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2 Walking in Purity and Love 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12

3 Something To Think About The Thessalonian assembly was largely made up of Gentile converts. This is gleaned from Paul’s use of the word turned in 1:9. There he mentioned how they had once worshiped idols. Idol worship of the first century usually was associated with sexual immorality of all kinds. It would be difficult for someone raised in the midst of rampant sensuality to develop proper Christian convictions. In this lesson, Paul addressed the Thessalonians concerning their moral laxness. Tied closely to this issue of sexual purity is the necessity of ongoing sanctification in the Christian life. God has established rules, or laws, governing Christian behavior in this area. They are to be followed. A secondary motivation is “brotherly love.” Sexual sin is more than an individual matter; it causes harm to others closely connected to those involved. A proper regard for others will keep one on the right track.

4 KEY VERSE 1 Thessalonians 4:7 “For God hath not called us unto uncleanness, but unto holiness”.

5 Lesson Objectives To discern the proper basis and practical importance of Christian purity To abound in brotherly love To practice high standards of moral purity

6 THE DISTINCTIVES OF THE WALK 1 Thessalonians 4:1-5 A Walk to Please God (1-2) Acts 5:28 Acts 16:24 A Will to Please God (3-5) 1 Peter 3:7 2 Corinthians 4:7

7 Many people in today’s society suffer with a distorted concept of God. In their understanding, God is the great tyrant in the sky who has randomly handed down oppressive commandments designed to make their life hard and joyless. We, then, obey those commands as a means of appeasing the anger of this tyrannical God. This view is nowhere near the picture of God portrayed in the Bible. First, the God of the Bible has not randomly handed down any oppressive commands. His commands are not designed to make life hard and dull; they are, in fact, designed to allow us to live in peace and be happy. In addition, ours is not a God to be appeased, but a God to be pleased. It is only natural when we love someone that we want to make him or her happy, and believers should delight in bringing joy to God through obedience to His commands. God’s commands are based on His love for us, and His desire that we have the best possible in this life. Our obedience should be based on our love for Him and our desire to please Him.

8 THE DIFFICULTIES OF THE WALK 1 Thessalonians 4:6-8 Defraud Not (6) Deuteronomy 32:35 Romans 12:19 Hebrews 10:30 Detour Not (7) Despise Not (8)

9 The social revolution of the past 50 years has resulted in a great moral upheaval in our nation. Fornication, adultery, homosexuality, and all manner of perversion abound today, and each has society’s approval to one degree or another. In light of this, Paul’s instructions concerning moral purity are especially prudent for our day. He gave three distinct reasons why Christians should abstain from fornication. The first reason: God has declared that fornication is wrong. The plan of God is to “sanctify” or set us apart for His service. Sexual impurity undermines that plan. The second reason: it “defrauds” or cheats others. Many in our day have promoted “casual” or “recreational” sexual relations and encouraged a free choice of partners. However, this intimate act was intended by God to be shared only within the marital bond. The third reason: for the Christian to participate in such sin, he must reject the conviction of the Holy Spirit who dwells in him and tells him it is wrong. Paul reminded us that God has called us to holiness and has placed in us His Holy Spirit. Fornication is a breach of the very purpose for which God has saved us: to glorify Him.

10 THE DIRECTIONS FOR THE WALK 1 Thessalonians 4:9-12 Abound in Love (9-10) John 3:16 Romans 5:8 2 Corinthians 8:1 Abide in Good Works (11-12) Luke 23:56 Luke 14:4 2 Thessalonians 3:11 Ephesians 4:28

11 The Bible instructs believers to work to support themselves and their families. It is shameful for those who are capable of working and able to find work to do, to sit idly by and do nothing. Paul connected the importance of our working with the testimony we present to the world. Paul also drew a connection between a quiet, tranquil life and work. One of our preachers of years gone by used to say, “If you can work and make big money, work and make big money. If you can work and make little money, work and make little money. If you can only work and make no money, work any way; for work is good for the mind.”

12 QUESTIONS FOR STUDY AND DISCUSSION 1. What two ideas are set forth in explaining the expression “possess his vessel” in verse 4? Which explanation do you think best fits the passage? Why? 2. Explain briefly the meaning of the word sanctification in today’s lesson (NOTE: The word translated holiness in verse 7 is the same Greek word translated sanctification in verses 3 and 4.) 3. How was the love of the Thessalonians demonstrated to believers all over Macedonia? 4. Why is brotherly love so important? Name some ways in which brotherly love can be demonstrated today. 5. What conclusions can be drawn from the fact that this passage deals with a commandment to be pure and holy and also a call for Christian love? 6. How are the lower moral standards of the world affecting those of the church? What can be done to correct this?

13 May God Bless You For Coming To Sunday School This Morning! Bring Someone With You To Bible Study On Wednesday Night!

14 Acknowledgements Applications taken from Bible Teacher Bible Studies for Adults—Fall Edition (2011) This power point slide presentation may be altered by additions or deletions to fit your own teaching style. There is more information in viewing Note Pages Click on View then Note Pages Presentation Compiled For Randall House By Earl Scroggins

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