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New Tools, New Workflows Melissa Belvadi University of Prince Edward Island APLA 2009 Conference.

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Presentation on theme: "New Tools, New Workflows Melissa Belvadi University of Prince Edward Island APLA 2009 Conference."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Tools, New Workflows Melissa Belvadi University of Prince Edward Island APLA 2009 Conference

2 Background Pre-summer 2008 – SIRSI, ASIN resolver, SerialsSolutions, Relais direct, generic web server Now – Evergreen, CUFTS/Godot, Relais linked to Godot, Drupal based web server

3 Modules Serials Acquisitions ILL – Borrowing Original Cataloguing Reserves

4 Serials Evergreen – no module, no holdings Print and electronic united – Print down to 400 titles, elec over 35,000 CUFTS/Godot

5 CUFTS – public view

6 Godot – Public View

7 CUFTS – Staff Editor


9 Serials Prediction? Claiming? MFHD? ILL Lending? Did we leave anything in the catalogue?

10 PEI Print Serials in EG

11 Non-article serials in EG

12 Government E-Serials

13 Acquisitions Doing without an ILS module Excel = Programming Environment

14 Acq Workflow Collection materials only No purchase orders Almost all payments by credit card Record created in catalogue at order time

15 Acq – Using Excel (2008)

16 Acq – Serials (2008)

17 Acq – 2009 Changes

18 Acq - Staff Staff much happier than under Sirsi module

19 ILL Borrowing

20 ILL - Borrowing

21 ILL – Borrowing

22 Original Cataloguing PEI materials – special collection No full time cataloguer Very experienced copy cataloguer Proposal to divide by liaison subjects All librarians do reference, instruction, coll dev, why not cataloguing?

23 Original Cataloguing Subject librarians to assign call number, subject headings only Special collections librarian checks over work done by copy cataloguer Use Project Management software to manage workflow of each item – Redmine open source software – Intended originally for systems office projects

24 Original Cataloguing Regulates flow of book process among staff: – Starts with Spec Coll librarian – book = “issue” – Spec Coll librarian assigns to subject librarian – Subject librarian adds info, assigns to copy-cat – Copy cat puts info into actual catalogue record – Emails notify assignees at each stage – Wiki used to provide links to useful tools

25 Original Cataloguing Process

26 List of Items (Issues)

27 Sample Issue (Book)

28 Final record – public view

29 Wiki – Librarian Tools Page

30 Reserves Integrate e-reserves and print Circ system for print checkout – brief cat recs Evergreen “bookbags” for print Drupal – library web site – Upload PDFs directly into Drupal – Proxy server to protect ©

31 Reserves – Patron View

32 Reserves – Patron View 2

33 Reserves – Patron View 3

34 Reserves – Patron View 4

35 Reserves – Patron View 5

36 Reserves – Patron View 6

37 Reserves – Staff - Print Add brief record to catalogue Add record to bookbag for the course

38 Reserves - Bookbags

39 Reserves – Create New Bookbag Search for record – add to bookbag:

40 Reserves – Add Bookbag to Web Page Create course page in web site Edit rest of page normally to provide e-reserve citations, links, etc. Include link to bookbag

41 Reserves - Removing Removing courses Removing items Leverage drupal, catalogue features for easy adds, edits, removals

42 Reserves – Big Changes Ahead New Evergreen module expected later this summer Maybe a new fedora/drupal model also possible

43 Future? Evergreen 2.0 Serials and Acq modules – will we bother? ILL Borrowing – Patron authentication, CUFTS holdings to Relais Original cataloguing – authority in EG, librarian buy-in, other options Reserves/e-reserves

44 Conclusions Vendor solutions vs. Home grown Always changing, learning, improving – New staff bring new skills – New tools – New needs – New priorities for staff workload – tradeoffs implicit in “old ways” reconsidered

45 Questions?

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