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The World of Web Development Cindy Royal, Ph.D Assistant Professor Texas State University School of Journalism and Mass Communication

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1 The World of Web Development Cindy Royal, Ph.D Assistant Professor Texas State University School of Journalism and Mass Communication

2 Intro html css ftp how to get a domain, file organization javascript, etc. Flash Then, this idea of using data on Web sites came about, and programs like PHP and ASP allowed programming concepts that allowed the Web to connect to databases. Now, there are multiple ways to have a fully featured, archived and searchable online presence, without having to know every technology. You can visualize these in phases or categories.

3 Web Development Categories Basic HTML design Programming emerges Blog Platforms Content Management Systems Web Frameworks Other

4 Basic HTML Design HTML – early 90s, language of the Web Became XHTML to add structure, conventions – early 2000's Cascading Stylesheets – CSS - 1996 Javascript (1995), Flash (1996), AJAX, JQuery All client-side languages – activity occurs at the client (user) level

5 Web Programming Server-side ASP, ColdFusion, PHP, Java, Python, Ruby, Databases – MySQL Powerful functionality, server-side includes, post date to forms, populate sites with data Gave rise to Content Management Systems

6 Blog Platforms Started as platform for online journaling; Web sites for people who didn't know html. Early platforms – Open Diary, LiveJournal late '90s Blogger -started 1999 by Evan Williams (also Twitter) and Meg Hourihan; purchased by Google 2003 Movable Type – 2001; Six Apart Wordpress – 2003; can host yourself or on their site a

7 Content Management Systems Wordpress has often been modified as CMS Drupal Joomla

8 Web Frameworks Set up frameworks for Web programming languages Easy way to provide for common methods and actions; connection to database Ruby on Rails – written in Rails Django - Python CakePHP

9 Mobile Development 27% of mobile phones were smartphones 2010 Several platforms Native apps vs. Web HTML5, CSS, Javascript Objective C, C++ or Java iPhone SDK for development JQuery Mobile See your site in an iPhone interface on the Web

10 Other Create your own social network with Ning or Kick Apps

11 Challenges Ahead Lots to learn Different ways to tell stories Programming Focus Work as a team

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