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Inductance and Capacitance

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1 Inductance and Capacitance

2 Objectives 1. Find the current (voltage) for a capacitance or inductance given the voltage (current) as a function of time. 2. Compute the capacitance of a parallel-plate capacitor. 3. Compute the stored energy in a capacitance or inductance. 4. Describe typical physical construction of capacitors and inductors

3 Capacitors and Capacitance
Capacitance – the ability of a component to store energy in the form of an electrostatic charge Capacitor – is a component designed to provide a specific measure of capacitance

4 Capacitors and Capacitance
Capacitor Construction Plates Dielectric

5 Capacitor Charge Electrostatic Charge Develops
Electrostatic Field Stores energy Insert Figure 12.2


7 Capacitor Discharge Insert Figure 12.3

8 Capacitors and Capacitance
Capacity – amount of charge that a capacitor can store per unit volt applied where C = the capacity (or capacitance) of the component, in coulombs per volt Q = the total charge stored by the component V = the voltage across the capacitor corresponding to the value of Q


10 Capacitance Insert Figure 12.4

11 Capacitance Unit of Measure – farad (F) = 1 coulomb per volt (C/V)
Capacitor Ratings Most capacitors rated in the picofarad (pF) to microfarad (F) range Capacitors in the millifarad range are commonly rated in thousands of microfarads: 68 mF = 68,000 F Tolerance Usually fairly poor Variable capacitors used where exact values required

12 Capacitors and Capacitance
Physical Characteristics of Capacitors where C = the capacity of the component, in farads (8.85 X 10-12) = the permittivity of a vacuum, in farads per meter (F/m) or expressed as o r = the relative permittivity of the dielectric A = the area of either plate d = the distance between the plates (i.e., the thickness of the dielectric)

13 Capacitance of the Parallel-Plate Capacitor

14 Capacitance For DC It acts as a voltage source

15 Voltage in terms of Current
, q(to) is the initial charge

16 Stored Energy

17 Series Capacitors Series Capacitors Where
CT = the total series capacitance Cn = the highest-numbered capacitor in the string

18 Parallel Capacitors Connecting Capacitors in Parallel where
Cn = the highest-numbered capacitor in the parallel circuit




22 Inductance Unit of Measure – Henry (H)
Inductance is measured in volts per rate of change in current When a change of 1A/s induces 1V across an inductor, the amount of inductance is said to be 1 H Insert Figure 10.5

23 Inductance Induced Voltage where
vL = the instantaneous value of induced voltage L = the inductance of the coil, measured in henries (H) = the instantaneous rate of change in inductor current (in amperes per second)


25 Inductance For DC It acts as a short circuit

26 Current in terms of Voltage

27 Stored Energy

28 Inductance Insert Figure 10.8

29 Connecting Inductors in Series
Series-Connected Coils where Ln = the highest-numbered inductor in the circuit

30 Characteristic of Capacitor and Inductor Under AC Excitation

31 Connecting Inductors in Parallel
Parallel-Connected Coils where Ln = the highest-numbered inductor in the circuit

32 Alternating Voltage and Current Characteristics
AC Coupling and DC Isolation: An Overview DC Isolation – a capacitor prevents flow of charge once it reaches its capacity Insert Figure 12.6

33 AC Coupling and DC Isolation
AC Coupling – DC offset is blocked Insert Figure 12.7

34 Capacitor Current where
iC = the instantaneous value of capacitor current C = the capacity of the component(s), in farads = the instantaneous rate of change in capacitor voltage

35 Alternating Voltage and Current Characteristics
Sine-Wave Values of reaches its maximum value when v = 0 Insert Figure 12.8

36 The Phase Relationship Between Capacitor Current and Voltage
Current leads voltage by 90° Voltage lags current by 90°


38 Capacitive Reactance (XC)
Series and Parallel Values of XC Insert Figure 12.18

39 Capacitive Reactance (XC)
Capacitor Resistance Dielectric Resistance – generally assumed to be infinite Effective Resistance – opposition to current, also called capacitive reactance (XC) Insert Figure 12.15

40 Capacitive Reactance (XC)
Calculating the Value of XC

41 Capacitive Reactance (XC)
XC and Ohm’s Law Example: Calculate the total current below Insert Figure 12.17

42 The Phase Relationship Between Inductor Current and Voltage
Sine-Wave Values of reaches its maximum value when i = 0 Insert Figure 10.9

43 The Phase Relationship Between Inductor Current and Voltage
Voltage leads current by 90° Current lags voltage by 90°

44 Inductive Reactance (XL)
Inductor Opposes Current Insert Figure 10.15

45 Inductive Reactance (XL)
Inductive Reactance (XL) – the opposition (in ohms) that an inductor presents to a changing current Calculating the Value of XL

46 Inductive Reactance (XL)
XL and Ohm’s Law Example: Calculate the total current below

47 Capacitive Versus Inductive Phase Relationships
Voltage (E) in inductive (L) circuits leads current (I) by 90° (ELI) Current (I) in capacitive (C ) circuits leads voltage (E) by 90° (ICE)

48 Alternating Voltage and Current Characteristics
Insert Figure 12.10

49 Euler’s identity In Euler expression, A cos t = Real (Ae j t )
Figure 4.23 In Euler expression, A cos t = Real (Ae j t )

50 ( it is called the impedance of a capacitor)
( it is called the impedance of an inductor)

51 The impedance element Figure 4.29

52 Impedances of R, L, and C in the complex plane
Figure 4.33

53 Figure 4.37

54 An AC circuit Figure 4.41

55 AC equivalent circuits
Figure 4.44

56 Rules for impedance and admittance reduction
Figure 4.45

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