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SURA NMI Utility Grid: Sharing Resources, Sharing Results SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop: Grid Application Planning & Implementation January 5-7, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "SURA NMI Utility Grid: Sharing Resources, Sharing Results SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop: Grid Application Planning & Implementation January 5-7, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 SURA NMI Utility Grid: Sharing Resources, Sharing Results SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop: Grid Application Planning & Implementation January 5-7, 2005 Art Vandenberg Director, Advanced Campus Services Georgia State University Southeastern Universities Research Association

2 2 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 The NMI Integration Testbed Managed by SURA under NSF ANI-0123937 Testbed Sites evaluate NMI components Real life research and enterprise contexts NMI Participation DEVELOPERS SUPPORTERS CONTRIBUTORS ? future expansion UAB UAH UFL FSU GSU UMich TACC UVA Sites NMI Integration Testbed (USC) REU Students Testbed Grid USERS Implementers Target Communities NMI Integration Testbed

3 Southeastern Universities Research Association 3 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 SURA NMI Testbed Grid Initiated as a sub-project in September 2003 Captured dispersed activity into meaningful deliverables Integrate NMI grid components into the enterprise Leverage the NMI Testbed experience Identified leads for key areas: Georgia State University – “Grid-building” (identifying participants, resources) – application development (cataloging, exploration) University of Virginia – Scaling the Grid – Technology & policies for cross-certification – Secure inter-institutional access

4 Southeastern Universities Research Association 4 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 SURA NMI Testbed GRID: vision & action Vision – build a model of future grid Address interoperation - Bridge CA Persistent, available resources Applications run transparently Policy is one of cooperative computing SURA NMI Testbed Grid Continuing NMI Integration Testbed work Persistent resources for research and education Research, learning, outreach

5 Southeastern Universities Research Association 5 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 What we’ll review… Catalog of Grid Applications: data SURA NMI Testbed GRID: participants & resources Applications: value proposition / outreach Portals: eye of the beholder Authentication: BridgeCA Policy: boundary conditions Current status

6 Southeastern Universities Research Association 6 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 Catalog of Grid Applications: data Information is a resource – researchers, grids, applications (existing & potential) – 20 Universities, 475 researchers as of Oct 28, 2004…

7 Southeastern Universities Research Association 7 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 Query: computational fluid dynamics Search by name, institution, keywords

8 Southeastern Universities Research Association 8 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 Possible collaboration, information exchange Computational fluid dynamics + parallel computing

9 Southeastern Universities Research Association 9 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 Grid Catalog: Coming up Online submission of information Additional search function: clustering around target info Information on resources

10 Southeastern Universities Research Association 10 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 SURA NMI Testbed GRID: participants… GSU UAH UAB UMICH UVA USC TACC LSU GPN GaTech SC DUKE GMU Tulane UARK TTU

11 Southeastern Universities Research Association 11 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005

12 Southeastern Universities Research Association 12 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 Applications: multiple genome alignment Computation time of multiple sequence alignment program - varying number of elements per processor in different configurations - using 9 processors in each config (cluster, grid cluster, multi-grid cluster) NOTE improvement using MPICH-G2 across multiple clusters (research follow up…?) Multiple Genome Alignment Grid-enabled algorithm Nova Ahmed, Masters CS (Ph.D. student as of Jan 2005); Dr. Yi Pan, Computer Science UAB Clusters and collaboration

13 Southeastern Universities Research Association 13 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 Task Farming & Cross Certification LSU: Center for Computation & Technology Supercomputing 2004 –demonstration Explore parameter space for black hole simulation Task farming Submit tasks to grid Tasks run on various available nodes Tasks can be transitioned to another node “if needed” Cross certification at SURA NMI Testbed Grid BridgeCA Enables transparent authentication

14 Southeastern Universities Research Association 14 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 Information Technology & Systems Center Global Hydrology Resource Center Interactive data search by product, instrument, platform, and date Multiple views of data, e.g. search, ftp or calendars Automated order packaging for FTP delivery Direct FTP access to online data sets Subsetting capability Shopping cart style order creation DODS/OPeNDAP data access DISCOVER - Distributed Information Services for Climate and Ocean Products and Visualizations for Earth Research

15 Southeastern Universities Research Association 15 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 Dr. Xiaochun He, Georgia State, Physics – research, outreach... Muon-detector Grid – Georgia high schools, middle schools Georgia State Cosmic Ray Lab

16 Southeastern Universities Research Association 16 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 Dr. Amy Apon – Grid Education International Workshop on Grid Education –Grid.Edu 2004 (April 2004) NSF CCLI: Adaptation of GT3 Tutorials for undergrad CS –Collaborative with Jens Mache, Lewis & Clark College – Member TCSC subcommittee on grid computing education Great Plains Network Consortium, Extending the Reach Project Goal: region-wide collaboration Goal: middleware infrastructure to share resources Deployment of Shibboleth (model for Grid AuthN/AuthZ?) Grid resources for graduate education University of Arkansas

17 Southeastern Universities Research Association 17 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 University of Alabama – BLAST Texas Tech – math and statistics, approximation theory George Mason University – geospatial data services Texas Advanced Computing Center – computational fluid dynamics Tulane – computational fluid dynamics UMich – ATLAS, G4Sims Georgia State – particle simulation Georgia Tech – network end-to-end performance And more application potentials…

18 Southeastern Universities Research Association 18 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 Portals: eye of the beholder OGCE –

19 Southeastern Universities Research Association 19 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 UTGrid:

20 Southeastern Universities Research Association 20 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 Mgrid:

21 Southeastern Universities Research Association 21 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 U. Alabama at Birmingham:

22 Southeastern Universities Research Association 22 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 Georgia State: http://acsgridhead.gsu.edu

23 Southeastern Universities Research Association 23 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 U. of Southern California:

24 Southeastern Universities Research Association 24 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 Portal considerations… Common portal for SURA NMI Testbed Grid or Portal of Portals Integration with Authentication “Just give me a command line!” Identity for SURA NMI Testbed Grid Our policy Our members Our resources Our applications

25 Southeastern Universities Research Association 25 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 Typical Hierarchical PKI Typical Bridge PKI Authentication: Bridge CA

26 Southeastern Universities Research Association 26 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 AuthN: BridgeCA it works! Jim Jokl, UVA, supports BridgeCA LSU Center for Computation & Technology – Task farming demo Supercomputing 2004 Tasks submitted to various grid-enabled clusters LSU submitted to UVA cluster with cross-certification LSU credential accepted by UVA cluster via BridgeCA Current Status cross-certification with BridgeCA: UVA, UAB, LSU (completed) TACC, USC are nearly done UAH, UARK, GSU, UMICH next phase Next: automatic provisioning of Globus Grid Mapfile

27 Southeastern Universities Research Association 27 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 AuthN: additional links SURA NMI Testbed cross certification process PKI-Lite policy, practices, profiles CA Software (Options for Enterprise CA) SURA “Thinking Group” report: SURA Certificate Authority Jan. 26 – Mar 29, 2004 See Appendix A at:

28 Southeastern Universities Research Association 28 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 Policy: from Formal… Policies vary around the Testbed Formal policy – USC ( “The use of rcf-01 and hpc is controlled by the HPCC Allocations Committee, under the authority of the HPCC Steering Committee. You must fill out an application and submit it to the Allocation Committee to obtain permission to use these facilities. HPCC Allocation Policy HPCC Allocation Request Forms” See also Formal policy – Grid3 ( Project specific (ATLAS, LIGO, iVDGL…) General Grid3 user registration (1 page guide)

29 Southeastern Universities Research Association 29 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 Policy: … In-process, informal, none… In-Process Policy – UAB “UABGrid is currently available to members of the UAB community and we are working on extending its availability across partner institutions and beyond.” No Grid specific policy – default user account policies No formal policy, but may have consequences:

30 Southeastern Universities Research Association 30 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 Policy: evolving model… What is SURA NMI Testbed Site policy? Observation on Policy for Grid based resources Must address assumption of local use only Absent Grid policy, default to “computer usage” policy Cross-boundary use of local credentials not norm Social factors (Sharing resources – Yours? vs. Mine?) Current SURA NMI Testbed Model Contribute some, use some Cross certify via BridgeCA Allow over-subscribing and then address how to handle Cooperative Computing – self-organizing/regulating? Demonstrate value…

31 Southeastern Universities Research Association 31 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 Post-NMI Integration Testbed Award SURA “Grid Think” Working Groups (Jan 2003) Authentication/CA recommendations Grid application analysis Workshop planning (Like this event!) NMI Submission for “Utility Grid” (May 2004) Grids for broad, shared use across institutions (not just “big science”) Focus on education, research, outreach No award, but important development of concepts Foundational resource for SURA HPC-Grid Planning Group

32 Southeastern Universities Research Association 32 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 Dedicated cluster Persistence is important Number of nodes: whatever you can manage Linux Globus Compiler Cross certification with BridgeCA preferred (other options ok) list Biweekly conference calls Minutes: Join US SURA Testbed Grid: Basic approach…

33 Southeastern Universities Research Association 33 SURA Cyberinfrastructure Workshop January 5-7, 2005 Q&A? Art Vandenberg Director, Advanced Campus Services Georgia State University

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