic foundations for the SoS WBS −Product-oriented structure −Scalable Spiral Model −Three-team construct  Net centric System of Systems (SoS) Program Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) – Top-level View  Anticipated benefits and conclusions

10 10 6/1/2015  Product-oriented Work Breakdown Structure −“Product”: physical entity, organization, function/service −Processes and activities associated with products  Scalable Spiral Process Model −Risk-driven OODA loops  Three-team execution model −Plan-driven team −IV&V team −Agile Rebaselining Team Basic Foundations of SoS WBS

11 11 6/1/2015 Emerging Scalable Spiral Process Decide on next-cycle capabilities, architecture upgrades, plans Stable specifications, COTS upgrades Development, integration, V&V, risk management plans Feasibility rationale Act on plans, specifications Keep development stabilized Change impact analysis, preparation for next cycle (mini- OODA loop) Orient with respect to stakeholders priorities, feasibility, risks Risk/Opportunity analysis Business case/mission analysis Prototypes, models, simulations Observe new/updated objectives, constraints, alternatives Usage monitoring Competition, technology, marketplace ISR Operate as current system Accept new system Source: USC-CSE Life Cycle Architecture Milestone for Cycle

12 12 6/1/2015 Spiral Bravo Three-Team Execution Model Plan-Driven TeamIV&V Team Environmen t Change Factors Internal Change Factors Agile Team Spiral Charlie Requirements KPPs Architecture Baseline Requirements KPPs Architecture Baseline Requirements KPPs Architecture Baseline 1.Plan-Driven Team 2.IV&V Team 3.Agile Rebaselining Team Emerging technologies New threats Operational environment changes … Requirement creeps Emerging applications Unforeseen complexities … SoS Evolutionary Spirals Spiral Alpha Time

13 13 6/1/2015 Outline  Background, motivation, goals and scope −Relevant needs and trends in SoS system engineering and management −Development objectives  Basic foundations for the SoS WBS −Product-oriented structure −Scalable Spiral Model −Three-team construct  Net centric System of Systems (SoS) Program Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) – Top-level View  Anticipated benefits and conclusions

14 14 6/1/2015 SoS Program WBS The SoS Program The SoS in Operation Spiral AlphaSpiral BravoSpiral CharlieProgram Office Plan- Driven Team IV&V Team Agile Team Level 0 Level 1 Development

15 15 6/1/2015 The SoS Program WBS (cont.)  The SoS in Operation: consists of legacy systems, current operational organizations, “as-is” doctrine and CONOPS −Important in understanding the baseline “as-is” architecture and business case analysis  Spiral Alpha: current development increment executed by the Plan- Driven Team, with relative stable capability objectives, requirements, architecture baseline, and clear deliverables  Spiral Bravo: next development increment in planning by the Agile Rebaselining Team; new baseline based on near- to mid-term capabilities needs, priorities and new technologies in test labs  Spiral Charlie: future development increment in planning by the Agile Rebaselining Team; new baseline based on future capability needs, priorities and emerging technologies  Program Office: the supporting enterprise with a mission and resources to accomplish the mission −Three teams under it −Enterprise-level/(DoD) DOTMLPF support

16 16 6/1/2015 More Detail Discussions in COSOSIMO Workshop…

17 17 6/1/2015 Outline  Background, motivation, goals and scope −Relevant needs and trends in SoS system engineering and management −Development objectives  Basic foundations for the SoS WBS −Product-oriented structure −Scalable Spiral Model −Three-team construct  Net centric System of Systems (SoS) Program Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) – Top-level View  Anticipated benefits and conclusions

18 18 6/1/2015 Anticipated Benefits  Provides a reference model for SoS/FoS engineering and management  Defines a common set of terminology related to SoSs  Enables visibility and insights into unique issues related to SoSs  Provides a holistic view for SoS engineering and program management, particularly in terms of −Interoperability −Complexity and interdependency −Ownership and governance model −Conflict management −Decision framework  Facilitates further understanding of the −Effort and cost in acquiring and owning an SoS −Methodology that can be applied to estimate this cost  Promotes the unification of systems engineering and project management for SoS −Linkage between architecting/engineering activities to the economic effect

19 19 6/1/2015 Conclusions To Date  General systems engineering principles and project management practices do apply to net centric SoS  Traditional system-oriented WBS construct is inadequate, and there are added ingredients in WBS for net centric SoS, from −Added complexity −Different scope, objectives and strategy −Different environment  Two different acquisition focuses: −System: functionality −System of systems: capability  And, therefore, two different development strategies: −System: waterfall −System of systems: scalable spiral  Not a complete WBS, but a step towards that direction  A lot to learn, and more to explore…

20 20 6/1/2015 References 1)B. Boehm, “The Future of Software and Systems Engineering Processes,” USC-CSE-TR-2005-507, 2005 2)Boehm, B. and Turner, R., Line Dancing with Elephants – the Systems Engineering of Network-centric Complex systems of Systems (NCSOS), SSCI Member Forum, 2005 3)A. Ruskin, “Using 100% Product-Oriented Work Breakdown Structures to Unify System Engineering and Project Management,” ICSE-INCOSE, 2004 4)A. Sage and C. Cuppan, “On the Systems Engineering and Management of Systems of Systems and Federations of Systems,” Information.Knowledge.Systems Management, 2001 5)M. Jamshidi, “System-of-Systems Engineering – a Definition,” IEEE SMC 2005, Hawaii, October 2005 6)J. Lane and R. Valerdi, “Synthesizing System-of-Systems Concepts for Use in Cost Estimation,” IEEE SMC, 2005 7)J. Lane, “COSOSIMO Workshop Minutes,” 2005 8)C. Dickerson and et al, Using Architectures for Research, Development and Acquisition, OASD-NII, 2004 9)P. Jain, and C. Dickerson, “Family-of-Systems Architecture Analysis Technologies,” INCOSE, 2005 10)D. Bracamonte, “An Adaptive Automated Model for formatting & Presenting Life Cycle Costs,” ISPP Proceedings, 1993 11)ISO/IEC 15288, Systems Engineering – System Life Cycle Processes, 2002 12)DoD Instruction 5000.2, Operation of Defense Acquisition System, 2000 13)ANSI/EIA 632, Process for Engineering a System, 1999 14)J. Martin, “Overview of the EIA 632 Standard – ‘Processes for Engineering a System’ (Tutorial G)” 15)MIL-HDBK-881, DoD Work Breakdown Structure, 1993

21 21 6/1/2015 Come to the COSOSIMO Workshop on Thursday Afternoon to continue these discussions!

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