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Chapter 5: Biomembranes and Cell Architecture

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1 Chapter 5: Biomembranes and Cell Architecture
By: Anna Whiteshield

2 Overview Lipid Composition Protein Components
Organelles of Eukaryotic Cell Cytoskeleton Purification of Cells Visualizing Cell Architecture

3 Overview of the cytoskeleton

4 Three types of filaments in the cytosol
Actin also known as Microfilaments Microtubules Intermediate filaments

5 Organization of the filaments
Bundles Filaments are closely packed in parallel arrays. Networks Filaments crisscross at right angles and loosely packed.

6 Microfilaments Structural support and motility
Actin Composed of polymerized α- and β-tubulin Membrane-microfilament binding proteins connect them to the membrane

7 Intermediate Filaments
Support for Nuclear membrane Lamins Cell adhesion Desmin, keratin, vimentin. Motility MSP

8 Microtubules Structural support, motility, cell polarity
α and β Tubulin Cell division (bacteria) Necessary for endoplasmic reticulum location and formation of mitotic apparatus

9 Summary Cytoskeleton provides structural stability and movement for the cell. Microfilaments and their proteins form a skeleton underneath the plasma membrane Intermediate filaments mediate cell-cell adhesion and cell-matrix adhesion. Microtubules radiate from centrosome forming the MTOC.


11 References:
Lodish,H.,A. Berk, P. Matsudaira, C.A. Kaiser, M. Krieger, M.P. Scott, S.L. Zipursky, and J. Darnell Biomembranes and Cell Architecture. P Molecular Cell Biology. W.H. Freeman and Company, New York.

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