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The Connecticut Academic Performance Test Third Generation Overview.

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1 The Connecticut Academic Performance Test Third Generation Overview

2 CAPT Overview Connecticut General Statutes sec. 10-14n –Mandates Statewide Assessment –Includes Grade 10 Public School Students –Not Sole Criterion for Graduation, Promotion –Certification of Mastery –On Permanent School Record, Transcript sec. 10-223a –Include Results in Graduation Requirements

3 Components of the Assessment CAPT MathScience Reading Across the Disciplines Response to Literature Reading for Information Writing Across the Disciplines Interdisciplinary Writing Editing and Revising

4 3 rd Generation Timeline All Subjects 2004 Development Began 2005 Items Piloted 2006 Items Piloted 2007 Live March 5 - 30 Measurement Incorporated ( MI) from Durham, NC holds the contract for CAPT 3 rd Generation

5 Item Development Path Pilot Test Option to Revise or Reject 3-year Process

6 The Mathematics Assessment Number of Items and Points Across Strands 8 OE Items (3 points each holistically scored) 24 GI Items ( 1 point each) 48 Total Points AlgebraicReasoning 2612 Numerical & Proportional Reasoning 2612 Measurement & Geometry 2612 Working with Data 2612

7 Mathematics Sessions Cover 2 standards each May contain Linking Items Starts with 4 Open Ended then all Grid-In Items vary in difficulty, but do not get harder as you go further Best to write something for every problem

8 Linking Items Linking items are items that are used on tests in subsequent years or generations in order to equate the results from year to year. There are linking items in each discipline. Results for these items are not counted towards individual student performance.

9 Changes for Mathematics New for the Third Generation: Based on 2005 Connecticut Mathematics Framework Changes carried from the Second Generation: Students Can Show Their Work OR Explain Their Reasoning Two 75 minute Sessions

10 Science Science New for the Third Generation: Based on 2004 Connecticut Science Framework Performance Task Removed –No more kit delivery before CAPT –No longer a “one size fits all” lab exercise

11 Science Embedded Tasks Suggested –Context of lab and STS tasks used for open- ended questions that assess inquiry skills –One open-ended question per strand (total of 5)

12 Scoring changes A shift from 33% to 47 % of the assessment on inquiry skills Inquiry skills assessed in both multiple choice and 5 open-ended items Science

13 Science Science Number of Items and Points Across Strands Content Knowledge Scientific Inquiry, Literacy, and Numeracy 75 Total Points 40 MC Items (1 point each) 20 MC Items (1 point each) 5 CR Items (3 points each) Energy Transformations 84115 Chemical Structures & Properties 84115 Global Interdependence 84115 Cell Chemistry & Biotechnology 84115 Genetics, Evolution & Biodiversity 84115

14 Reading Across the Disciplines Number of Items and Points 10 OE (holistically scored) 12 MC (1 point each) Total Points Response to Literature 4 (6 points in all) 012 Reading for Information 6 (2 points each) 1224 RtL = independently scored by two readers

15 Reading Across the Disciplines Changes Reading for Information –Every Other Paragraph Numbered in Articles

16 Writing Across the Disciplines Number of Items and Points 2 OE (holistically scored) 18 MC (1 point each) Total Points Interdisciplinary Writing I 1 (6 points) 012 Interdisciplinary Writing II 1 (6 points) 012 Editing & Revising 018 IW = independently scored by two readers

17 Writing Across the Disciplines Changes Interdisciplinary Writing –Two Articles Per Task

18 Total Score Range Total Score Range (100-400) LevelMathematicsScience Reading Across the Disciplines WritingAcross 5 (Advanced) 287-400290-400287-400286-400 4 (At Goal) 261-286261-289258-286250-285 3 (Proficient) 223-260211-260217-257210-249 2 (Basic) 192-222188-210185-216182-209 1 (Below Basic) 100-191100-187100-184100-191 Note: Scaled scores are computed differently for each discipline. Visit the CAPT Resources webpage to view the technical report for more information. CAPT Resources

19 Visit CTREPORTS.COM Visit this site to find local, district and state data disaggregated and for the entire population and make comparisons within a generation and to other towns and high schools within Connecticut.

20 English Language Learners Enrolled > 10 Months in U.S. Public School Must Take All Parts of CAPT Enrolled < 10 Months in U.S. Public School & Took Language Assessment Scales Are Exempted from Reading, Writing, Science – But Not Mathematics* *A Federal rule through NCLB

21 Skills Checklist For Significantly Cognitively Impaired Requires Intensive Individualized Instruction in Multiple Settings to Acquire, Maintain, or Generalize Skills Students Without Disabilities Typically Develop Outside of a School Setting Instructional Program May Include Functional / Life Skills Component

22 CAPT shown to be a Predictor of Future Success Success is defined by: 1.Interest in College 2.Time Elapsed Before Starting College 3.Reduced Number of College Remediation Courses 4.Increased # of Credits Taken Per Semester 5.Number of College Courses Taken & Passed 6.College GPA 7.Attainment of Post-Secondary Degree Click for the study, First Steps: An Evaluation of the Success of Connecticut Students Beyond High School.First Steps

23 We Must Work Together DISTRICT Curriculum, instruction, and assessment guidelines STUDENT LEARNING CSDE FRAMEWORKS Guide for content and instruction in Grades PK-12 CSDECMT/CAPT Assessment of selected concepts and skills in Grades 3-8 and 10

24 3 rd Generation Handbooks Are Available Online They are subject specific and include:  Changes  CAPT Standards  Test Blueprint  10 Practical Teaching Strategies  Released Items Click here for access.

25 Make Connections Across Subject Areas Reading Writing Using Evidence Analyzing Information Making Inferences Using Data Graphing Real World Problems How can teachers support these threads in each and every content area? CAPT Tasks for all disciplines include:

26 Content Area Strategies Mathematics Science Reading Writing Success is achieved through Year-Long Quality Instructional Practices* See your content area CAPT handbook for more information.CAPT handbook

27 Contacts for Questions Jennifer E. Borck Education Consultant, Literacy Mary Anne Butler Education Consultant, Science Marlene M. Lovanio Education Consultant, Mathematics

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