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Means: “Liturgy” “The Lord be with you all” “The Love of God the Father, the grace of the only begotten Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ and the gift of the.

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Presentation on theme: "Means: “Liturgy” “The Lord be with you all” “The Love of God the Father, the grace of the only begotten Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ and the gift of the."— Presentation transcript:


2 Means: “Liturgy” “The Lord be with you all” “The Love of God the Father, the grace of the only begotten Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ and the gift of the Holy Spirit be with you all” We reply….. And with your spirit

3 “The Lord be with you all” – 2Thes 3:16 “The Love of God the Father, the grace of the only begotten Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ and the gift of the Holy Spirit be with you all” – 2 Corin 13:14 – Romans 5:8 – God’s love remains with us – The Grace: Executor to receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit

4 Romans 12:6 Free gifts….so ask for them Apostolic blessing – Used by St. Paul in his epistles – End of the mass

5 St. John Chrysostom: The priest prays for the people and the people pray for the priest What happens next?



8 Matthew 6:21 “For where you treasure is, there your hearts will be also” Luke 12:31 “seek the kingdom of God, and all these things shall be added to you” Col 3:2 “Set your mind on things above, not on things on earth”

9 We can start by giving our hearts during the mass God gave us everything, what does He ask in return : Proverbs 23:26 “My son, give me your heart”

10 St. John The Short St. Abu Makar King David The prophet And many more…….

11 “These people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honour Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me” Matthew 15:8


13 Whats the next line? 1Thes 5:17-18 “who is worshipped by all the Holy powers” Whats the next line?

14 We all HAVE TO stand up We are like angels in heaven Whats the next line? “Look towards the east”

15 Jesus is the sun – Rev 22:16 Jesus is Light – John 1:9 – John 8:12 Will come from the east – Matthew 24:27 Apostles built churches facing the east…Book of traditions

16 Whats the next line? “Let us attend” Aspasmos: Hymn of angels praising – “Holy” – St. Ambrose: We cannot find a better word” – Saints derive their Holiness from the source of holiness

17 The deacons are flapping the lefafas – Angels flapping their wings around the thrones

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