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JEOPARDY $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Hooking Up Immune Responses

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1 JEOPARDY $100 $200 $300 $400 $500 Hooking Up Immune Responses
Vive La Difference Instant Messengers Deadly Diseases $100 $200 $300 $400 $500

2 Answer Proteins which combine with antigens

3 Question What are antibodies?

4 Answer Number of chains in an antibody

5 Question What is four?

6 Answer Process by which antibodies coat a bacterium, enhancing macrophage attachment

7 Question What is opsonization?

8 Answer T-cells attachment to a macrophage is enhanced by this surface protein

9 Question What is CD4 (or a T-cell receptor)?

10 Answer Infected cell attachment to a cytotoxic T-cell is enhanced by this surface protein

11 Question What is CD8 (or a T-cell receptor)?

12 Answer Damage to tissue by a physical injury or by the entry of microorganisms triggers this reaction

13 Question What is an inflammatory response?

14 Daily Double How much do you wish to wager?

15 Daily Double Answer B-cells differentiate into these cells which secrete antibodies

16 Daily Double Question What are plasma cells?

17 Question

18 Answer This molecule collects peptide remnants and brings them to the cell surface

19 Question What are MHC molecules?

20 Answer Cells which non-specifically attack virus-infected cells

21 Question What are Natural Killer cells?

22 Answer Long-lived cells which bear receptors for specific antigens

23 Question What are memory T-cells?

24 Answer It is difficult to discover a vaccine for the AIDS virus because it _________ rapidly

25 Question What is mutates?

26 Answer Solution which results in passive immunity acquired by artificial means

27 Question What is a serum?

28 Answer Solution which results in active immunity acquired by artificial means

29 Question What is a vaccine?

30 Answer By making different combinations of these genetic coding areas, over 1,000,000 antibodies can be produced

31 Question What are exons?

32 Answer Branch of the Immune System which produces Cytotoxic T-cells

33 Question What is cell-mediated?

34 Answer Protein released by Cytotoxic T-cells to help burst infected cells

35 Question What is perforin?

36 Answer Cytokine secreted by macrophages to activate T-cells

37 Question What is interleukin-1?

38 Answer Cells which release histamines

39 Question What are mast cells?

40 Answer Secreted by virus-infected cells to help to protect other cells

41 Question What is interferon?

42 Answer Proteins which carry out a cascade of steps leading to the lysis of microbes

43 Question What are complement proteins?

44 Answer Caused by sexually transmitted virus which attacks the immune system

45 Question What is AIDS?

46 Answer Viral infection found chiefly in Africa, results in quick death

47 Question What is ebola?

48 Answer Causes lockjaw

49 Question What is tetanus?

50 Answer Disease caused by anaerobic bacterium which thrives because of improper canning methods

51 Question What is botulism?

52 Answer HIV chiefly destroys these cells

53 Question What are T-cells?

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