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Introduction to Parlay Call Control and Related Topics © 2001, Telcordia Technologies, Inc. An SAIC Company Ravi Jain and John-Luc Bakker July 23, 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "Introduction to Parlay Call Control and Related Topics © 2001, Telcordia Technologies, Inc. An SAIC Company Ravi Jain and John-Luc Bakker July 23, 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 Introduction to Parlay Call Control and Related Topics © 2001, Telcordia Technologies, Inc. An SAIC Company Ravi Jain and John-Luc Bakker July 23, 2001 {rjain, jbakker}

2 Jain/Bakker – 2 Overview  Introduction  Parlay Services and Working Groups (WG)  Parlay Call Control  Alignment of Call Control APIs: ETSI, JAIN, OSA,...  Mapping an API to a Protocol  Conclusion

3 Jain/Bakker – 3 Parlay in the network Network Security Boundary The Parlay APIs Network Elements Enterprise Domain Service Provider Domain SCP Internet Managed IP network Network Elements Mobile Network Hosted Application Server Application Server Router HLR Parlay Applications Intranet Fire wall Parlay Gateway Parlay Gateway PSTN Network Elements

4 Jain/Bakker – 4 Where Parlay Is Going  Version 3.0 Specification Release - Fall 2001  Interop Testing and Trials –EURESCOM P1110 Project –AT&T Trial Activity  Symposiums and Commercial Sponsored Events –IBC: Next Gen Service Creation, Barcelona, 26-27 June –IIR: IP-PSTN Network Convergence, Cannes, 20-21 Sept – Open Network APIs Event, San Jose, 29-30 October  General Meetings –Munich 11-13 September 2001 –Hong Kong 29-31 January 2002  Parlay 4 - Planning Has Begun; Time For You to Join

5 Jain/Bakker – 5 Parlay APIs - Technical View  Framework Interfaces : Common functions required to access network functionality in a secure, manageable manner –Authentication, Authorization, Discovery, Integrity Mgmt, Service Registration, OAM&P Functions  Service Interfaces : Packaged sets of network functionality offered in a manner abstracted from the underlying network details –Call Control –Messaging –Mobility –Presence and Availability –Content Based Charging –Policy Management

6 Jain/Bakker – 6 Parlay Working Groups  Parlay Activities Are Organized via Working Groups; These Groups Perform the Work of Specification Creation and Also Perform Other Work As Required by the Board of Directors  The Chair of Each Working Group Automatically Becomes a Member of the Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) Which Is Chaired by Julian Richards (Ulticom)  Working Groups Are Chartered by the Parlay Board of Directors, Based Upon an Agreed Task Definition, Deliverable Set, and Schedule

7 Jain/Bakker – 7 Policy Management WG  Task: Define Parlay Policy Management APIs, and to Manage Policy Domains Within the Network That Are –(1) Independent of Network Architectures, and –(2) Independent of Transport/application Protocols.  Goals –Establish a Policy Management Information Model for Parlay –Enable Use of Policy Management APIs by 3rd Party Application Providers, –Facilitate Use of Policy Management APIs Within the Network  Co-Chair: Shehryar Qutub (Lucent Technologies)  Co-Chair: Peter Heitman (Cisco Systems)

8 Jain/Bakker – 8 Content Based Charging WG  Task: Define an API that fits diverse application types: –Games, Web Applications, WAP Applications/Gateways, Telephony.  Goals: –Employ the charging, rating and billing capabilities of telecommunications networks to charge subscribers –Enable independent service vendors and Application Service Providers to create applications that support accounting and charging in a simple, affordable way that helps  Mask Payment Policy (pre-paid/post-paid)  Mask Payment Type (Credit Card, Cash, Bank Withdrawal)  Avoids the need to establish and maintain their own subscriber database and billing processing facilities  Chair: Jorg Oppat (Siemens AG)

9 Jain/Bakker – 9 Presence and Availability Mgmt WG  Task: Define Parlay Presence and Availability Management APIs in Order to –Export and to Manage Presence Information in the Network and –Policy or Preference Based Availability of Users.  Goal: To Be Independent of Network Architectures and Independent of Transport/application Protocols.  Coordinating With the PAM Forum ( to Promote a Single and Consistent Standard  Chair: Guda Venkatesh (Teltier, Inc.)

10 Jain/Bakker – 10 Proposed Java API WG  Objective –Document rules that define how Java APIs are realised from Parlay UML –These Java APIs will be:  The standard Java API realisation of the Parlay APIs  Independent of Distribution Mechanism Technology  Independent of Network Architectures  Independent of Transport/Application Protocols  Known as the JAIN TM Service Provider APIs (SPA)  Engineered to exploit other JAIN APIs  Contact: –Gary Bruce, Sun

11 Jain/Bakker – 11 Call Control WG  Task: Define Parlay Call Control APIs to enable services –For real-time multimedia (audio, video, and/or data) applications –Independent of platforms and networks –Include aspects of Mobility and Generic User Interaction –Capture enhancements on Terminal Capabilities and Data Session Control  Chair: Richard Stretch (BT)

12 Jain/Bakker – 12 Parlay Call Control Packages (1 of 5) GCCS CCCS MMCCS MPCCS Top CCS = Call Control Service GCCS = Generic CCS MPCCS = Multi-Party CCS MMCCS = Multimedia CCS CCCS = Conferencing CCS

13 Jain/Bakker – 13 Traditionally developed for two party calls Functionally Simple Applications Number Translation Application initiated Call Barring Parlay Call Control Packages (2 of 5)

14 Jain/Bakker – 14 Traditionally for two or more legs to a call Enhanced Application capability Leg/Connection specific events Parlay Call Control Packages (3 of 5)

15 Jain/Bakker – 15 Enhances the multi-party functionality with multi media capabilities Media channel control capabilities enables - provides a means whereby the app knows when a media channel is created can reject or allow the set up permits a certain time period for the media channel Parlay Call Control Packages (4 of 5)

16 Jain/Bakker – 16 This really stands for itself: Used in conjunction with Multi-party and multi-media Interfaces reserve resources i.e.bridge create conference calls create and manage sub-conferences Allow parties to join and leave conference Split existing conference and move legs select chairs send video stream to one leg Parlay Call Control Packages (5 of 5)

17 Jain/Bakker – 17 API Standards Cooperation  There Is Ongoing Cooperation between Multiple Groups Involved With API Standards  Together, We Are Creating a Global Set of Common API Standards –Parlay –JAIN –3GPP CN WG5 –ETSI Span 3, 12 –ITU-T –IETF Policy Management –PAM Forum

18 Jain/Bakker – 18 Call Control alignment process Joint work on parts 1-12 of ETSI ES 120070 & Doc. 120075 ETSI SPAN 12 3GPP OSA JAIN JCC/SPA Parlay APIs 120070 = API for Open Service Access 120075 = API Mapping for Open Service Access

19 Jain/Bakker – 19 Parlay/3GPP/ETSI/JAIN call control timeline JCC 1.1JCC 1.0 JAIN JCC/JCAT Version 2Version 1 ETSI, SPAN 12 Parlay 3.1Parlay 3.0 Parlay, APIs Release 5Release 4, v. 4.0.0 ‡ Release 4, v. 1.0.0 † 3GPP, OSA July 01May 01Mar 01Jan 01 † The specification is not under change control: version 1.0.x. Release 4 contains GCCS and MPCCS. ‡ The specification is under “change control”: version 4.0.0. In Sep/Oct 3GPP plenary will likely approve final version 4.0.x Rel. 4, v. 4.0.x ~Oct 01~Mar 02 JCAT

20 Jain/Bakker – 20 The mother of all …  SPAN 12 public accessible document server: org/span/Open/Span12/index.html org/span/Open/Span12/index.html  120070 (latest normative UML & OMG IDL of APIs) org/span/Open/Span12/Drafts/ org/span/Open/Span12/Drafts/  120075 (latest descriptive mapping documents) org/span/Open/Span12/Mapping/ org/span/Open/Span12/Mapping/

21 Jain/Bakker – 21 JAIN “Religious Diagram” PSTN Broadband IP Satellit e Wireless

22 Jain/Bakker – 22 JAIN organization = Led by Telcordia = Telcordia participation INAP (Mahindara BT) JAIN Program Management (Sun) MGCP (Telcordia) Protocol expert group TCAP (AePONA) ISUP (AePONA) MAP (Ericsson) SIP (Dynamicsoft) OA&M (Sun/AePONA) H.323 (Radvision) Service Logic Execution (Motorola) Service Creation (Telcordia / TBD) Policy Managment (Lucent/Cisco) Applications expert group Java Call Control (JCC/JCAT) (Telcordia) Service Provider API (SPA) (Sun / BT) JAIN Executive Committee (Multiple companies)

23 Jain/Bakker – 23 JAIN APIs timeline TCAP OAM SIP MGCP MAP INAP SCE ISUP Q3Q4Q1 Q2+ 20002001 Protocol APIs Application APIs SLEE MegacoH.323 SPA Mobility SPA (Parlay) JCC Remaining SPA = Led by Telcordia = Telcordia participation

24 Jain/Bakker – 24 Fun Facts About JCC  JCC 1.0 Reference Implementation (RI) and Test Compatibility Kit (TCK) are available for free download at Telcordia site:  JCC 1.0 API (First Public Release) available at SUN site  JCC implementation discussion list:  Telcordia AR Mini Call Agent prototype passes the TCK JCC is a simplified version of Parlay’s MPCCS. JCC aligns with JTAPI and Parlay MPCCS. JCC is protocol agnostic. JCC is out there and available!

25 Jain/Bakker – 25 JAIN/OSA/Parlay/ETSI Span 12/SPIRITS Parlay WG, ETSI SPAN 12  CC: Call Control  SIP: SIP Servlet  Protocols like MGCP,SIP, INAP, ISUP, H.323  GUI: Generic User Interaction  SLEE: Service Logic Execution Environment  SCE: Service Creation Environment 3GPP OSA JAIN Supplementary ServicesSPIRITS SIPlets, SLEE, Protocols, SCE Call Control Mobility 1 st Party CC Framework, GUI TC, DSC AM, C Generic Messaging, Connectivity Mgr  TC: Terminal Cap.  DCS: Data Session Control  AM: Account Mgmt  C: Charging

26 Jain/Bakker – 26 Mapping a Call Control API to a Signaling Protocol Other SIP Client/Proxy JCC Implementation Network Adapter SIP User Agent/ Proxy Application JCC API IP Network

27 Jain/Bakker – 27 “Canonical” SIP call setup User Agent A SIP- enabled network User Agent B SIP Registrar 1. Register 2a. Invite(B, codecs) 3. Trying 4b. Ringing 5b. OK(codec) 6a. ACK 2b. Invite(B, codecs) 4a. Ringing 5a. OK(codec) 6b. ACK

28 Jain/Bakker – 28 createCall() routeCall(B,A,-,-) new() INVITE(B,A) TRYING RINGING ACK ApplicationProviderCon-ACon-BCall SIP Party B SIP Party A Idle Call Delivery Alerting OK Connected Active Idle

29 Jain/Bakker – 29 Conclusions  Open APIs are here!  Call Control APIs and network signaling protocols like SIP are complementary, not competing “The JAIN and Parlay sets of APIs are among the first to emerge that hold the promise of this simplified, collaborative development environment. … While these initiatives compete with each other in some respects, they are also complementary, with each API incorporating elements of the others. Most emerging vendors will support at least JAIN and Parlay …” - Yankee Group, 9/2000

30 Jain/Bakker – 30 Acronym List AIN - Advanced Intelligent Network APIs - Application Programming Interfaces CAP - CAMEL Application Part CORBA - Common Object Request Broker Architecture CS - Capability Set ETSI - European Telecommunications Standards Institute IDE - Integrated Development Environment IDL - Interface Definition Language IIOP - Internet Inter-ORB Protocol INAP - Intelligent Network Application Protocol IT - Information Technology JAIN TM - Java APIs for Integrated Networks JCAT - Java Coordination and Transactions JCC - Java Call Control JSLEE - Java Service Logic Execution Environment MAP - Mobile Application Part MGCP - Media Gateway Control Protocol ORB - Object Request Broker OSA - Open Services Architecture OSS - Operations Support Systems PAM - Presence and Availability Management SCE - Service Creation Environment SIP - Session Initiation Protocol TCP/IP - Transaction Control Protocol/Internet Protocol WIN - Wireless Intelligent Network UML - Universal Machine Language XML - eXtensible Markup Language 3GPP - 3G Partnership Program

31 Jain/Bakker – 31 Background Slides

32 Jain/Bakker – 32 What’s in OSA Release 4?  29.198 is captured in ETSI document 120070  Parts 4, 11, 12 will go under change control in mid. 2001  Parts 9 and 10 are not part of release 4  This diagram does not show the mapping parts, to be found in 29.998, ETSI document 120075 (see next viewgraph) 29.198-400 (N5): OSA API Part 1: Overview Part 2: Common Data Definitions Part 3: Framework Part 4: Call Control SCF Part 5: User Interaction SCF Part 6: Mobility SCF Part 7: Terminal Capabilities SCF Part 8: Data Session Control SCF Part 9: Generic Messaging SCF Part 10: Connectivity Manager SCF Part 11: Charging SCF Part 12: Accounting SCF

33 Jain/Bakker – 33 What’s in Release 4? (cont’d) 29.998-400 (N5): OSA Mapping Part 1: General issues on API mapping Part 2: n.a. (common data has no mapping) Part 3: n.a. (framework has no mapping) Part 4: Call Control Service Mapping; Subpart 1: generic call control CAP Mapping Subpart 2: generic call control INAP (not in r4) Subpart 3: multiparty call control INAP (not in r4) Subpart 4: multiparty call control SIP (not in r4) Subpart 5: multimedia call control extensions mapping to SIP (not in r4)

34 Jain/Bakker – 34 What’s in Release 4? (cont’d) 29.998-400 (N5): OSA Mapping Part 5: User Interaction Service Mapping Subpart 1: user interaction CAP Mapping Subpart 2: user interaction INAP (not in r4) Subpart 3: user interaction Megaco (not in r4) Subpart 4: user interaction SMS Mapping Part 6: User Location – User Status Service Mapping to MAP Part 7: Terminal Capabilities mapping – n.a. Part 8: Data Session Control Service Mapping to CAP Part 9: Messaging mapping – n.a. Part 10: Connectivity Management mapping – n.a. Part 11: Account Management – n.a. Part 12: Charging – n.a.

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