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E-Learning Learning as a Business Strategy Designing & Delivering Learning KMA-ASTD 2006, Namin Shin.

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1 E-Learning Learning as a Business Strategy Designing & Delivering Learning KMA-ASTD 2006, Namin Shin

2 M111 Podcasting: The Next Big Thing in E-Learning and Mobile Training Podcasting: The Next Big Thing in E- Learning and Mobile Training Podcasting: 오디오 기반의 정보 전달 Audio files posted to the Internet People can listen from their computer or MP3 player… …and subscribe to an “RSS feed” using a “podcatcher” software, such as iTunes

3 M111 Podcasting: The Next Big Thing in E-Learning and Mobile Training 질문 : What approaches do you see for podcasting in your organization? 1.Curriculum approach Get an iPod when you sign up for an instructor-led class Audio books, lectures, speeches EMC Executive training

4 M111 Podcasting: The Next Big Thing in E-Learning and Mobile Training 질문 : What approaches do you see for podcasting in your organization? 2. Ongoing learning and communications EMC Sales force podcasting 5-6 new casts a week, 15-20 min. long Sound track from eLearning programs Monthly news show from marketing Downloaded by the thousands every week

5 M111 Podcasting: The Next Big Thing in E-Learning and Mobile Training 질문 : What approaches do you see for podcasting in your organization? 3. Next-gen blended learning Prentice Hall Business Publishing Annual kick off meetings Flurry of emails between sales meetings Generic sales training Simulations, Blogs, Podcasts, Meetings, PDA

6 M111 Podcasting: The Next Big Thing in E-Learning and Mobile Training 질문 : What approaches do you see for podcasting in your organization? 4. Web 2.0: Facilitating Conversations and building communities The open source workplace Most popular podcast: Tim Carroll ’ s conference call with 7,000 employees Listen at convenience, across time zones

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