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Blended Technologies in a Blended Learning Environment: The Case for E-Learning 2.0 and SCORM 2.0.

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Presentation on theme: "Blended Technologies in a Blended Learning Environment: The Case for E-Learning 2.0 and SCORM 2.0."— Presentation transcript:

1 Blended Technologies in a Blended Learning Environment: The Case for E-Learning 2.0 and SCORM 2.0

2 Web 2.0 Not a technology in itself, but, in fact, a step in the evolution of the web. Web 2.0 does not represent a new version of the web, but simply new concepts and technologies that add an additional layer of user interaction.

3 Web 2.0 Technologies JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) XML (eXtensible Markup Language) AJAX (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML) service-oriented architectures and SOAP metadata and tagging RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feeds.

4 Web 2.0 and Army AKO Miliblogs

5 E-Learning 2.0 An evolution in the way we produce and disseminate knowledge, aims to use these same Web 2.0 technologies in a more formal way to produce a desired learning result and achieve any number of learning objectives.

6 E-Learning 2.0 Blogs Wikis Social learning Podcasts Virtual worlds (Second Life) Other synchronous and asynchronous technologies

7 Second Life Second Life (SL) is a virtual world that enables the users, called residents, to interact with each other. Some activities on Second Life include: participation in individual and group activities, trading/purchasing virtual items, attending virtual meetings, and traveling around the world or grid (

8 SCORM (1) enable instructors to manage learning content or content objects via the Learning Management System (LMS), (2) evaluate the learner based on criteria that could be measures with multiple choice, matching, ordering, and true/false questions, (3) enable the delivery of learning content over the Internet, and (4) enable that content to interoperate seamlessly between different LMS systems.

9 SCORM 2.0 SCORM 2.0 Project Currently in development “CORE SCORM” Service-oriented architecture

10 SCORM 2.0

11 Blending Technologies

12 Classroom Use Cases Formal vs Informal learner assessment Wikis for knowledge management Blogs for peer content review

13 Online Content Repositories

14 Questions Brian Caudill JCA Solutions 321-765-4947

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