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Prepared by: M. Marabucci, L. Iess M. Di Benedetto, S. Finocchiaro, A.Genova, R. Meriggiola, P. Racioppa, G.Rapino Progress Meeting 15 October 2009 Simulations.

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared by: M. Marabucci, L. Iess M. Di Benedetto, S. Finocchiaro, A.Genova, R. Meriggiola, P. Racioppa, G.Rapino Progress Meeting 15 October 2009 Simulations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared by: M. Marabucci, L. Iess M. Di Benedetto, S. Finocchiaro, A.Genova, R. Meriggiola, P. Racioppa, G.Rapino Progress Meeting 15 October 2009 Simulations of the impact of the RW maneuvers on MORE experiment

2 MORE Progress Meeting – October 2009 Summary SECTION 1: Comparison between settings with different value of residual DeltaVs SECTION 2: Comparison between a Ka configuration and a putative X-Ka configuration SECTION 3: Preliminary analysis of the impact of the accelerometer noise in the estimation of the gravity field

3 MORE Progress Meeting – October 2009 SECTION 1 - Configurations BOT EOT BOT EOT 0h 24h Ka DSM 1 DSM 2 0h 24h BOT EOT BOT EOT Ka DSM 1 DSM 2 General setup: - 88 arcs each lasting 24 hours -Gravitational field up to the degree 30 - The onboard accelerometer allows a complete knowledge of non- gravitational accelerations, therefore they are not included in the model - WGN Allan deviation = 10 -14 @ 1000s

4 MORE Progress Meeting – October 2009 SECTION 1 - Cases Solve-for parameters (all cases): State vector A priori covariance matrix by propagation from previous arc Coefficients of gravity field A priori uncertainties following Kaula’s rule Case A Residual DeltaVs1mm/s Solved-forYES Case B Residual DeltaVs1mm/s Solved-forNO Case C Residual DeltaVs0.15mm/s Solved-forYES Case D Residual DeltaVs0.15mm/s Solved-forNO

5 MORE Progress Meeting – October 2009 SECTION 1 - Multiarc estimate Case ACase B Case C Case D

6 MORE Progress Meeting – October 2009 SECTION 2 - Configurations BOT EOT BOT EOT 0h 24h Ka DSM 1 DSM 2 BOT EOT BOT EOT 0h 24h Ka DSM 1 DSM 2 XX General setup: - 88 arcs each lasting 24 hours -Gravitational field up to the degree 30 - The onboard accelerometer allows a complete knowledge of non- gravitational accelerations, therefore they are not included in the model - WGN Allan deviation = 10 -14 @ 1000s

7 MORE Progress Meeting – October 2009 SECTION 2 - Cases Solve-for parameters (all cases): State vector A priori covariance matrix by propagation from previous arc Coefficients of gravity field A priori uncertainties following Kaula’s rule Residual DeltaVs A priori uncertainties proportional to the value Case A Residual DeltaVs1mm/s TrackingKa Case B Residual DeltaVs1mm/s TrackingX-Ka Case C Residual DeltaVs0.15mm/s TrackingKa Case D Residual DeltaVs0.15mm/s TrackingX-Ka

8 MORE Progress Meeting – October 2009 SECTION 2 - Multiarc estimate Case ACase B Case C Case D

9 MORE Progress Meeting – October 2009 Case A – Ellipsoid and Geoid

10 MORE Progress Meeting – October 2009 Case A – Second iteration Multiarc estimate Corrected value of coefficients of gravity field Associated formal uncertainties Nominal value of coefficients of gravity field A priori formal uncertainties Multiarc estimate Second iteration

11 MORE Progress Meeting – October 2009 Case A – Second iteration - Results km (log) km/s (log)

12 MORE Progress Meeting – October 2009 SECTION 3 - Accelerometer noise From “Gravity field and rotation state of Mercury from the BepiColombo Radio Science Experiments”, Milani et al., 2001

13 MORE Progress Meeting – October 2009 Periodic acceleration (ODP model) Let r and v denote the spacecraft position and velocity θ denote the angle from the ascending node of the spacecraft orbit on the planet equatorial plane to the spacecraft: where :

14 MORE Progress Meeting – October 2009 Periodic acceleration - Settings

15 MORE Progress Meeting – October 2009 Multiarc estimate Estimated parameters:A priori uncertainties: State vectorPropagation of previous arc covariance matrix Constant coefficients of periodic accelerations1.000E-11 km/s 2 Cosine coefficients of periodic accelerations1.000E-11 km/s 2 Impulsive burns (1mm/s)5.000E-06 km/s Gravity field coefficients up to degree 29≈ Kaula’s rule Love number6.000E-02

16 MORE Progress Meeting – October 2009 Conclusions - In a Ka configuration, the gravity field is correctly recovered if residual DeltaVs of 0.15mm/s are considered. On the other hand, if the residual DeltaVs of 1mm/s are considered, it is necessary to include the impulsive burns in the solve-for parameters, but estimation errors larger than 3 sigma occur for degree higher than 18. Impulsive maneuvers of 1mm/s, not included in the solve-for parameter, jeopardize the recovering of the gravity field. - If an additional X band ground station is available, the gravity field can be correctly estimated also if residual DeltaVs of 1mm/s are considered. - The current Ka configuration with residual DeltaVs of 1mm/s (case A) shows error of few centimeters in the geoid radius (considering a gravity field up to degree 10) and will allow, at the end of the mission, to reconstruct the trajectory with accuracies compliant with altimeter requirements. - The preliminary analysis of the accelerometer noise provide information about a possible worsening of the estimation of the gravity field and make necessary an in-depth study of the impact of accelerometer noise and residual DeltaVs.

17 MORE Progress Meeting – October 2009

18 Case A – Ellipsoid and Geoid

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