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National Space Legislation Workshop
The ECSS-System and its capability to support National Space Legislation Dr.-Ing. Andreas K. Jain DLR (Köln), QP National Space Legislation Workshop 29/30 January 2004 DLR, Institutsbezeichnung:
Content Review of standardization activities
ECSS Participants ECSS Objectives ECSS History and status ECSS Scope ECSS Structure ECSS Process Interfaces to other Standardization bodies (SDOs) and current cooperation agreements Documents Can ECSS support a space activity authorization ? Requirements Q40 Overview Statements Proposal DLR, Institutsbezeichnung:
Review of standardization activities : ECSS Participants
ECSS is a partnership between the European space sector customers and European industry Members ESA representative National Space Agencies 1 representative each (CNES, DLR, BNSC, ASI, CSA, NSA, ONSC) Industry represented by Eurospace 4 representatives total DLR, Institutsbezeichnung:
Review of standardization activities : ECSS Objectives
More cost effective programmes Promote clear and unambiguous communication in a form suitable for quotation in legally binding documents Organise and manage the development of a common and coherent single set of standards Promote the application of standards by encouraging organisations developing space missions to use the ECSS standards Achieve formal EN and ISO status for selected standards Ensure that ECSS remains as the space sector standardization body for Europe DLR, Institutsbezeichnung:
Review of standardization activities : ECSS History
1988 EUROSPACE, ESA & CNES Discussion for standardization of PA-Requirements 1993 Establishment ECSS Terms of Reference 1995 First ECSS-Standards published 1996 ESA Council resolution General application of ECSS and termination of use of PSS 2002 ECSS-Re-structuring for conversion of the systems from an establishment phase to operational 2004 ECSS-Status 75 Standards published (25 DIN EN, 1 ISO DIN EN) 72 Standards in draft 24 Standards in CEN, CENELEC or ISO –Transfer DLR, Institutsbezeichnung:
Review of standardization activities : ECSS Scope
Set of standards for Project Management requirements Design, development, manufacturing, verification and operational activities PA requirements and methods Technical requirements for parts, assemblies, equipments, sub-systems and systems Interface requirements DLR, Institutsbezeichnung:
Review of standardization activities : ECSS System
Nicht obligatorisch DLR, Institutsbezeichnung:
Review of standardization activities : ECSS Structure
Level 1 Policy And Objectives Definition of policy and principles in the specific domain. Global view of the requirements and outline of the interfaces between the elements (and the documents) at Level 2 Level 2 What To Do – Expected Output Definition of requirements and functions (“what to do” and expected output) for all aspects in the individual domain (Management, Product Assurance and System-Engineering) Level 3 How To Do (Guideline) Definition of methods, procedures and tools to achieve the requirements of Level 2 documents (“how to do”). AND? DLR, Institutsbezeichnung:
Review of standardization activities : ECSS Management Standards
Project management Policy and principles Basic principles of project management and integration with other programme PA and technical elements in all programme phases from Request for Proposal to end of service. ECSS-M-10 Project breakdown structures Defines the principles to be respected for setting up, using and adapting the breakdown structures and implementing them in a project. ECSS-M-20 Project organization Rules for industrial programme organization, customer organization, and internal/external interfaces. Model of programme organization according to responsibilities and level of participation. ECSS-M-30 Project phasing and planning Defines the principles and requirements to be observed during the management of the project phasing and planning. DLR, Institutsbezeichnung:
Review of standardization activities : ECSS Management Standards (cont
Configuration management Defines all the rules for a proper configuration management. Identification, control, status accounting and verification for hardware, software and all documentation. ECSS-M-50 Information/ documentation management Requirements for information and documentation management systems (correctness, accessibility, availability, reliability, security, coherence, reporting systems…) ECSS-M-60 Cost and schedule management Cost and schedule planning/control. Progress reporting. Financial planning/control. ECSS-M-70 Integrated logistics support Organization and management of ILS activities within the project life cycle. Relationship of ILS elements with overall programme management. Logistic Support Analysis. DLR, Institutsbezeichnung:
Review of standardization activities : ECSS PA Standards
ECSS-Q-00 Product assurance Policy and principles Basic PA policy and principles, addressing integration with all other programme management and technical elements. ECSS-Q-20 Quality assurance Quality Assurance requirements and Quality Control techniques. Consideration given to reflect the content of ISO For software quality assurance ECSS-Q-80 is applicable. ECSS-Q-30 Dependability Defines the dependability requirements for the complete space product including system functions implemented in software and the interaction between hardware and software. ECSS-Q-40 Safety Safety programme models and techniques, with interfaces to the quality system. Additional safety reviews and reporting. DLR, Institutsbezeichnung:
Review of standardization activities : ECSS PA Standards (cont.)
ECSS-Q-60 Electrical, electronic and electromechanical (EEE) components This standard defines the requirements for selection, control and procurement of EEE components for European space projects. ECSS-Q-70 Materials, mechanical parts and processes Programme for selection, approval and control of materials, mechanical parts and processes, with interfaces to the quality system. ECSS-Q-80 Software product assurance Application of Quality assurance, dependability, safety and maintainability principles, methods and techniques to software with interfaces to the quality system. DLR, Institutsbezeichnung:
Review of standardization activities : ECSS Engineering Standards
Engineering Policy and principles Basic Policy and overall objectives for all engineering functions in system development, verification and operations. ECSS-E-10 System engineering System engineering process. System requirements definition and analysis; verification; environments; human factors and ergonomics. ECSS-E-20 Electrical and electronics Electrical power and electromagnetics, including optics. ECSS-E-30 Mechanical Thermal control; structures; mechanisms; environmental control and life support; propulsion and pyrotechnics. DLR, Institutsbezeichnung:
Review of standardization activities : ECSS Engineering Standards (cont.)
Software Software development models and requirements for software management and activities. ECSS-E-50 Communications Ground communications; space links (telemetry, telecommand and data) and data interfaces between on–board equipment. ECSS-E-60 Control engineering Rendezvous and docking; attitude and orbit control; robotics. ECSS-E-70 Ground systems and operations Definition of mission operations requirements; ground system development and validation; preflight operations; mission control; in–orbit operations; mission data description and utilization; post–flight operations. DLR, Institutsbezeichnung:
Review of standardization activities : ECSS 3rd level Standards (selection)
ECSS-M-00-02 Tailoring of space standards ECSS-M-00-03 Risk management ECSS-Q-20-09 Non-Conformance Control System ECSS-E-10-02 Verification DLR, Institutsbezeichnung:
Review of standardization activities : ECSS Organization
Steering Board Executive Management Panel Engineering Panel Product Assurance Panel Secretariat Working Groups Support Nicht obligatorisch DLR, Institutsbezeichnung:
Review of standardization activities : ECSS Process
Standards are developed according to an annual plan by specific working groups under the management of the relevant branch panel Working groups, composed of subject experts from member organizations, produce draft standards Draft standards are reviewed by branch panel for technical content and consistency within the branch By executive for harmonization between branches by member organizations on for acceptability and applicability After disposition and inclusion of comments, the standard is approved for publication by Steering Board Standards are improved through usage and reviewed at least every 5 years Verbal etwas ausschmücken DLR, Institutsbezeichnung:
Review of standardization activities : ECSS current interfaces to other Standardization Development Organizations (SDOs) : European sector National aerospace standardization bodies : e.g. DIN-NL, … ESCC : adoption of standards of the EEE-parts sector EDMS : EDMS Space Debris-draft as european position for ISO TC20 SC14 Orbital Debris Coordination Group AECMA-STAN : agreement of interests with AECMA-STAN standardization activities CEN : transfer of ECSS-standards for EN publication ECSS current cooperation agreements AECMA-CEN-ECSS Standardization protocol, 1997 Close co-operation in order to facilitate acceptance on implementation of standards once approved Standards transferred from ECSS to EN follow a (shortened) CEN process, but the disposition of comments remains an ECSS responsibility Reciprocal arrangements for participation on highest level meetings ISO TC20 SC14 ECSS-resolution 76, 1998 ISO-ECSS Coordination Group established to compare work plans of both organizations and to idenitfy projects of interests for collaboration European Telecommunication Standards Institute (ETSI) - ECSS cooperation agreement 1999 Free exchange of relevant documents and drafts on request Incooperation of each others standards in own documents European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization (CENELEC) – ECSS co-operation agreement, 1997 Co-operation in the field of electrotechnical standardization DLR, Institutsbezeichnung:
Review of standardization activities : ECSS current interfaces to other Standardization Development Organizations (SDOs) : International sector IAQG : Organization of an international Space Forum, under ECSS leadership, for establishing a common international space input to IAQG-standards (e.g. 9100) NASA : european position for the update of NASA STD 3000 HMI ISO TC20 SC13/CCSDS Space Date and Information Systems : adoption of communication standards ISO TC20 SC14 Space Systems and Operations : european position by introducing ECSS-standards as a common european input to ISO Space data and information transfer systems : CCSDS: INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE ON TECHNICAL INTERCHANGE FOR SPACE MISSION OPERATIONS AND GROUND DATA SYSTEMS DLR, Institutsbezeichnung:
Review of standardization activities : ECSS Documents
Internet English, French (partly) and German (partly) documents are available free of charge Printed Documents in German DLR Dep. QP-NB, D Köln, Linder Höhe DLR, Institutsbezeichnung:
Can ECSS support a space activity authorization? : Requirements
Technical related requirements Safety Environment ECSS related standards ECSS-Q40B Safety last issue 5/2002, updating ECSS-E-? Space Debris drafting ISO TC20SC14 Input ECSS-Q Planetary Protection drafting Environment (e.g. Nuclear power sources) not planned yet DLR, Institutsbezeichnung:
Can ECSS support a space activity authorization? : Overview
Safety: - Organization - Access and authority - Risk management - Certification - Training - Documentation - Engineering - Analysis - Verification - Operation E10 Q20 QA-process Safe Design Q40 Selection Materials, Mech. Dependability data Selection EEE-parts Q70 Q30 Q60 DLR, Institutsbezeichnung:
Can ECSS support a space activity authorization? : Statements
ECSS – Standards are project/product related standards Tailoring possible Set of tools and methods can be proposed for alternative use contain requirements for proper and safe function of a space system contain a lot of requirements which can be used by an authority for authorization of space objects Some aspects, like use of nuclear power sources, are not addressed yet ECSS is not able (in the moment) to cover all requirements which may be necessary for an authorization (see Space Debris, Planetary protection…) not product related standards (aviation, certification) ECSS may be able to offer a set of requirements, as a basis, related to an authorization of space objects, but in the moment cannot cover all areas which may be necessary DLR, Institutsbezeichnung:
Can ECSS support a space activity authorization? : Proposal
Set Up of a ECSS Working Group for Assessing the available ECSS requirements which are applicable to authorization of space activities Identifying and proposing additional requirements needed for authorization purposes Technical criteria for space activity authorization needed Estimated timeline up to 1 year Financing open not product related standards (aviation, certification) DLR, Institutsbezeichnung:
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