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AMS TIM, CERN Jul 23, 2004 AMS Computing and Ground Centers Alexei Klimentov —
2 Alexei Klimentov. AMS TIM @ CERN. July 2004. AMS Computing and Ground Data Centers AMS-02 Ground Centers –AMS centers at JSC –Ground data transfer –Science Operation Center prototype »Hardware and Software evaluation »Implementation plan AMS/CERN computing and manpower issues MC Production Status –AMS-02 MC (2004A) –Open questions : »plans for Y2005 » AMS-01 MC
3 Alexei Klimentov. AMS TIM @ CERN. July 2004. AMS-02 Ground Support Systems Payload Operations Control Center (POCC) at CERN (first 2-3 months in Houston) CERN Bldg.892 wing A “control room”, usual source of commands receives Health & Status (H&S), monitoring and science data in real-time receives NASA video voice communication with NASA flight operations Backup Control Station at JSC (TBD) Monitor Station in MIT “backup” of “control room” receives Health & Status (H&S) and monitoring data in real-time voice communication with NASA flight operations Science Operations Center (SOC) at CERN (first 2-3 months in Houston) CERN Bldg.892 wing A receives the complete copy of ALL data data processing and science analysis data archiving and distribution to Universities and Laboratories Ground Support Computers (GSC) at Marshall Space Flight Center receives data from NASA -> buffer -> retransmit to Science Center Regional Centers Madrid, MIT, Yale, Bologna, Milan, Aachen, Karlsruhe, Lyon, Taipei, Nanjing, Shanghai,… analysis facilities to support geographically close Universities
4 Alexei Klimentov. AMS TIM @ CERN. July 2004. AMS facilities NASA facilities
5 Alexei Klimentov. AMS TIM @ CERN. July 2004.
6 AMS Ground Centers at JSC Requirements to AMS Ground Systems at JSC Define AMS GS HW and SW components Computing facilities –“ACOP” flight –AMS pre-flight –AMS flight –“after 3 months” Data storage Data transmission Discussed with NASA in Feb 2004
7 Alexei Klimentov. AMS TIM @ CERN. July 2004. AMS-02 Computing facilities at JSC CenterLocationFunction(s)ComputersQty POCC Bldg.30, Rm 212Commanding Telemetry Monitoring On-line processing Pentium MS Win Pentium Linux 19” Monitors Networking switches Terminal Console MCC WS 4 28 19 8 2 SOC Bldg.30, Rm 3301Data Processing Data Analysis Data, Web, News Servers Data Archiving Pentium Linux IBM LTO tapes drives Networking switches 17” color monitors Terminal console 35 2 10 5 2 “Terminal room” tbdNotebooks, desktops100 AMS CSR Bldg.30M, Rm 236MonitoringPentium Linux 19” color monitor MCC WS 221221
8 Alexei Klimentov. AMS TIM @ CERN. July 2004. AMS Computing at JSC (TBD) YearResponsibleActions LR-8 monthsN.Bornas, P.Dennett, A.Klimentov, A.Lebedev, B.Robichaux, G.Carosi Set-up at JSC the “basic version” of the POCC Conduct tests with ACOP for commanding and data transmission LR-6 monthsP.Dennett, A.Eline, P.Fisher, A.Klimentov, A.Lebedev, A.Eline, “Finns” (?) Set-up POCC “basic version” at CERN Set-up “AMS monitoring station” in MIT Conduct tests with ACOP/MSFC/JSC commanding and data transmission LRA.Klimentov, B.RobichauxSet-up POCC “flight configuration” at JSC LR L – 2 weeks V.Choutko, A.Eline, A.Klimentov, B.Robichaux A.Lebedev, P.Dennett Set-up SOC “flight configuration” at JSC Set-up “terminal room and AMS CSR” Commanding and data transmission verification L+2 months (tbd) A.KlimentovSet-up POCC “flight configuration” at CERN Move part of SOC computers from JSC to CERN Set-up SOC “flight configuration” at CERN L+3 months (tbd) A.Klimentov, A.Lebedev, A.Eline, V.Choutko Activate AMS POCC at CERN Move all SOC equipment to CERN Set-up AMS POCC “basic version” at JSC LR – launch ready date : Sep 2007, L – AMS-02 launch date
9 Alexei Klimentov. AMS TIM @ CERN. July 2004. Data Transmission Will AMS need a dedicated line to send data from MSFC to ground centers or the public Internet can be used ? What Software (SW) must be used for a bulk data transfer and how reliable is it ? What data transfer performance can be achieved ? G.Carosi,A.Eline,P.Fisher, A.Klimentov High Rate Data Transfer between MSFC Al and POCC/SOC, POCC and SOC, SOC and Regional centers will become a paramount importance
10 Alexei Klimentov. AMS TIM @ CERN. July 2004. Global Network Topology
11 Alexei Klimentov. AMS TIM @ CERN. July 2004.
12 Alexei Klimentov. AMS TIM @ CERN. July 2004.
13 Alexei Klimentov. AMS TIM @ CERN. July 2004. A.Elin, A.Klimentov, K.Scholberg and J.Gong ‘amsbbftp’ tests CERN/MIT & CERN/SEU Jan/Feb 2003
14 Alexei Klimentov. AMS TIM @ CERN. July 2004. Data Transmission Tests (conclusions) In its current configuration Internet provides sufficient bandwidth to transmit AMS data from MSFC Al to AMS ground centers at rate approaching 9.5 Mbit/sec We are able to transfer and store data on a high end PC reliably with no data loss Data transmission performance is comparable of what achieved with network monitoring tools We can transmit data simultaneously to multiple cites
15 Alexei Klimentov. AMS TIM @ CERN. July 2004. Data and Computation for Physics Analysis batch physics analysis batch physics analysis detector event tags data raw data event reconstruction event reconstruction event simulation event simulation interactive physics analysis analysis objects (extracted by physics topic) event filter (selection & reconstruction) event filter (selection & reconstruction) processed data (event summary data ESD/DST)
16 Alexei Klimentov. AMS TIM @ CERN. July 2004. Symmetric Multi-Processor (SMP) Model Experiment Tape Storage TeraBytes of disks
17 Alexei Klimentov. AMS TIM @ CERN. July 2004. AMS SOC (Data Production requirements) Reliability – High (24h/day, 7days/week) Performance goal – process data “quasi-online” (with typical delay < 1 day) Disk Space – 12 months data “online” Minimal human intervention (automatic data handling, job control and book-keeping) System stability – months Scalability Price/Performance Complex system that consists of computing components including I/O nodes, worker nodes, data storage and networking switches. It should perform as a single system. Requirements :
18 Alexei Klimentov. AMS TIM @ CERN. July 2004. Production Farm Hardware Evaluation ProcessorIntel PIV 3.4+GHz, HT Memory1 GB System disk and transient data storage400 GB, IDE disk Ethernet cards2x1 GBit Estimated Cost2500 CHF ProcessorIntel Pentium dual-CPU Xeon 3.2+GHz Memory2 GB System diskSCSI 18 GB double redundant Disk storage3x10x400 GB RAID 5 array or 4x8x400 GB RAID 5 array Effective disk volume 11.6 TB Ethernet cards3x1 GBit Estimated cost33000 CHF (or 2.85 CHF/GB) “Processing node” disk server
19 Alexei Klimentov. AMS TIM @ CERN. July 2004. AMS-02 Ground Centers. Science Operations Center. Computing Facilities. CERN/AMS Network AMS Physics Services N Central Data Services Shared Disk Servers 25 TeraByte disk 6 PC based servers 25 TeraByte disk 6 PC based servers tape robots tape drives LTO, DLT tape robots tape drives LTO, DLT Shared Tape Servers Home directories & registry consoles & monitors Production Facilities, 40-50 Linux dual-CPU computers Linux, Intel and AMD Engineering Cluster 5 dual processor PCs Data Servers, Analysis Facilities (linux cluster) 10-20 dual processor PCs 5 PC servers AMS regional Centers batch data processing batch data processing interactive physics analysis Interactive and Batch physics analysis
20 Archiving and Staging (CERN CASTOR) Analysis Facilities Data Server Cell #1 PC Linux 3.4+GHz PC Linux Server 2x3.4+GHz, RAID 5,10TB Disk Server Disk Server Gigabit Switch (1 Gbit/sec) AMS data NASA data metadata AMS Science Operation Center Computing Facilities Production Farm Disk Server Disk Server Simulated data MC Data Server PC Linux 3.4+GHz PC Linux 3.4+GHz PC Linux 3.4+GHz PC Linux 3.4+GHz Gigabit Switch PC Linux 3.4+GHz PC Linux Server 2x3.4+GHz Web, News Production, DB servers AFS Server Cell #7 PC Linux Server 2x3.4+GHz, RAID 5,10TB Tested, prototype in production Not tested and no prototype yet
21 Alexei Klimentov. AMS TIM @ CERN. July 2004. AMS-02 Science Operations Center Year 2004 –MC Production (18 AMS Universites and Labs) »SW : Data processing, central DB, data mining, servers »AMS-02 ESD format –Networking (A.Eline, Wu Hua, A.Klimentov) »Gbit private segment and monitoring SW in production since April –Disk servers and data processing (V.Choutko, A.Eline, A.Klimentov) »dual-CPU Xeon 3.06 GHz 4.5 TB disk space in production since Jan »2 nd server : dual-CPU Xeon 3.2 GHz, 9.5 TB will be installed in Aug (3 CHF/GB) »data processing node : PIV single CPU 3.4 GHz Hyper-Threading mode in production since Jan –Datatransfer station (Milano group : M.Boschini, D.Grandi,E.Micelotta and A.Eline) »Data transfer to/from CERN (used for MC production) »Station prototype installed in May »SW in production since January u Status report on next AMS TIM
22 Alexei Klimentov. AMS TIM @ CERN. July 2004. AMS-02 Science Operations Center Year 2005 –Q 1 : SOC infrastructure setup »Bldg.892 wing A : false floor, cooling, electricity –Mar 2005 setup production cell prototype »6 processing nodes + 1 disk server with private Gbit ethernet –LR-24 months (LR – “launch ready date”) Sep 2005 » 40% production farm prototype (1 st bulk computers purchasing) »Database servers »Data transmission tests between MSFC AL and CERN
23 Alexei Klimentov. AMS TIM @ CERN. July 2004. AMS-02 Computing Facilities. FunctionComputerQty Disks (Tbytes) and Tapes Ready(*) LR-months GSC@MSFCIntel (AMD) dual-CPU, 2.5+GHz3 3x0.5TB Raid Array LR-2 POCC POCC prototype@JSC Intel and AMD, dual-CPU, 2.8+GHz456 TB Raid ArrayLR Monitor Station in MITIntel and AMD, dual-CPU, 2.8+GHz51 TB Raid ArrayLR-6 Science Operation Centre : Production FarmIntel and AMD, dual-CPU, 2.8+GHz5010 TB Raid ArrayLR-2 Database Serversdual-CPU 2.8+ GHz Intel or Sun SMP20.5TBLR-3 Event Storage and Archiving Disk Servers dual-CPU Intel 2.8+GHz6 50 Tbyte Raid Array Tape library (250 TB) LR Interactive and Batch Analysis SMP computer, 4GB RAM, 300 Specint95 or Linux farm 101 Tbyte Raid ArrayLR-1 “Ready” = operational, bulk of CPU and disks purchasing LR-9 Months
24 Alexei Klimentov. AMS TIM @ CERN. July 2004. People and Tasks (“my” incomplete list) 1/4 Architecture POIC/GSC SW and HW GSC/SOC data transmission SW GSC installation GSC maintenance A.Mujunen,J.Ritakari A.Mujunen,J.Ritakari, P.Fisher,A.Klimentov A.Mujunen, J.Ritakari A.Klimentov, A.Elin MIT, HUT MIT AMS-02 GSC@MSFC Status : Concept was discussed with MSFC Reps MSFC/CERN, MSFC/MIT data transmission tests done HUT have no funding for Y2004-2005
25 Alexei Klimentov. AMS TIM @ CERN. July 2004. People and Tasks (“my” incomplete list) 2/4 Architecture TReKGate, AMS Cmd Station Commanding SW and Concept Voice and Video Monitoring Data validation and online processing HW and SW maintenance P.Fisher, A.Klimentov, M.Pohl P.Dennett, A.Lebedev, G.Carosi, A.Klimentov, A.Lebedev G.Carosi V.Choutko, A.Lebedev V.Choutko, A.Klimentov More manpower will be needed starting LR-4 months AMS-02 POCC
26 Alexei Klimentov. AMS TIM @ CERN. July 2004. People and Tasks (“my” incomplete list) 3/4 Architecture Data Processing and Analysis System SW and HEP appl. Book-keeping and Database HW and SW maintenance V.Choutko, A.Klimentov, M.Pohl V.Choutko, A.Klimentov A.Elin, V.Choutko, A.Klimentov M.Boschini et al, A.Klimentov More manpower will be needed starting from LR – 4 months AMS-02 SOC Status : SOC Prototyping is in progress SW debugging during MC production Implementation plan and milestones are fulfilled
27 Alexei Klimentov. AMS TIM @ CERN. July 2004. People and Tasks (“my” incomplete list) 4/4 INFN Italy IN2P3 France SEU China Academia Sinica RWTH Aachen … AMS@CERN PG Rancoita et al G.Coignet and C.Goy J.Gong Z.Ren T.Siedenburg M.Pohl, A.Klimentov AMS-02 Regional Centers Status : Proposal prepared by INFN groups for IGS and J.Gong/A.Klimentov for CGS can be used by other Universities. Successful tests of distributed MC production and data transmission between AMS@CERN and 18 Universities.AMS@CERN Data transmission, book-keeping and process communication SW (M.Boschini, V.Choutko, A.Elin and A.Klimentov) released.
28 Alexei Klimentov. AMS TIM @ CERN. July 2004. AMS/CERN computing and manpower issues AMS Computing and Networking requirements summarized in Memo –Nov 2005 : AMS will provide a detailed SOC and POCC implementation plan –AMS will continue to use its own computing facilities for data processing and analysis, Web and News services –There is no request to IT for support for AMS POCC HW or SW –SW/HW ‘first line’ expertise will be provided by AMS personnel –Y2005 – 2010 : AMS will have guaranteed bandwidth of USA/Europe line –CERN IT-CS support in case of USA/Europe line problems –Data Storage : AMS specific requirements will be defined in annual basis –CERN support of mails, printing, CERN AFS as for LHC experiments. Any license fees will be paid by AMS collaboration according to IT specs –IT-DB, IT-CS may be called for consultancy within the limits of available manpower Starting from LR-12 months the Collaboration will need more people to run computing facilities
29 Alexei Klimentov. AMS TIM @ CERN. July 2004. Year 2004 MC Production Started Jan 15, 2004 Central MC Database Distributed MC Production Central MC storage and archiving Distributed access (under test) SEU Nanjing, IAC Tenerife, CNAF Italy joined production since Apr 2004
30 Alexei Klimentov. AMS TIM @ CERN. July 2004. Y2004 MC production centers MC CenterResponsible GB% CIEMATJ.Casuas 204524.3 CERNV.Choutko, A.Eline,A.Klimentov 143817.1 YaleE.Finch 126815.1 Academia SinicaZ.Ren, Y.Lei 116213.8 LAPP/LyonC.Goy, J.Jacquemier 8259.8 INFN MilanoM.Boschini, D.Grandi 5286.2 CNAF & INFN BolognaD.Casadei 4415.2 UMDA.Malinine 2102.5 EKP, KarlsruheV.Zhukov 2022.4 GAM, MontpellierJ.Bolmont, M.Sapinski 1411.6 INFN Siena&Perugia, ITEP, LIP, IAC, SEU, KNU P.Zuccon, P.Maestro, Y.Lyublev, F.Barao, C.Delgado, Ye Wei, J.Shin 1351.6
31 Alexei Klimentov. AMS TIM @ CERN. July 2004. MC Production Statistics ParticleMillion Events % of Total protons763099.9 helium375099.6 electrons128099.7 positrons1280100 deuterons250100 anti-protons 352.5100 carbon 291.597.2 photons128100 Nuclei (Z 3…28) 856.285 97% of MC production done Will finish by end of July URL: 185 days, 1196 computers 8.4 TB, 250 PIII 1 GHz/day
32 Alexei Klimentov. AMS TIM @ CERN. July 2004. Y2004 MC Production Highlights Data are generated at remote sites, transmitted to AMS@CERN and available for the analysis (only 20% of data was generated at CERN) Transmission, process communication and book-keeping programs have been debugged, the same approach will be used for AMS-02 data handling 185 days of running (~97% stability) 18 Universities & Labs 8.4 Tbytes of data produced, stored and archived Peak rate 130 GB/day (12 Mbit/sec), average 55 GB/day (AMS-02 raw data transfer ~24 GB/day) 1196 computers Daily CPU equiv 250 1 GHz CPUs running 184 days/24h Good simulation of AMS-02 Data Processing and Analysis Not tested yet : Remote access to CASTOR Access to ESD from personal desktops TBD : AMS-01 MC production, MC production in Y2005
33 Alexei Klimentov. AMS TIM @ CERN. July 2004. AMS-01 MC Production Send request to Dedicated meeting in Sep, the target date to start AMS-01 MC production October 1st
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