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1/17 Trigger matching of combined muons with reprocessed physics_MinBias DESD_COLLCAND Susumu Oda ICEPP, University of Tokyo 2010/01/14.

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Presentation on theme: "1/17 Trigger matching of combined muons with reprocessed physics_MinBias DESD_COLLCAND Susumu Oda ICEPP, University of Tokyo 2010/01/14."— Presentation transcript:

1 1/17 Trigger matching of combined muons with reprocessed physics_MinBias DESD_COLLCAND Susumu Oda ICEPP, University of Tokyo 2010/01/14

2 2/17 Used data set, release, source code and output files 53 out of 67 data09_*.*.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data sets were used. –Christmas reprocessed data sets –Run list is in back-up slide. –Any Good Run Lists were not applied. –Remaining 14 data sets were also processed but jobs failed four times. Might be due to magnet ramp or half magnetic field. Release 15.6.1 was used. HEAD of Trigger/TrigAnalysis/TrigEffJpsiTools was modified to record events which have at least one muon and to apply Attila’s private Muon ROI patch which fixes the MuCTPI firmware bug. –/afs/ – script was used. ATLAS-GEO-08-00-02 geometry was used. –PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisTrigger/AnalysisTriggerAlgs-00-01-25 was also checked out and compiled. –Attila’s recipe is in back-up slide. Jobs were processed on GRID using pathena. /afs/ is the merged output ntuple file (hadd command was used). The following histograms were made by /afs/

3 3/17 Muon pT distribution (1)

4 4/17 Muon pT distribution (2)

5 5/17 Muon pT distribution (3) 177 combined muons 76 combined muons with at least one muon ROI in the event 70 combined muons matched with a muon ROI in delta R

6 6/17 Trigger matching probability vs pT 70 combined muons matched with a muon ROI in delta R are divided by 177 combined muons.

7 7/17 Muon eta distribution (1)

8 8/17 Muon eta distribution (2)

9 9/17 Muon eta distribution (3) 177 combined muons 76 combined muons with at least one muon ROI in the event 70 combined muons matched with a muon ROI in delta R

10 10/17 Trigger matching probability vs |eta| Barrel EndcapForward 70 combined muons matched with a muon ROI in delta R are divided by 177 combined muons.

11 11/17 pT vs eta 177 combined muons 6 combined muons with at least one muon ROI in the event but failing delta R matching 70 combined muons matched with a muon ROI in delta R

12 12/17  R distribution between combined muon (extrapolated position on pivot plane) and matched Muon ROI

13 13/17  R (on pivot plane) vs Muon pT

14 14/17  R (on pivot plane) vs Muon eta

15 15/17  R distribution between combined muon (at perigee) and matched Muon ROI

16 16/17  R (between combined muon at perigee and ROI) vs combined muon pT

17 17/17  R (between combined muon at perigee and ROI) vs combined muon eta

18 18/17 Back-up slides

19 19/17 Used data sets (processes succeeded) data09_2TeV.00142308.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_2TeV.00142402.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00140541.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00140571.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00140822.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00140955.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00140974.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00141203.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00141209.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00141226.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00141234.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00141565.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00141691.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00141695.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00141702.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00141704.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00141707.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00141718.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00141721.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00141748.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00141749.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00141755.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00141811.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00141994.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00141998.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00141999.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00142042.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00142065.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00142144.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00142149.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00142154.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00142155.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00142157.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00142159.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00142161.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00142171.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00142174.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00142189.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00142190.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00142191.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00142192.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00142193.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00142194.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00142195.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00142383.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00142390.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00142391.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00142392.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00142394.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00142395.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00142397.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00142400.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00142406.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/

20 20/17 Unused data sets (processes failed) data09_900GeV.00141238.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00141266.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00141270.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00141387.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00141398.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00141401.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00141403.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00141534.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00141561.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00141562.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00141563.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00141746.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00142165.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/ data09_900GeV.00142166.physics_MinBias.merge.DESD_COLLCAND.r988_p62/

21 21/17 Attila’s private Muon ROI patch Unfortunately the fix is not entirely trivial to apply, but I'll try to give a howto. First of all you have to keep in mind that this is just some code that I wrote for my own analysis, not something official. To make my fixer algorithm work, you have to check out PhysicsAnalysis/AnalysisTrigger/AnalysisTriggerAlgs-00-01- 25 Then, you should put the attached algorithm into a package of yours. I use this algorithm in my own validation package at the moment, and didn't want to create a separate package just for it. So instead I chose to send it to you in e-mail. I believe you'll be able to compile it yourself, just make sure that the package that you put it into uses the AthenaBaseComps, AthenaKernel and TrigT1Result packages. Once you have everything compiled, you should use the attached jobO fragment in your analysis job. You should put it near the top of your main jobO. It sets up the reading of the trigger configuration from the input file, and adds two algorithms to your job. The first one is the algorithm that I attached, the second one is the one creating the new LVL1_ROI object. Notice, that you'll have to change the import statement in the jobO. (My package is called MuCTPIValidation.) This fragment puts a new LVL1_ROI object into StoreGate with the key "CorrectLVL1_ROI". At this point you have to make sure that your analysis code picks up this object instead of the default one. (Which has the key "LVL1_ROI".) Also keep in mind that this new LVL1_ROI object only has the muon RoIs. It is unfortunately not easy to recreate the calorimeter RoIs fro scratch as well, because you would need more details from the trigger configuration for that. (The information which is saved in the ESD files is not enough.) Also note, that the muon RoIs will unfortunately all have a pT of 0. This is because of a similar issue. The pT value of the RoIs is usually read from the trigger configuration, but the threshold configuration information is not available from the DSConfigSvc... So if you need both the muon and the calo RoIs, you'll have to use both LVL1_ROI objects... One last thing: This fix only works on ESDs. DESD_COLLCAND is okay of course, but AOD files for instance will not work. (The MuCTPI_RDO object is only available "up to" the ESD level...)

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