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INTRODUCTION GROUP MEMBERS Abubakr Saeed : Khurram Ali Khan :

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1 INTRODUCTION GROUP MEMBERS Abubakr Saeed : Khurram Ali Khan :


3 HTML History Before 1994 no official HTML specifications. 1994,Internet Engineering Task Force. HTML+ ( A superset of HTML ). HTML 2 by Dan Connolly & Tim Berners-Lee. DDT for HTML 2  HTML 2.0 ( official ). 1995,W3C and HTML 3.0. tables, figures and complex math elements. HTML 3.1, HTML 3.2. adopted many browser specific elements & attributes. HTML 4.0 and newer versions. XHTML based on XML DHTML

4 PHP History 1994 Danish-Canadian programmer,RASMUS LERDORF. Small set of Perl Script. Rewritten set of CGI binaries in C-Language. 1995,PHP/FI ( form interpreter ). 1997, PHP/FI 2 Zeev Suraski & Andi Gutmans Israel Institute of Technology. 1998,June, PHP 3 official launch. 1999 rewritten of PHP’s core. Zend Technologies and Zend engine. 2000,May, PHP 4,powered by Zend Engine 1.0. 2004,July, PHP 5,powered by Zend Engine 2.

5 HTML INTRODUCTION Hyper Text Markup Language. HTML need rendering SW called HTML user agent. HTML use for presentation of data on the web. Text decorations,images,form that control web browser. HTML is a text based format. HTML has many editors like Microsoft Frontpage,Dreamweaver etc. HTML web pages are static. HTML is also restricted. HTML brings a new concept of Server Side scripting.

6 PHP INTRODUCTION PreProcessor Hypertext. PHP is web specific. PHP is a freeware( open source ). PHP is similar to structured PL like C. PHP is cross platform in both OS and web servers. PHP allows interaction with number of DB( relational models). PHP can develop GUI applications by using ( PHP-GTK). PHP can use many standard network protocols IMAP,NNTP,SMTP,POP3 and HTTP.

7 HTML Structure & Comparison

8 HTML Structure HTML 4 document composed of three parts. HTML version Information. Declaration header section. Body,containing document actual content. Simple HTML document. My first HTML document Hello world!

9 HTML Document Components Document Instance Output specification Data Document Type Definition TAGS Elements & attribute Defines Define Tag usage Identify parts Output Combine to produce Result in Declaration Subsets (DTD) Application Documentation SGML Declaration Set ground rules for Fixed in HTML

10 Allows user to create any tags. Tags define in DTD. Contains structure of the data Structuring data for storage where a relational database is inappropriate. Use parsers SAX and Dom. Documents can be reused. WAP and X3C are XML based languages. HTML Comparisons XML

11 Document Instance Output specification Data Document Type Definition Declaration Subsets (DTD) Application Documentation TAGS Elements & attribute Defines Define Tag usage Identify parts Output Combine to produce Result in XML Document Components Sgml Declaration Set ground rules for Optional in XML Not defined by XML Fixed in XML

12 PHP Structure & Comparison

13 PHP STRUCTURE Visitor request webpage. Web server identified the request  PHP file.php. Server interprets the file by using its PHP plug-in. send to php parser. PHP parse the code and store data in its variables. Send it to server side php plug-in. Server send it to webbrowser. Simple PHP. This is going to be ignored. <? php echo ‘THIS IS GOING TO BE PARSED ‘; ?> This is also going to be ignored.

14 PHP WORK IN BACK GROUND DB Server Web Browser PHP File WEB SERVER Obtain data Run Script Page Request Send Request

15 PHP vs Perl Practical Extraction Report Language. Perl is a general purpose language. Design to fill in text processing in Unix. Its is complicated than php. Perl can be embedded with in HTML document. Reason for web applicatoin development  Static web pages. Work as a server side language. Compiled only once.( first tieme access).

16 PHP vs Cold Fusion Limited Platform support ( Operating System ). Fast and easy for display pages and database interaction. Error handling is extremely efficient. Very rich search engine for both file and database content. Not efficient for complex programming task. Coldfusion is commercial.

17 PHP vs ASP Active Server Pages. Mostly used VBscripting language Compiled only once. Tightly integrated to IIS ( Internet information Server ). Works mainly with Microsoft products. Great support for SQL SERVER. Commercial( IIS and SQL SERVER).

18 PHP vs Complete Framework for web applications. work with scripted and compiled languages. Language source is compiled into MIL by (CLR) and then execute. True Object Oriented Programming. Strongly build to integrate with XML. Database access is effective,mostly used ODBC. Strong error handling and tracking capabilities.

19 PHP vs JSP Java Server Pages. JSP use java. Open standard. Jsp compiled in servlet by jsp compiler. Work on different platforms. Embedded in HTML document.

20 Final Glance Platforms: Mostly in many as compared to other. Language: Feature-rich and flexible more like procedure Database: Great native support File handling: Comprehensive RegEx: Outstanding Error Handling: Poor Search: Non-Existent Date-Handling: Primitive Cost: null

21 Future of PHP Php awarded as the programming language of 2004 according to TIOBE programming Community. PHP Popularity Scoreboard Mar. 2004 count of domains running PHP: 15,528,732 domains Mar. 2004 count of IP addresses running PHP: 1,343,899 IP addresses Organization using PHP NASA DEUTSCHE BANK AUDI,VOLVO CISCO,HP,RAD HAT ERICSSON,MOTOROLA,SONY……….. and many more.

22 Conclusion

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