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Surfaces & Structures Lab, TCD JS Workshop April ‘07 1 SAFE LABS FOR SCIENCE MSDS and RISK ASSESSMENT.

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Presentation on theme: "Surfaces & Structures Lab, TCD JS Workshop April ‘07 1 SAFE LABS FOR SCIENCE MSDS and RISK ASSESSMENT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Surfaces & Structures Lab, TCD JS Workshop April ‘07 1 SAFE LABS FOR SCIENCE MSDS and RISK ASSESSMENT

2 Surfaces & Structures Lab, TCD JS Workshop April ‘07 2 Essential Definitions  HAZARD The intrinsic property of a chemical agent with the potential to cause harm.  RISK The likelihood, should exposure occur, that the potential for harm will be attained under the condition of use and/or exposure and also the extent of that harm.

3 Surfaces & Structures Lab, TCD JS Workshop April ‘07 3 Hazards, risks etc. Information on hazards - and control measures n Supplier –MSDS (MUST be provided by the supplier and MUST be kept close to point of use/storage) –Label (!) (R & S numbers/phrases & hazard symbols) n Sigma-Aldrich –catalogue –web site n Handbooks n www n Me (!!)

4 Surfaces & Structures Lab, TCD JS Workshop April ‘07 4

5 Surfaces & Structures Lab, TCD JS Workshop April ‘07 5 Hazards, risks etc. It is a legal requirement that a properly documented risk assessment is available for ALL “hazardous chemical agents” A risk assessment is MORE than just a statement of hazards – it includes the measures required to MINIMIZE risks involved

6 Surfaces & Structures Lab, TCD JS Workshop April ‘07 6 Hazards, risks etc. This requires : Up to date inventory keeping Details of the hazards, exposure limits, control measures initiated, and assessment of the residual risk Consideration of potential exposure(s) in normal use and in “worst case” accidents Who is at risk? In EVERY location!!

7 Surfaces & Structures Lab, TCD JS Workshop April ‘07 7 Toxic & Dangerous Chemical Substances n All chemical substances and preparations are toxic to some degree to humans if sufficient material is ingested, inhaled, injected or absorbed through skin. “Toxic” means that cells or sub-cellular systems are damaged by the chemical. Common salt (sodium chloride), sugar and a drug such as aspirin are toxic in large amounts but many compounds are toxic in very small amounts (nerve-gas, insecticides, cyanide, etc.). n Some chemicals are explosive; others are detonators – ??KABOOM!!!

8 Surfaces & Structures Lab, TCD JS Workshop April ‘07 8 Toxic & Dangerous Chemical Substances n Some chemicals have highly flammable properties – a fire-ball will result from their ignition (petrol is an example here). n Other chemicals have corrosive properties – caustic soda, sulphuric acid, etc. – and skin or mouth tissue may be destroyed upon contact. n All departments hold stocks of toxic and dangerous chemical substances - no exceptions!

9 Surfaces & Structures Lab, TCD JS Workshop April ‘07 9 Toxic & Dangerous Chemical Substances Acute response  Response to HIGH exposure  “One-off”  Effect is immediate Chronic response  Response to “LOW” exposure  Prolonged or repeated exposure  Effect may take YEARS

10 Surfaces & Structures Lab, TCD JS Workshop April ‘07 10 Chemical Agents : Routes for Contamination Routes for contamination spread: Airborne into lungs By mouth Through skin Open wounds Conjunctivae of eyes Injection

11 Surfaces & Structures Lab, TCD JS Workshop April ‘07 11 Chemical Agents : Control Measures : I n Control Measures Flammables kept in special storage cabinets and containers Toxic materials kept and used in fume cupboards No ignition sources when using flammables (naked lights, static electricity, electrical switches) Wearing of appropriate and suitable PPE (gloves, laboratory safety coat, goggles, respirators) Personal hygiene

12 Surfaces & Structures Lab, TCD JS Workshop April ‘07 12 Chemical Agents : Control Measures : II n Control measures are more or less the same for all hazards under the headings: –understanding of hazard and modes of spread –understanding and use (!) of engineering controls available. –having and using right PPE

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