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National Airspace Redesign

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0 National Airspace Redesign High Altitude Redesign Briefing for NBAA User Forums

1 National Airspace Redesign
Primary means to modernize US airspace by migrating from constrained ground - based navigation to the freedom of an RNP RNAV based system Leveraging new technologies, equipage, infrastructure, and procedural developments: to maximize benefits and system efficiencies Collaborative effort : FAA Management, NATCA & System Users Bottom up: Optimize & redesign local airspace targeting congested areas … Focused on key airports and associated airspace; changes in arrival and departure routes drive change up into enroute airspace Top down: In parallel, redesign national airspace … High Altitude Redesign (HAR) By using new technology and airspace concepts, balance flexibility and structure to obtain maximum system efficiency International Harmonization: Leveraging benefits into the oceanic airspace Integration of concepts and benefits internationally Ensuring global compatibility and benefits

2 High Altitude Redesign
Influenced by the airspace concepts recommended to FAA by RTCA Frequent meetings with user representatives; advice on: Consistency with original concepts Fleet capabilities and limitations Implementation impacts Evolutionary implementation based on emerging technology Began implementing initial functions in initial airspace during 2003 Expansion geographically, vertically and functionally planned through 2008 and beyond With each increment, benefits will increase consistent with user equipage

3 RTCA SC192 High Altitude Concept Summary
“…RTCA SC 192 examined the possibility of defining a high altitude airspace structure where the FAA could begin to implement many of the Free Flight concepts... The High Altitude Airspace Concept…could provide more... freedoms…while offering an opportunity to deploy new technology and procedures in a controlled environment... This airspace would allow properly equipped users to begin achieving the economic benefits of flying their preferred routes and altitudes with fewer restrictions… RTCA SC 192 envisions the initial implementation of this airspace at the higher flight levels…and…at additional levels as technology and procedures allow.”

4 High Altitude Redesign Vision
Balance flexibility and structure to obtain maximum system efficiency Performance Objectives Improve system efficiency Reduce route structure Eliminate “airspace” miles-in-trail restrictions Increase flexibility for controllers and users Design Objectives Point-to-point navigation with pilot navigation in lieu of radar vectors Non-restrictive routing wherever efficient RNAV/parallel RNAV routes in high density corridors Efficient routing around active SUA/ATCAA Improved knowledge of SUA/ATCAA status By ...

5 Evolutionary HAR Implementation
Phase 1 Initial When: 2003 Where: Seven Northwest enroute centers at FL390 & Above When: 2004 Where: Additional seven enroute centers in the south and southwest Phase 1 Expansion Phase 1 Completion When: Where: Remaining six CONUS enroute centers in the east and southeast 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 & Beyond Phase 2 Provides capabilities achievable with changes to the current automation system and aircraft equipped for RVSM and RNP When: Beginning in 2005 Where: All CONUS centers Phase 3 Provides benefits feasible with a new ground automation system and a digital environment When: Beginning in 2008 Where: All CONUS centers Phase 1 Completion includes vertical and geographic expansion. Vertical expansion will be dependent on user equipage. Geographic expansion to the northeast is dependent on completion of the Great Lakes Redesign and NY/NJ/PHL Redesign.

6 Phase 1 Design Enabling capability: Design Concept:
RNAV / closely-spaced parallel RNAV routes Using structure where most efficient Enabling capability: Radar monitoring, RNAV/Advanced RNAV, RNP RNAV/Advanced RNAV & FMS data bases capacity Navigation Reference System Efficiently defining flight paths – tactical and planned Non-Restrictive Routing Providing users increased routing flexibility URET and Navigation Reference System ATCAA & SUA waypoints and status information Mitigating SUA effects for civilian aviation RNAV/Advanced RNAV, access to airspace schedules

7 Phase 1 Initial Airspace

8 Mitigating the impact of SUA/ATCAA
Waypoints published near SUA/ATCAA airspace to aid in avoidance of active areas Air Traffic Control Assigned Airspace (ATCAA) is being depicted via Internet WEB Redesigned website: Improve user interface consistency with similar sites Add waypoints associated with each ATCAA/SUA Provide ability to filter data by altitude Simplified URL: http// will auto-redirect to new site Routine Web updates planned to - coincide with charting cycle (56 day) updates

9 ATCAA/SUA Home Page

10 ATCAA/SUA Graphic Depiction

11 ATS “Q” Route? Historically in the U. S., IFR navigation has been through ground-based navigation aids using Federal Airways/Jet Routes. This results in less-than-optimal routes and contributes to the inefficient use of the NAS. Area navigation (RNAV) provides users with an ability to fly direct routes between any two points. FAA adopted ICAO definition of “Air Traffic Service Route”: Federal Airway, Jet Route and RNAV route US and Canada use "Q" as a designator for RNAV routes (US 1-499/Canada ).

12 HAR Use of RNAV “Q” Routes
11 Q routes - charted 7/10/03 with “GNSS Required” Initially NOTAM as N/A assess impact of “GNSS required” Operational use began on 9/23/03 Flight planning limited to at FL390 and above Plan to delete GNSS required of some route segments with 12/25/03 charting revision Some route segments may have gaps in DME coverage

13 Jet Routes Routes based on NAVAID Location
Flows that cross and converge

14 High Altitude Q Route Examples
Additional routes in the same airspace Greater efficiency Less conflictions between routes Q-1 Q-7 Q-3 Q-5 Q-9 Q-11 Q-13

15 Q Routes – US/Canada Q-504 Q-505 Q-502 Q-501 Note: Q Routes in Canada are not charted, but defined as “Fixed RNAV Routes” in Canadian Flight Supplement

16 Non-Restrictive Routing (NRR)
NRR builds on experiences of the North American Route Program (NRP) over the last decade Established where on departure paths aircraft can routinely leave the prescribed structure and transition to most advantageous flight paths Controllers, borrowing from baseball, call those spots “pitch” points to reflect, much the same as when the ball leaves a pitchers hand, the point where different flight paths begin. As for arrivals, once again controllers used a baseball term and called the spot where flights need to rejoin structure “catch” points. Provides users with: Widespread flexibility to vary flight paths based on current conditions Increased predictability that the route filed will be the one flown.

17 Non-Restrictive Routing (NRR)
“AFD” Route “Typical” filed route “HAR”/”PTP” Route Flexibility

18 Example NRR “HAR” Flight (Using NRS Waypoints)
“Pitch” point “Catch” point Route Flexibility

19 Example NRR “PTP” Flight (Using Traditional Waypoints/Fixes)
“Pitch” point “Catch” point Route Flexibility

20 NRR Route Filing Creating a special section in Airport/Facilities Directory (AFD) for HAR High Altitude Routes Scheduled for October 30, 2003 publication Interim distribution through ATCSCC CDM workgroup HAR Advisory Circular completed Being printed

21 Routing Example: Confined Airspace

22 Navigation Reference System
Waypoints every 30 minutes of latitude, every 2 degrees longitude K D 54 W FIR Longitude Latitude Center Identifier

23 NRS - CONUS Fully Populated Density
20 CONUS Centers Every 10’ Latitude & 1° Longitude Population = 6,514 points

24 HAR Weather Reroute with NRS

25 Sample Benefits (Initial airspace FL390 and above)
Looking at select city pairs, average distance saving of 8 miles per flight estimated $7M annual savings 2.0 2.0 19.0 20.5 12.6 12.5 2.1 5.7

26 Analytic Foundation for Decisions
Each phase supported by modeling Proof of concept modeling Designs modeled for benefits and workability After implementation of each phase, post-analysis will: Validate concept and design Measure benefit Picture by Mary Yee

27 User Environment Navigation Capabilities by Altitude*
*Updated data - 8/15/2002

28 Non-RNAV CY-01 to CY-02

29 Phase 1 Implementation “Roll out”
May 15, 2003 Charting Waypoints - Web access to SUA/ATCAA schedule - ATCAA/SUA Avoidance Trials July 10, 2003 Chart “Q” Routes Initial 11 Q routes rules effective and routes charted – NOTAM NA Sept 4, 2003 “Improved” ATCAA/SUA Web site Sept. 23, 2003 -Initiate use of Q Routes Initiate NRR (PTP) Feb. 19, 2004 Chart NRS Waypoints - Full HAR with NRR implemented - Point-to-point for database limited A/C

30 Phase 1 Expansion Targeting first geographic expansion (2004):
Airspace: West of Mississippi: ZLA, ZAB, ZFW, ZHU, ZME Florida departures/arrivals - to/from the west: ZJX, ZMA Initial design complete (FL350 floor altitude) Lowering HAR airspace floor Governing principle - Common floor across HAR airspace FL350 also planned for 2004 Eventual goal – FL290 and above May not be realizable until later phases Expansion to Great Lakes Corridor and Northeast linked to NY redesign – 2005/06

31 Summary In 2003/04, the initial deployment of High Altitude Redesign will provide benefits through: RNAV/Parallel RNAV routes RNAV waypoint navigation around SUA/ATCAA Flexibility in routing: Non-Restrictive Routing (NRR) Navigation Reference System (NRS) for point-to-point navigation Initial affected airspace: ZAU, ZMP, ZLC, ZSE, ZOA, ZDV, ZKC NRR FL390 & above

32 Discussion

33 Waypoint Estimates - HAR
140 486 626

34 Implementation (con’t)
Aircraft Filing Suffix 100% /A, /P (non-RNAV) /I (Basic RNAV) ATC uncertainty of aircraft capability Filed equipment level where RNAV routes effective? (varies with airspace complexity) /E, /F, /R, /Q (without GNSS) Currently, level of aircraft capability to use “Q” routes (with GNSS) /G (GNSS) 0%

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