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An Overview of activities on Tempus project Zoran Budimac, Klaus Bothe.

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1 An Overview of activities on Tempus project Zoran Budimac, Klaus Bothe

2 Reminder  To develop joint master studies in software engineering for: 4 different institutions of two different kinds (2 science, 2 technical) in two different countries under two different laws in both countries and changing legislative rules

3 Problems – four institutions  Create a ‘firm’ joint course  Accepted in all four institutions  Allowing them to introduce their own expertise and compatibility with existing studies  Keeping it  Introduce enough flexibility

4 Problems – different and changing laws  Our studies will last for 3 semesters  What if someone (government, university, department) force us to adopt 3+2 or 4+1 scheme?  Think of exit strategy right now.

5 Plans Basic principles, duration, value, … Analysis of existing curricula, defining our own Creation and provision of teaching materials Administrative procedures to accept curriculum Workshop, October 2005

6 Reality Basic principles, duration, value, … Analysis of existing curricula, defining our own Creation and provision of teaching materials Administrative procedures to accept curriculum Workshop, October 2005 Many principles already fixed in local university laws and university regulations Analysis took less than expected

7 Reality Basic principles, duration, value, … Analysis of existing curricula, defining our own Creation and provision of teaching materials Administrative procedures to accept curriculum Workshop, October 2005 Many principles already fixed in local university laws and university regulations Analysis took less than expected

8 Basic principles  The value of master studies will be 90 ECTS credits.  The studies will be organized into three semesters.  One academic year consists of two semesters and is lasting for 30 weeks (1 semester = 15 weeks).  The first two semesters will consist of lectures, while the third one will be devoted to the final project/thesis.  Induction Layer: A couple of introductory modules will be offered before the 1st semester for students without enough pre-knowledge  First semester: Core (obligatory) modules (30 ECTS)  Second semester: Mainly elective modules (30 ECTS)  Third semester: Final project (30 ECTS)  1 ECTS credit is worth 20 hours of student's workload.  There are 21 - 24 contact hours per week.

9 Induction layer  Introduction to software engineering (SE-IN- 01)  Principles of programming, coding and testing (SE-IN-02)  Project management (SE-IN-03)  System modelling and design (SE-IN-04)

10 Core modules – 1 st semester  System integration and reuse (SE-I-01)  Privacy, ethics and social responsibilities (SE- I-02)  Requirement engineering (SE-I-03)  Research methods (SE-I-04, part 1)  The management of system development process (SE-I-05)

11 2nd semester  Software Engineering for Critical Systems (SE-II-01)  Software evolution (SE-II-02)  Formal Methods Engineering (SE-II-03)  Component-Based development (incl. Design patterns) (SE-II-04)  Software testing (SE-II-05)  Business modelling (SE-II-06)  Applied system thinking (SE-II-07)  E-Business (SE-II-08)  Business process re-engineering (SE-II-09)  Service quality management (SE-II-10)  Research methods (SE-I-04, part 2, directed to the project)

12 Project  Detailed project descriptions are made available to students at the beginning of the curriculum but they start working on it in 3rd Semester.  Some suggested projects are  Electronic Patient Records  Electronic purse  Flight Control Systems  E-voting System

13 Course content (module template)  SOFTWARE TESING (SE-II-05)  AIMS:With the growing significance of computer systems within industry and wider society, techniques that assist in the production of reliable software are becoming increasingly important.The complexity of many computer systems requires the application of a battery of such techniques. Two of the most promising approaches are formal methods and software testing. Traditionally formal methods and software testing have been seen as rivals. Thus, they largely failed to inform one another and there was very little interaction between the two communities. In recent years, however, a new consensus has developed. Under this consensus, these approaches are seen as complementary. This has lead to work that explores ways in which these approaches complement.The use of a formal specification or model eliminates ambiguity and thus reduces the chance of errors being introduced during software development. Where a formal specification exists, boththe source code and the specification may be seen as formal objects that can be analysed and manipulated. The use of a formal specification introduces the possibility of the formal and,potentially, automatic analysis of the relationship between the specification and the source code. This is often assumed to take the form of a proof, but such a proof cannot guarantee operationalcorrectness. For this reason, even where such a proof exists, it is important to apply dynamic testing.Software testing is an important and, traditionally, extremely expensive part of the software development process. Studies suggest that testing often forms in the order of fifty percent ofthe total development cost. Where formal specifications and models exist, these may be used as the basis for automating parts of the testing process. This may lead to more efficient and effective testing. It may thus transpire that the automation of parts of the software testing process is one of the most significant benefits of using a formal specification language. The links between testing and formal methods do, however, go well beyond generating tests from a formal specification.This module aims to introduce and critically analyse current techniques for software testing, in particular the importance of formal methods towards this goal.

14 …  LEARNING OUTCOMES:Critically evaluate the importance of software testingAppreciate the need and usefulness of formal methods fpr the testing process.Develop an integrated approaches for software testing and formal theories.  SYLLABUS CONTENT:Introduction to testing fundamentalsStructural testingFunctional testingFoundation for combining formal methods and testingModel base formal methodsFinite state machine based testingTesting from a process algebraAlgebraic specifiucation testingTesting with UML's Dynamic modelsTemporal logic, Model checking and their role in testingThe management process of software testing

15 Workshop in NS – final decision  What can be expected? Move some modules from 2 nd to 1 st semester Add new? (i.e., to cover design in core modules) Add new, locally available?  GIS  Cryptography  … Organize 2 nd semester courses into strands? 

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