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The War for Talent Somewhere out there is the world’s worst employee. Are you looking at his resume? Do you have an interview with him this afternoon?

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Presentation on theme: "The War for Talent Somewhere out there is the world’s worst employee. Are you looking at his resume? Do you have an interview with him this afternoon?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The War for Talent Somewhere out there is the world’s worst employee. Are you looking at his resume? Do you have an interview with him this afternoon? Or does she already work for you? Jim Godwin Virginia Society for Healthcare Human Resources Administration

2 Employers have a choice - either spend money on Employees or on Turnover WOW them –Make work something they will call their best friend about Surround them with good people Define their purpose & its importance every day Listen & Understand their needs and strengths

3 Raise Expectations for Employees Give them a strategy and get out of the way Being Self directed is a way of life Listen to their input Referral bonus - ask them to recommend high quality staff Build on their strengths, work around their weaknesses

4 Do the Research/Know the Stats Gather information about cost of turnover for your area of responsibility Gather information about cost-per-hire Benchmark with your labor competitors Survey top performers: –What are they doing? –What attributes do they have? –Why does what they’re doing work? Quantify your training costs, retraining costs, lost opportunity cost.

5 What HR Tools give you the highest ROI? 1. Retention 2. Recruiting 3. Pay at Risk 4. Metrics 5. Communication 6. Employee Performance Management 7. Technology 8. Benefits 9. Legal 10. General Training

6 Keep the Good… …get Rid of the Bad How are the Bulls doing without Michael? Goal should be high turnover of bottom 3rd - get rid of them do not spend money trying to get them to the top - They DO NOT have what it takes. Concentrate efforts first on high performers then on the middle group. My Employees Great GoodPoor

7 The 12 Goals of Retention Efforts 1. Get them to be more productive using their strengths 2. Prevent High Performers from Picking up the Phone 3. Get them to stay 4. Get them to stay longer 5. Accurately predict their leaving 6. Get them to leave during a “slow” period 7. Minimize the impact of them leaving (backfill) 8. Get them to be a happy ALUMNI 9. Get them to return if high performer-Boomerang Recruiting 10. Increase the turnover for Low Performers 11. Managers and employees must own retention - HR cannot do it

8 What Do Employees think VS Managers? #1 Last Place

9 Why Do People Leave? Why Do People Look? Leave the Manager not Employer Identify & remove sources of frustration Search the Web for résumés Ask employees what will make them stay Ask your Recruiters who they see at job fairs Ask who is likely to follow

10 This is Manager's Job - Big 6 Honest Frequent Two Way Communication Challenging Exciting Work Opportunities to Grow and Learn Knowing my work makes a difference Being Recognized and Rewarded for my performance Some degree of control over my job A Better Job is made by your manager

11 Fast/Free Retention tools Re-Recruit top performers Shared Responsibility Fire a bad one get a reward Metrics – Gather, Distribute, Post, Study Backfill/Bench Strength (look at professional sports) Involve the family Boomerangs Please warn me/Please stay Pre-exit interview - why do you stay? New hire orientation - make them call a friend - exciting Form - why did you leave last company? What would make you ecstatic at work? On-boarding

12 Fast/Free Retention Tools When leadership “ walks around” have them prepared with information about the employees Post-exit interviews - re-recruit Identify Bad Managers- get rid of them Group retention bonus Steal competitors’ best recruiters Project completion bonus Lose a performer - pay a fee Stay at work benefits Competitive intelligence on “what is their best offer” - compare offer letters/create comparison sheets Find out when competitor is down and go for their best people

13 Gathering Intelligence When a new person is hired ask them about the best people they worked with at their last job Keep a retention data file on every employee. Interests, hobbies, best boss responses, work friends, strengths, areas to work around, etc. Pay attention to workforce inter-relationships, good and bad Seek out high performers in low performing departments and agencies Identify important milestones and use to improve morale –Graduations, weddings, starting school, anniversaries, awards If you’re not a natural morale booster, identify a “morale officer” to run these programs. Develop good news spy networks


15 Hiring for Cultural Fit Matching Job Temperament with Candidate Temperament Matching applicant profile to best employee profile Designing selection techniques to get at these factors What do I have, what do I need?

16 Focus Your Efforts On… Worst 1/3 Best 1/3 Middle 1/3 Having fewer of these Having and keeping more of these Building the strengths of these

17 …so your staff looks like… Worst Best Middle Having few of these Having ALOT of these Maximizing the contributions of these

18 CURRENT HOT LEGAL ISSUES Defamation Broadcast False Malice Harm Prevention Personal Liability Coverage Knowing when to clam up

19 Wrongful Discharge Whistleblower protection Public Policy Violation Personal Liability Scope of Your Responsibility Importance of Documentation Importance of following policy Importance of consistency

20 Jim Godwin Virginia Society for Healthcare Human Resources Administration

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