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Grenoble Institute of Technology. 100 years experience in engineer and doctoral students for key technologies European standard: Bachelor, Master, Doctorate.

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Presentation on theme: "Grenoble Institute of Technology. 100 years experience in engineer and doctoral students for key technologies European standard: Bachelor, Master, Doctorate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grenoble Institute of Technology

2 100 years experience in engineer and doctoral students for key technologies European standard: Bachelor, Master, Doctorate 6 Engineering schools 26 laboratories (2 abroad) 6 international degrees (2 Erasmus Mundus) 240 exchange programs and double-degree agreements 14 million euros of industrial contracts; 1 private subsidiary for Technology Utilization, INPG Entreprises SA 5,200 students, 1,150 engineering degrees and 200 PhDs every year Grenoble Institute of Technology today Catering for all needs

3 Grenoble Institute of Technology Developer of Expertise Energy, Water and Environmental Sciences (ENSE 3, 940 undergraduate students, 150 PhDs) Physics, Applied Physics, Electronics and Materials Science (PHELMA, 1240 undergraduate students, 275 PhD’s) Informatics, Applied Mathematics, Telecommunications (ENSIMAG, 755 undergraduate students, 215 PhD’s) Industrial Engineering (Génie Industriel, 431 undergaduate students, 23 PhD’s) Paper Science, Print Media and Biomaterials (PAGORA, 180 undergraduate students, 34 PhD’s) Advanced Systems en Networks (ESISAR, 262 undergraduate students, 20 PhD’s) 6 Engineering Departments (Schools) tackling the main technological and scientific challenges of the 21st century

4 ENSE 3 Meet tomorrow’s challenges Scientific and technological topics: Energy production : nuclear, thermal, renewable energies, fossil energies Energy distribution : electricity, heat, hydrogen Energy usage: transportation, housing,.. Environmental impacts: recycling, clean technologies Sustainable town and country planning: water and energy networks, resources management, natural and technological hazards

5 Master specialities: Mechanics and energetics Nuclear enginering (with PHELMA) Electrical power engineering Automatics, information systems Energy systems and economics Hydraulics, civil and environmental Engineering Product design (with Génie Industriel) Signal and image processing, communication systems, multimedia (with PHELMA) ENSE 3 Meet tomorrow’s challenges

6 6 Laboratories (more than 800 researchers) G2Elab : electrical engineering, networks GIPSALab : automatics, signal 3SR : civil engineering, natural hazards LEGI: fluid mechanics LTHE : hydrology, water quality RHEOLOGIE : complex fluids G-SCOP: design, supervision SIMAP : matérials, processes LEPMI : electro-chemical processes LEPII : energy and economy International competitiveness centers Tenerrdis (renewable energies) Minalogic Carnot Institute Energie du futur Research clusters Envirhônalp Renewable energies and energy effectiveness Technological platforms I2E ENSE 3 : a strong link with research and innovation

7 For more information: Leaflets available here (english translation in progress)

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