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Jens Groth BRICS, University of Aarhus Cryptomathic

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1 Jens Groth BRICS, University of Aarhus Cryptomathic
Evaluating Security of Voting Schemes in the Universal Composability Framework Jens Groth BRICS, University of Aarhus Cryptomathic

2 S Fvoting Ideal Voting Functionality vote vote V1 … Vm A1 … An result

3 Real Life vote vote V1 Vm voting A A1 An result result

4 Z Z A S Fvoting Universal Composability Real Ideal vote vote vote vote
Vm V1 Vm A S Fvoting A1 An A1 An result result result result

5 Security Requirements
Privacy Authentication Accuracy Robustness Fairness Availability Verifiability Incoercibility Hacker protection

6 Homomorphic Threshold Encryption
Each voter: Epk(vote) + ZK proof + signature Homomorphic property: Epk(result)= Epk(vote1) *…* Epk(voten) Threshold decryption: Authority 1 . . Epk(result) result Authority n

7 Example ElGamal-encryption: pk = (q,p,g,h), q|p-1, g,h order q in Zp* sk = x, h=gx mod p yes-vote = 1, no-vote = 0 Each voter: (gr mod p, hrgv mod p) + ZK proof Homomorphic property: (gr1+…+rm mod p, hr1+…+rmgv1+…+vm mod p) = (gri mod p, hrigvi mod p) Threshold decryption: Lagrange interpolation  gv1+…+vm mod p, discrete log  v1+…+vm

8 A Fkey generation Key Generation Functionality public key public key
V1 Vm Fkey generation A A1 An public key secret share public key secret share

9 A Fmessage board Message Board Functionality message message V1 … Vm
An Voters’ messages Authority’s message Voters’ messages Authority’s message

10 Z Z A S Fvoting FKM Universal Composability Hybrid Ideal vote vote
Vm V1 Vm A S Fvoting FKM A1 An A1 An result result result result

11 Z S A Fvoting FKM The Simulator
S simulates A,V1,…,Vm,A1,…,An, FKM and random oracle Z vote vote vote V1 Vm V1 Vm S Fvoting A FKM A1 An result A1 An result result

12 Results Homomorphic threshold encryption voting securely realizes Fvoting in the FKM-hybrid model against non-adaptive adversaries Homomorphic threshold encryption voting does NOT securely realize Fvoting in the FKM-hybrid model against adaptive adversaries Modified homomorphic threshold encryption voting securely realizes Fvoting in the FKM-hybrid model against adaptive adversaries

13 Modified Voting Scheme
Each voter: Epk(vote) + ZK proof + signature Delete vote and coins Threshold decryption: Epk(result) -> Epk(result)’ -> result Delete coins

14 Thanks Questions?

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