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A Self-Configuring Test Harness for Web Applications Jairo Pava School of Computing and Information Sciences Florida International University Courtney.

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Presentation on theme: "A Self-Configuring Test Harness for Web Applications Jairo Pava School of Computing and Information Sciences Florida International University Courtney."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Self-Configuring Test Harness for Web Applications Jairo Pava School of Computing and Information Sciences Florida International University Courtney Enoex School of Applied Sciences and Arts Southern Illinois University 07/14/2008 REU Summer Program Florida International University School of Computing and Information Sciences Yanelis Hernandez PhD Student

2 Motivation 2 Many Many web application technologies Complex Complex web applications make testing difficult No No standard test script language Migration Migration of technologies inefficient Cost Cost of software testing accounts for fifty to seventy-five percent of total development costs [1]

3 Presentation Content 3 Motivation Objectives Literature Review Progress Made Implementation Pending Work

4 Objectives 4 Extend Previous Work by Hernandez, et al. Extend Previous Work by Hernandez, et al. [2] Implement concept of platform independent model Include more web technologies Create Self-Configuring Algorithm Dynamic selection of test suites Automatic execution of platform specific test scripts Implementation Design and test web applications Deliverables Deliverables Technical Report ACM SAC 2009 ACMSE 2009

5 Literature Review - Technologies 5 Ruby on Rails [4] Released in 2004 Provides scaffolding, WEBrick, and Rake Helpful tools are ready for use PHP [7] PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor HTML-embedded scripting language Widely-used; installed on more than 20 million websites ASP.NET [8] Developed by Microsoft Part of the.NET Framework Write in Visual Basic, C#, JScript.NET, or J# Dynamic Web Development Technologies:

6 6 Literature Review – Testing Tools Ruby on Rails [4] Built in unit tests– Test::Unit library Generates a test infrastructure upon project creation PHPUnit [3] Simple pass/fail reporting Use with PHPUnit Database Extension Compare (seeded) database contents with an expected dataset NUnitASP [6] Tester objects represent web page elements Example– “label” or “link” Clean test scripts Unit Testing: Unit Testing: Creating programs that test the validity of parts (units) of the website.

7 7 Literature Review – Code Coverage Tools RCov [9] Gives summary and per-file coverage reports Well supported and documented Xdebug [7] PHPUnit extension Code executed  green; executable code that was not executed  red; “dead code”  orange NCover [10] Save coverage data as XML file Offers client support via subscription Code Coverage Testing: Code Coverage Testing: These tools are able to test test scripts for the amount of code they cover!

8 Problem Statement 8 To develop a web application test harness that dynamically configures its test suite to generate and execute platform specific test scripts.

9 Current State Web Application 9

10 Knowledge Facilitates the exchange and archival of management information Extends flexibility of test harness Goal Policies User defined Models PIM PSM Test Scripts PI PS Test Results Pass/Fail Code Coverage Analysis Runtime Policies Generated by MAPE 10

11 Monitor Outline a profile for every web page in the web application Identify unfulfilled policies Analyzer Identify and locate appropriate platform specific model for test script generation Generate test report Planner Generate and keep track of platform specific test scripts Executor Execute tests and track code coverage MAPE Policy Generation 11

12 Autonomic Manager 12

13 Category C:\...\category.php Http://…/category.php HTML PHP Monitor Output 13

14 Implementation e-commerce web application Web Technologies used Ruby on Rails 1.2 PHP 5 Testing Tools Ruby 1.8 PHPUnit 3.3 Code Coverage Analysis Tool RCOV 1.0.8 Xdebug 2.0 14

15 Ruby on Rails PHP Test Script Comparison 15

16 Pending Work Planner Platform Independent Model Platform Specific Models Ruby on Rails PHP ASP.NET Executor Automatic test script execution with code coverage analysis Perform action based on test result and user defined policy 16

17 References [1] Software Debugging, Testing, and Verification IBM Systems Journal 2002 [2] A Meta-Model to Support Regression Testing of Web Applications Yanelis Hernandez, Tariq M. King, Jairo Pava, Peter J Clarke International SEKE Conference April 2008 [3] PHPUnit [4] Ruby on Rails [5] Xdebug [6] NUnitASP 17

18 References [7] PHP [8] ASP.NET [9] RCOV [10] NCover 17

19 Questions? Comments? End 18

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