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Using Overlay Networks for Proximity-based Discovery Steven Czerwinski Anthony Joseph Sahara Winter Retreat January 13, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Overlay Networks for Proximity-based Discovery Steven Czerwinski Anthony Joseph Sahara Winter Retreat January 13, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Overlay Networks for Proximity-based Discovery Steven Czerwinski Anthony Joseph Sahara Winter Retreat January 13, 2004

2 This Talk Goals –Build a decentralized, self-organizing discovery service –Describe how P2P overlay networks are leveraged –Compare against traditional approaches Investigating using infrastructure resources to augment client / server architectures –REAP and MINNO showed code & data migration helps –Need a way to find infrastructure resources Outline –Background on proximity-based discovery –Compass architecture –Experimental results

3 Proximity-based Discovery Locate a nearby service instance, according to a specified proximity metric Service definition –Provide specific functionality or content Data storage servers, computation servers –Uniquely defined by a name –Instances are inter-changeable Web2Cell Proxy Instances I’m in Tahoe, Locate a nearby Web2Cell Proxy

4 Motivation Applications requiring discovery Benefits of using overlay networks –Does not rely on manual configuration or multicast –No need for special discovery servers –Better scalability and fault tolerance Application AreaDiscovery targetPublication App-Level MulticastNode participating in sessionZhuang [2001] Data StagingNodes available for push-based cachingFlinn [2003] Object ReplicationInstance of content objectRhea [2003] P2P networksNodes to acts as gateways for joiningCastro [2002] Protocol optimizersNodes to run mobile proceduresCzerwinski [2001] Server selectionNodes hosting a particular content setHanna [2001]

5 Overlays Applied to Discovery Recast problem as object location & leverage DOLRs –Servers = objects, Instances = object replicas Nodes hosting service instances… –Compute key by hashing service name –Publish: store instance information along the path to root Clients making queries –Compute key by hashing service name –Query: search on path to root, returning first instance Proximity-based discovery arises from local convergence property –Paths to same root starting from nearby nodes quickly converge –Overlay must use PNS (Proximity Neighbor Selection)

6 Example Publish and Query Identifier Space Network Distance Space a45 891 6f3 6b2 6ad 6a3 Query Publish 6f3 6b2 6ad 6a3 Publish and query for service with key 6a0 Routes converge at node 6ad a45 891 Publish Query Found it!

7 Compass Architecture Built on Bamboo –Proximity metric is estimated RTT Publish messages are periodic for soft-state Tracks fixed number of instances per service –Memory consumption depends on number of unique services –Lottery used for eviction –Tickets based on estimated network distance Publish messages are aggregated / batched –One message per publish period per service To break ties when fulfilling queries –Lottery used for selecting among multiple instance entries –Tickets based on inverse estimated network distance

8 Strawmen Discovery Services Hierarchical –One discovery server per stub domain –All queries and publishes route to nearest server –Server returns matching instances in round-robin –Unfulfilled queries routed to next nearest server –Close to ideal, but requires configuration Random –Client uniformly chooses an instance from all possible –Close to worst-case AS Stub A AS Stub B AS Stub C Discovery Server Service Instance Clients Publish Instance Query

9 Experiments Used Modelnet to emulate wide-area topology –Transit-stub topology generated by INET Nodes –500 clients and 500 instance generators –100 services, divided into 4 density classes (.1,.5,1,5 per AS stub) –Emulated on cluster with 40 physical hosts Trials –30 minute warm-up period followed by 1 hour of queries –Gateways are chosen in stub to speed warm-up Client load generators –Clients issue two queries per minute –Queries generated randomly Metric: Instance penalty –Distance from client to discovered instance minus client to hierarchical’s instance

10 Accuracy Compared to Hierarchical Usually within 10 ms of ideal Service density class Median instance penalty (ms) All5 per Stub1 per Stub.5 per Stub.1 per Stub

11 Accuracy Compared to Random Much better than random, even for low densities Median instance penalty (ms) Service density class All 5 per Stub1 per Stub.5 per Stub.1 per Stub

12 Why Some Results are Suboptimal Greatest problem is paths converge too late Examine path traveled by query Categorize by its intersection with stub containing optimal instance Percentage with suboptimal type Never EnteredStarted InPassed ThroughEnded InStayed In

13 Load Balancing Across Instances Requests are distributed to service instances evenly CDF Ideal load minus observed per minute per instance -5 0 5 10 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 Window = All Window = 10 min Window = 2 min

14 Query Scalability Compass can use much less powerful hosts Query messages handled per node per min Total queries issued per min

15 Conclusions Overlay networks work well for discovery –Median latency usually less than 10 ms from ideal –Load is distributed evenly among service instances –Reduces query load by 1/200th –No need for manual configuration Future work –Investigate larger network topology –Incorporate virtual coordinates –Integrate into REAP and MINNO research

16 Backup Slides

17 What About Security? Security still unresolved in overlay networks Malicious nodes could –Drop all queries and publish messages –Mount DoS by constantly returning target as answer to queries –Publish false instances to lure clients Duplicate pointers would dropping messages Integrating PKI would prevent false instances

18 Compared to Hierarchical

19 Compared to Random

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