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Business model for AFUNET. AFUNET workshop CERN Sep 25 2005. Senior Scientist, IPv6 and Routing.

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Presentation on theme: "Business model for AFUNET. AFUNET workshop CERN Sep 25 2005. Senior Scientist, IPv6 and Routing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business model for AFUNET. AFUNET workshop CERN Sep 25 2005. Senior Scientist, IPv6 and Routing.

2 2 Business model for AFUNET Typical National Research and Educational Networks (NRENs).  Funding, expenditure/income/staffing  Infrastructure  Services  Research Regional/sub-regional consortia G É ANT/NORDUnet model. AFUNET???

3 3 NRENs funding Established and funded by governments.  Some basic funding for extra functionality. Differences.  Universities may buy infrastructure from commercials ISPs, competition.  Other users and sources: R&D, schools and colleges. Services other than network services not necessarily offered.

4 4 NRENs funding, budget. Yearly doubling of capacity

5 5 NRENs funding, income sources

6 6 NRENs funding, expenditure

7 7 NRENs funding, staffing Some provide services only to the Reasearch or Education communities. Some contract out part of their work. 40 - 100% techinal staff Some are only supporting basic network operations.

8 8 NRENs funding, staffing

9 9 NRENs infrastructure Leased lines/fibres  Expensive, yearly cost.  IRUs (Indefeasible Right of Use, temporary ownership) Own fibres or consortia  Expensive investment, but cheap to use. Lasts “forever”. Combinations...

10 10 NRENs services Connectivity and remote network access (dial up). Network equipment and equipment monitoring. Operation and maintenance tools, both commercial and public domain tools may be used. E-mail & E-mail lists (with enhanced anti-spam/ anti-virus protection). Web hosting for static and dynamic pages Web caching (local or regional where low bandwidth and many users accessing a lot of the same resources).

11 11 NRENs services(cont.) Name service (DNS) Time service (NTP) News (NNTP) Video On Demand, web casting and multicasting Voice over IP Help-Desk, for immediate solution of technical problems.

12 12 NRENs value added services. Security Firewalls Common purchase, licenses. Electronic Magazine File service (FTP), both local sources and local/regional download of soft ware and other sources. Jabber servers (IMMP) Conference server (OpenMCU/Asterisk) Student administration Finances

13 13 NRENs Research experimental services data management knowledge management joint developments NREN networking. [TERENA]

14 14 The GÉANT and NORDUnet model for cooperation GÉANT (regional)  Connects NRENs in Europe++  Funded by EU and member NRENs, agreement on distribution of cost.  Transit to other educational and commercial networks. NORDUnet (sub regional)  Connects Nordic countries.  Funded by member NRENs, agreement on distribution of cost.  Transit to GÉANT and other networks.

15 15 AFUNET model, funding. EU/AFUNET/others, reduction over 5 years? Help to get started! National governments and public bodies Users/clients, universities, colleges, schools, research institutions. Other sources.

16 16 AFUNET model, staffing. No NREN  Universities directly connected  Cooperation with research community, schools and colleges  Subcontracting to get started, international bodies or local universities. Found NRENs when suitable.

17 17 AFUNET model, infrastructure. Main problem, something that will last forever(?) Unfortunately; have to uses expensive satellite links on yearly expense some places. IRUs, renting black fibres for 10 years? Consortia, charing cables and cost.

18 18 AFUNET model, services. All the typical NREN services. Education  staff to run the services regionally, sub regionally and/or locally.  Users Web Portal for AFUNET and/or African NRENs in general? Research in African networking. Trans- African Research and Education Networking Association [TARENA]?

19 19 AFUNET model. There is a lot of open issues... Hopefully we this workshop and case studies will give us some answers and recomandations.

20 20 Some references http://www.terena.nlNREN statistics http://www.geant.netGEANT backbone http://www.dante.orgOperations http://www.nordu.netNORDUnet backb.

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