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IA32 Paging Scheme Introduction to the Pentium’s support for “virtual” memory.

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1 IA32 Paging Scheme Introduction to the Pentium’s support for “virtual” memory


3 Format of a Page-Table entry PAGE-FRAME BASE ADDRESSPWU PWTPWT PCDPCD AD00 3112 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 AVAIL LEGEND P = Present (1=yes, 0=no) W = Writable (1 = yes, 0 = no) U = User (1 = yes, 0 = no) A = Accessed (1 = yes, 0 = no) D = Dirty (1 = yes, 0 = no) PWT = Page Write-Through (1=yes, 0 = no) PCD = Page Cache-Disable (1 = yes, 0 = no)

4 Format of a Page-Directory entry PAGE-TABLE BASE ADDRESSPWU PWTPWT PCDPCD A0 PSPS 0 3112 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 AVAIL LEGEND P = Present (1=yes, 0=no) W = Writable (1 = yes, 0 = no) U = User (1 = yes, 0 = no) A = Accessed (1 = yes, 0 = no) PWT = Page Write-Through (1=yes, 0 = no) PCD = Page Cache-Disable (1 = yes, 0 = no) PS = Page-Size (0=4KB, 1 = 4MB)

5 Why page-faults happen Trying to access a virtual memory-address Instruction-operand / instruction-address Read-data/write-data, or fetch-instruction Maybe page is ‘not present’ Maybe page is ‘not readable’ Maybe page is ‘not writable’ Maybe page is ‘not visible’

6 Page-fault examples movl%eax, (%ebx); writable? movl(%ebx), %eax; readable? jmpahead; present? Everything depends on the entries in the current page-directory and page-tables, and on the cpu’s Current Privilege Level

7 Current Privilege Level (CPL) segment-selector RPL TITI 0123 15 TI = Table-IndicatorRPL=Requested Privilege Level Layout of segment-register contents (16 bits) CPL is determined by the value of RPL field in CS and SS

8 What does the CPU do? Whenever the cpu detects a page-fault, its action depends on Current Privilege Level If CPL == 0 (executing in kernel mode): 1) push EFLAGS register 2) push CS register 3) push EIP register 4) push error-code 5) jump to page-fault service-routine

9 Alternative action in user-mode If CPL == 3 (executing in user mode) the CPU will switch to its kernel-mode stack: 0) push SS and ESP 1) push EFLAGS 2) push CS 3) push EIP 4) push error-code 5) jump to the page-fault service-routine

10 Stack Frame Layout (32bit) ESP EFLAGS EIP SS CS Error Code points to the faulting instruction points to the old stack’s top SS:ESP = the new stack’s top When the ‘fault’ exception uses a 32-bit Interrupt-Gate (or Trap-Gate)

11 Page-Fault Error-Code unusedU/SR/WP 012 P = Present (1=Protection fault, 0=Not-present fault) R/W = Readable/Writable (1=Write fault, 0=Read fault) U/S = User/Supervisor (1=User fault, 0=Supervisor fault) CR2 = virtual address which caused the page-fault

12 How CPU finds new stack Special CPU segment-register: TR TR is the ‘Task Register’ TR holds ‘selector’ for a GDT descriptor Descriptor is for a ‘Task State Segment’ So TR points indirectly to current TSS TSS stores address of kernel-mode stack

13 Stack-switching mechanism GDTR TSS descriptor TR ESP0 SS0 TASK STATE SEGMENT GLOBAL DESCRIPTOR TABLE IDTR INTERRUPT DESCRIPTOR TABLE Gate descriptor CSEIP SSESP kernel stack kernel code user code user stack user-space kernel-space

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