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Using Weblogs to Spread the Word About Libraries Darlene Fichter University of Saskatchewan October 23, 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Using Weblogs to Spread the Word About Libraries Darlene Fichter University of Saskatchewan October 23, 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using Weblogs to Spread the Word About Libraries Darlene Fichter University of Saskatchewan October 23, 2004

2 Overview What are weblogs? How you can use them? Focus is on library/organizational blogs Choosing blogging software Getting started

3 What is it? Blog / Weblog is A web page containing brief entries arranged chronologically Can be a a journal or diary, ‘What’s New’ page or links to other web sites “To me, the blog concept is about three things: Frequency, Brevity, and Personality.” Evan Williams (creator of Blogger)

4 Weblogs are more They have been called personal web publishing communities* Weblogs don’t stand alone Relate/link to other blogs and the world Connect people together with a common interest “Social software” buzz Dave Winer

5 Two views Light Weight Content Management Tool Community& Knowledge Sharing Tool

6 Terminology Blogger – person who maintains a blog Blogging – the act of creating a blog Blogrolling – moving form blog to blog Blogrolodex – a listing of other blogs Blawgs, Klogs, Trackback, Ping, Permalink, Blogorrhea…

7 Blogging explosion 2000-2003 Tools that made it easy to publish No need to know HTML No need to know FTP Add / edit content anywhere, anytime Dozens of features – dynamic, quick and easy to develop Millions?? worldwide Can you guess what South American country is a hotbed for blogs?

8 Library Blog Blog Name Title and description Date of Entry

9 Blogs and RSS are in the limelight Lots of media hype Google bought Blogger Tripod, the Web publishing unit of Terra Lycos Blogging conferences Presentations at law and library conferences

10 How easy is it to publish? Let’s take a look at how easy it is to publish content with blogging software

11 1. Login to an account on 2. Create a new entry. 3. “Post and publish” 4. Display the entries in a “news” column on a subject directory

12 1. Login

13 2. Choose the blog

14 3. Add a new entry

15 4. Post and publish

16 View your web site Blog as part of page

17 Exploring weblog features Let’s take a look Data Library Intranet Blog

18 Up close and personal Post Title Description TopicsComments Posting Time Permanent Link Author

19 Side menu Search Archives: Date Archives: Topic

20 More options Headlines Monthly Archives Links to Other Sites Headlines in XML

21 Features recap Time stamp Permanent link Categories Search RSS feeds

22 Other features Draft mode or offline editing Timed release Long entries Spellchecking Multiple blogs Track back Email subscriptions

23 Bookmarklet or browser tool bar button for quick posts TypePad Integrated news reader/posting Radio Userland Features

24 Pluses Timely Get to the point Quick to skim “Human filter” Contextualized What’s “Hot”

25 Minuses ROT Redundant All posting the same stuff Obsolete Links expire Best before date! Trivial “my cat coughed up a fluff ball” Misinformation Rigor of validating information (rumor) varies greatly Bias

26 Tour: Libraries using weblogs for marketing News Recommend internet sites & tools




30 If one blog is good, how about four?


32 Promote library resources Promote library events and programs Promote new materials New Books New Videos Let visitors subscribe via email Distribute headlines (RSS) What about: Announce new videos, link to trailers, reviews


34 Subject experts blog Several blogs Easy updating of the library web site

35 Examples

36 Bryant Library Teen Blog – Library news for teens

37 Get interactive Talk back Books you like Let users post reviews and comments Library consortia collaborative space


39 Teen blog - discuss news and events Brampton Public Library

40 Build Community - share knowledge Be a leader in your community University of Minnesota just rolled out blogging tools for anyone to use on their campus


42 Spread the word beyond the Library Web Site: Use RSS Use a blog to maintain your ‘what’s new’ page Syndicate your content with RSS to the portal, other web sites, news sites


44 RSS feed

45 Campus portal

46 Steps to starting a library weblog Carefully consider your marketing strategy Who are you trying to reach – what audience? What are the key messages? What are your goals? Is a blog the right tool for the job?

47 More examples Library Weblogs (an index) Libraries doing good things with blogs (by type of library) s.html s.html

48 Your audience Are they online? Will they be interested, and if so, in what types of content? Think about lawyer and librarian blogs that have flourished Why?

49 Decide on the content and scope of your blog Promote awareness of library resources or tools Promote new virtual services in the library and on the web as the neutral trusted community advisor Avid readers Interactivity with children and youth Community comments

50 Tools - winnowing down choices 1.Will your library want to install blogging software locally on a desktop or Web server? 2.What type of security is necessary? Is the blog public or private? How secure – behind a firewall? 3.What features are you looking for in a blogging toolkit?

51 Weblog software Lots of choices Most are free or less $200 USD From simple to feature rich More advice on choosing blogging software: D.Fichter. Blogging Software for Intranet Applications. ONLINE, January 2003

52 Solo or group of authors Will be blogging alone or with a group?

53 How many blogs? Just one or dozens?

54 Where will the blog reside? Inside the firewall Need to install software Server platform Unix or Windows or Mac IT help Scripting languages Anywhere Public

55 Hosted blogs: considerations Reliability Speed Convenience – anytime, anywhere? Longevity What if they go out of service? Will you lose your data? Local copy Can you export your entries Can you ftp your blog back to your server

56 Function What features do you need? Make your list: Search RSS feeds Timed release Categories

57 Some popular blogging tools Local Server Movable Type PMachine B2 Community Geekblog Onclave (hosted) PHP Nuke Hosted Blogger LiveJournal TypePad Others to Watch WordPress ExpressionEngine Drupal

58 Market share Blog Census May 2003

59 Tools to watch Nested Categories; Feature rich

60 Drupal OpenSource Community Modules

61 WordPress + multiple authors / blogs - one blog per install + blogrolling

62 Blogging tips Have something to say Have a strong, clear “voice” Objective, reporting the “facts” Contextual, exploratory? Chatty

63 Blogging tips Be predictable and trustworthy Frequency of posts Consider the nature of your posts Be consistent (NB for group blogs) Case in headlines, editorial rules for acronyms, terms, linking Check your links Spellcheck - it’s quick!

64 Blogging tips Be consistent (NB for group blogs) Case in headlines, editorial rules for acronyms, terms, linking Check your links Spellcheck - it’s quick! Tips: Treat it like a publication – for weblogs, authored by a group, choose an editor. Develop an editorial policy.

65 Your “voice” is your brand What is your personality? Helpful Authoritative Knowledgeable wayfinder Reflect this in your posts

66 Summary Blogging software may be a great fit for your library whether it’s Sharing information Database trials – open up comments Reference desk staff sharing info What’s new page Publishing a newsletter

67 Finding out more Weblogs Compendium My home page Blogging Software for Intranet Applications. ONLINE, January 2003 Why and How to Use Blogs to Promote Your Library's Services, Marketing Library Services, Nov/Dec 2003 [full text online]

68 Thank you! Darlene Fichter University of Saskatchewan Library d d

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