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M. Fincke-Keeler Univ. of Victoria LArg week - Feb. 20051 Simulation of 2002 H6 Testbeam in Athena Basic 2002 H6 testbeam simulation is implemented in.

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Presentation on theme: "M. Fincke-Keeler Univ. of Victoria LArg week - Feb. 20051 Simulation of 2002 H6 Testbeam in Athena Basic 2002 H6 testbeam simulation is implemented in."— Presentation transcript:

1 M. Fincke-Keeler Univ. of Victoria LArg week - Feb. 20051 Simulation of 2002 H6 Testbeam in Athena Basic 2002 H6 testbeam simulation is implemented in Athena: LArCalorimeter/LArG4TB/H6G4Sim/share/ LArCalorimeter/LArG4TB/H6G4Sim/G4macros/H6G4LArCal2002.mac LArCalorimeter/LArG4TB/LArG4TBH6/src/LArG4TB2002H6.cxx In order to run it, cmt-check-out the packages : LArCalorimeter/LArGeoModel/LArGeoCode LArCalorimeter/LArG4TB/H6G4Sim LArCalorimeter/LArG4TB/LArG4TBEmecHec LArCalorimeter/LArG4TB/LArG4TBEndcap LArCalorimeter/LArG4TB/LArG4TBExpHall LArCalorimeter/LArG4TB/LArG4TBH6 LArCalorimeter/LArG4TB/LArG4TBHEC (LArCalorimeter/LArG4/LArG4EC )

2 M. Fincke-Keeler Univ. of Victoria LArg week - Feb. 20052 The H6G4Sim package uses the “ParticleGenerator”. To choose the properties of the beam, refer to e.g.:

3 M. Fincke-Keeler Univ. of Victoria LArg week - Feb. 20053 The output is a Pool file, which contains: EventInfo (EvenId: run#, event# // Event type ) LArHitContainer ( = id, Energy, time ) CaloCalibrationHitContainer ( = id, Energy(4) ) The fine print:…. At the moment the HitContainers are only filled for the detectors. (AtlasG4Sim/ is invoked in jobOptions) TB-specific elements are not included. Can be read with a program like: LArG4Analysis

4 M. Fincke-Keeler Univ. of Victoria LArg week - Feb. 20054 What needs to be done: Implement H6 TB-specific entries into the Pool File Fill the Hits into CaloCells and produce ESD’s such that LArG4TB generated events can pass through the same analysis chain as TB data.

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