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31. Peacebuilding III The Field Level. 31. Peacebuilding III: The Field Level Learning Objectives: – Understand the management of peacebuilding in the.

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1 31. Peacebuilding III The Field Level

2 31. Peacebuilding III: The Field Level Learning Objectives: – Understand the management of peacebuilding in the field – Identify the most important actors – Familiar with the challenges at the field level

3 31.1. Peacebuilding at the Field Level Peacebuilding and Peacekeeping missions

4 31.1. Peacebuilding at the Field Level Peacebuilding Components

5 31.1. Peacebuilding at the Field Level Peacebuilding Tasks in action Focus on: – DDR – Civil Military Coordination – Humanitarian Assistance

6 31.1. Peacebuilding at the Field Level The Importance of DDR

7 31.1. Peacebuilding at the Field Level Civil-Military Coordination (CIMIC)

8 31.1. Peacebuilding at the Field Level Humanitarian Assistance

9 31.1. Peacebuilding at the Field Level Human Rights

10 31.2. Transitional Authority Missions Differ from peacebuilding in one important respect: a much higher level of authority and control exercised over a country or territory

11 UN Transitional Administration in Eastern Slavonia, Baranja, and Western Sirmium (UNTAES) Deployed in Jan. 1996 Reintegrate these regions with Croatia Performed civil administration tasks and exercised executive power over the region Demilitarization, refugee resettlement, policing, demining, etc. Mission concluded 1998

12 UN Transitional Authority in East Timor (UNTAET) Deployed Oct. 1999 Prepare the “non-self-governing” territory for independence First UN mission to exercise complete executive and legislative control over an emerging state East Timor independence on 20 May 2002 UNTAET was succeeded by the United Nations Mission of Support in East Timor (UNMISET) in May 2002

13 31.2. Transitional Authority Missions The United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) – established on 10 June 1999 by Security Council Resolution 1244

14 UNSCR 1244 Place Kosovo under interim UN administration (UNMIK); Authorize a NATO-led peacekeeping force in Kosovo (KFOR); Allow for the return of Yugoslav and Serbian personnel to maintain a presence at Serbian Patrimonial sites and key border crossings; Direct UNMIK to establish provisional institutions of local self-government; Reaffirm the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (i.e., Kosovo remains part of the FRY); Require the UN to assure the safe and unimpeded return of all refugees and displaced persons to their homes in Kosovo and to ensure conditions for a peaceful and normal life for all inhabitants of the province; Require that the KLA and other armed Kosovo Albanian groups be demilitarized; Authorize the United Nations to facilitate a political process to determine Kosovo's future status.

15 31.2. Transitional Authority Missions UNMIK Tasks: – perform basic civilian administrative functions; – promote the establishment of substantial autonomy and self- government in Kosovo; – facilitate a political process to determine Kosovo's future status; – coordinate humanitarian and disaster relief of all international agencies; – support the reconstruction of key infrastructure; – maintain civil law and order; – promote human rights; and – assure the safe and unimpeded return of all refugees and displaced persons to their homes in Kosovo.

16 31.2. Transitional Authority Missions UNMIK Today – declaration of independence 17 February 2008 – Transfer of many UNMIK functions to provisional government of Kosovo before and after independence – Expansion of EU role with European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) in December 2008 – KFOR still provides security

17 31.3. Challenges at the Field Level The magnitude of the task Number of actors Local ownership The “spoiler” problem Culture clashes

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