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THE SMITH INSTITUTE for industrial mathematics and system engineering Robert Leese Director.

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Presentation on theme: "THE SMITH INSTITUTE for industrial mathematics and system engineering Robert Leese Director."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE SMITH INSTITUTE for industrial mathematics and system engineering Robert Leese Director

2 Smith Institute overview  We use mathematical modelling and analysis to accelerate business innovation.  We bring fresh ideas to (difficult) problems in design, operations and strategy across a full range of business sectors.  We exploit opportunities to transfer ideas that have established application in other domains.

3 The unparalleled versatility of mathematics

4 How we work  Our Technology Translators provide a flexible point of contact, where we match business requirements with mathematical know-how and turn results into exploitable actions.  The Institute combines its in-house expertise with the cutting-edge ideas and experience of the UK’s leading university research groups.  We manage the Knowledge Transfer Network for Industrial Mathematics, which is a key component of the government’s Technology Strategy.  We use individual problems and projects as seeds to build the network of relationships that will underpin innovation in the longer term.

5 Contacts  Here this evening: David Allwright, Vera Hazelwood, Robert Leese, Heather Tewkesbury  Electronically {david,vera,robert,heather},  Post Surrey Technology Centre, Guildford GU2 7YG

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