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01.06.2015 1 Lars Bjørkhaug & Håvard Bell SINTEF building and infrastructure an ontology for the building industry COST C21 conference in Geneva Lars Bjørkhaug.

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Presentation on theme: "01.06.2015 1 Lars Bjørkhaug & Håvard Bell SINTEF building and infrastructure an ontology for the building industry COST C21 conference in Geneva Lars Bjørkhaug."— Presentation transcript:

1 01.06.2015 1 Lars Bjørkhaug & Håvard Bell SINTEF building and infrastructure an ontology for the building industry COST C21 conference in Geneva Lars Bjørkhaug & Håvard Bell SINTEF building and infrastructure

2 Lars Bjørkhaug, SINTEF Building and infrastructure Introduction to IFD and its connection to IFC IFD - International Framework for Dictionaries IFD - International Framework for Dictionaries EDIBATECLexiConBARBi …  IFD (ISO/DIS 12006-3) was developed by ISO/TC 59/SC 13/WG 6  IFD is an EXPRESS model standardised in ISO 12006-3  Several countries has started building dictionaries based on IFD  IFC have support for IFD information as of version Ifc2x3g  The Norwegian BuildingSMART project and STABU has developed a common WSDL interface (API) to a unified IFD library  BARBi and LexiCon is now harmonized in a common IFD library  USA and Canada has just signed an agreement to join the effort  Version 2 of the API freely accessible on:

3 Lars Bjørkhaug, SINTEF Building and infrastructure IFC version 2x3g IFC version 2x3g  Adds support for IFD and GIS systems and their descriptive data Building information models, GIS and ontologies - integrated IFC – Industry Foundation Classes IFC – Industry Foundation Classes  A complete building model  Implemented in a large number of tools IDM Information delivery manuals IDM Information delivery manuals  Formalised agreements of what to exchange, how and when. IFD (ISO/DIS 12006-3)  Adds support for ontologies to IFC  Facilitates better integration of IFC with other standards  Greatly improve the usability of IFC property-sets

4 Lars Bjørkhaug, SINTEF Building and infrastructure Give one concept multiple names in multiple languages Give one concept multiple names in multiple languages  Concepts are categorized as being either objects, activities, properties, actors, ativities, measures, groups or units.  In IFD a concept can have multiple names in the same language bjelke truss beam ligger balk pump Activity or process to pump Physical object a physical pump on a plant Functional object a pump as a functional object  … or one name can refer to multiple concepts What can IFD do? dør doordørblad  IFD captures what dictionaries normally don't. door door-set door door-set

5 Lars Bjørkhaug, SINTEF Building and infrastructure The IFD API adds even more functionality Ability to know who added concept, originally Ability to tag every relationship between two concepts with a context  A context is a ”view” of the concepts. A context is a grouping of relationships between concepts. A context can be constrained for a given set of users, or be open for everyone Ability to know the status of each concept (DRAFT, APPROVED, etc.) Ability to set preferred name of given concept  A name can be preferred for some and not for others. Easier to use API  The complexity of the ISO 12006-3 model is hidden in the API  The API is open and standardized and independent of software or platform.

6 Lars Bjørkhaug, SINTEF Building and infrastructure




10 In a briefing documentPropertiesIn product catalogues Properties In classification systems Properties In building specifications Properties In a calculation system Properties In a Facility management system Properties In IFC Properties In a CAD system Properties IFD dictionary Properties How concepts are added to the IFD library

11 Lars Bjørkhaug, SINTEF Building and infrastructure PropertiesBARBi - Norway Properties LexiCon - Nederland Properties EDIBATC - France Properties … One concept carries the same unique identificatior in every language 78AF4E98C8D4406B873DBB85E1FE7DB In a briefing documentIn product catalogues Properties In classification systems Properties In building specifications Properties In a calculation system Properties In a Facility management system Properties In IFC Properties In a CAD system Properties How concepts are added to the IFD library

12 Lars Bjørkhaug, SINTEF Building and infrastructure IFD, OWL and Topic maps IFD – OWL (Web Ontology Language) ”Same” goal, different technologies  IFD has an EXPRESS meta model, OWL (RTF) is based on XML  EXPRESS models can easily be converted to XML  There exist OWL exports from IFD IFD - Topic maps  very similar conceptually.  ”concept” = ”topic”  simliar ways of relating concepts by objectified relationships IFD, OWL and Topic maps are complimentary technologies, Not compiting technologies

13 Lars Bjørkhaug, SINTEF Building and infrastructure Further reading: For information about IFD visit: For information about IFD visit:  Link to online version of the different libraries  Papers and documentation about the project  Documentation for the new API  Tools and demos For the WSDL API visit: For the WSDL API visit:  An overview of existing functionality  Possibility to suggest changes and report errors (Website soon moving to  Web-service already up running at :

14 Lars Bjørkhaug, SINTEF Building and infrastructure Providing life cycle planning services using a buildingSMART ontology An example of practical use combining IFC / IFD and GIS data Lars Bjørkhaug – Håvard Bell Byggforsk – Norwegian building research institute

15 Lars Bjørkhaug, SINTEF Building and infrastructure Life cycle planning service, a simplified example Material database (IFC/IFD) GIS and environmental data (IFD) Building information model (IFC) Life cycle planning services

16 Lars Bjørkhaug, SINTEF Building and infrastructure Life cycle planning service, a simplified example Update building model Update building model Store information back to IFC model Tag IFC information with guids from IFD Select location Select location Connect to GIS system using IFG Collect data Collect data Air quality and climatic data Query using IFD ontology

17 Lars Bjørkhaug, SINTEF Building and infrastructure Life cycle planning service, a simplified example Validate the model Validate the model Check for missing material specifications Get material information Get material information From material db. From IFD library specifications Update building model Update building model Store information back to IFC model Using IFD tags to identify properties

18 Lars Bjørkhaug, SINTEF Building and infrastructure Life cycle planning service, a simplified example Update building model Update building model Store information back to IFC model Using IFD tags to identify data Connect to service Connect to service Life cycle planning service Estimate lifespan Estimate lifespan using air quality and climatic data damage functions IFC/IFD data

19 Lars Bjørkhaug, SINTEF Building and infrastructure

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