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1 SMART ANTENNAS FOR THIRD GENERATION TDMA (EDGE) Jack H. Winters AT&T Labs - Research Red Bank, NJ 07701-7033 October 3, 2000.

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Presentation on theme: "1 SMART ANTENNAS FOR THIRD GENERATION TDMA (EDGE) Jack H. Winters AT&T Labs - Research Red Bank, NJ 07701-7033 October 3, 2000."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 SMART ANTENNAS FOR THIRD GENERATION TDMA (EDGE) Jack H. Winters AT&T Labs - Research Red Bank, NJ 07701-7033 October 3, 2000

2 2 OUTLINE Smart Antenna Overview 2G System Applications 3G System Applications: –EDGE –MIMO-EDGE –OFDM-MIMO-EDGE Conclusions

3 3 WIRELESS SYSTEM IMPAIRMENTS Wireless communication systems are limited in performance and capacity by: Delay Spread CoChannel Interference Rayleigh Fading Limited Spectrum

4 4 SMART ANTENNAS Today: Cellular systems with sectorization (120°)  handoffs between sectors For higher performance  Narrower sectors  Too many handoffs Smart Antenna definition: Multibeam antenna or adaptive array without handoffs between beams f1f1 f2f2 f3f3 f4f4 f5f5 f6f6

5 5 Smart Antennas Smart Antennas can significantly improve the performance of wireless systems Higher antenna gain / diversity gain  Range extension and multipath mitigation Interference suppression  Quality and capacity improvement Suppression of delayed signals  Equalization of ISI for higher data rates Multiple signals in the same bandwidth  Higher data rates Switched Multibeam versus Adaptive Array Antenna: Simple beam tracking, but limited interference suppression and diversity gain SIGNAL OUTPUT SIGNAL INTERFERENCE BEAMFORMER WEIGHTS SIGNAL OUTPUT BEAM SELECT SIGNAL BEAMFORMER Adaptive Antenna ArraySwitched Multibeam Antenna

6 6 BASE STATION DIVERSITY OPTIONS (4 ANTENNAS) 24 (12 ft) 3 (1.5 ft) 3 or 24 Spatial DiversityAngle Diversity Polarization Diversity

7 7 Smart Antennas Rooftop Base Station Antennas 11.3 ft Prototype Dual Antenna Handset Prototype Smart Antenna for Laptops

8 8 INTERFERENCE NULLING Line-Of-Sight Systems Utilizes spatial dimension of radio environment to: Maximize signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio Increase gain towards desired signal Null interference: M-1 interferers with M antennas User 1 User 2  User 1 Signal

9 9 INTERFERENCE NULLING Multipath Systems User 1 User 2  User 1 Signal Antenna pattern is meaningless, but performance is based on the number of signals, not number of paths (without delay spread). => A receiver using adaptive array combining with M antennas and N-1 interferers can have the same performance as a receiver with M-N+1 antennas and no interference, i.e., can null N-1 interferers with M-N+1 diversity improvement (N-fold capacity increase).

10 10 MIMO CAPACITY INCREASE With M antennas at both the base station and mobiles, M independent channels can be provided in the same bandwidth if the multipath environment is rich enough. 1.2 Mbps in a 30 kHz bandwidth using 8 transmit and 12 receive antennas demonstrated by Lucent (indoors). Separation of signals from two closely-spaced antennas 5 miles from the base station demonstrated by AT&T/Lucent.

11 11 Delay spread: Delay spread over [(M-1) / 2]T or M-1 delayed signals (over any delay) can be eliminated Typically use temporal processing with spatial processing for equalization: EQUALIZATION LE MLSE/DFE 

12 12 SMART ANTENNAS IN SECOND GENERATION SYSTEMS IS-136 TDMA: –On uplink, with two receive antennas, in 1999 changed from maximal ratio combining to MMSE combining Software change only - provided 3-4 dB gain in interference-limited environments Combined with power control on downlink (software change only) - increased capacity through frequency reuse reduction

13 13 SMART ANTENNAS IN SECOND GENERATION SYSTEMS Techniques proposed a decade before implementation, but: –MMSE combining: SMI degrades performance when interference is not present Solution: Diagonal loading with beta=f(I/N) –Power control: 1 second reporting delay of mobile BER and RSSI – unstable at pedestrian speeds Solution: Use uplink RSSI (diversity) with mobile BER

14 14 SMART ANTENNAS IN SECOND GENERATION SYSTEMS IS-136 TDMA: –On uplink, with two receive antennas, in 1999 changed from maximal ratio combining to MMSE combining Software change only - provided 3-4 dB gain in interference- limited environments Combined with power control on downlink (software change only) - increased capacity through frequency reuse reduction –Use of 4 antennas (adaptive array uplink/multibeam, with power control, downlink) extends range and/or doubles capacity (N=7 to 4 or 3) Clears spectrum for EDGE deployment (2001)

15 15 IS-136 Smart Antenna System ADAPTIVE ANTENNA RECEIVER 4 Branches TRANSMITTER RADIO UNIT RSSI, BER DUPLEXERS BEAM SCANNING RECEIVER 1 per N radios SPLITTER Power ControlShared LPAs Atten 4 Branch adaptive antenna uplink for range extension and interference suppression Fixed switched beam downlink with power control for increased coverage and capacity Uplink and downlink are independent Shared linear power amplifiers reduce amplifier requirements to handle maximum traffic load

16 16 SMART ANTENNAS IN THIRD GENERATION SYSTEMS: EDGE High data rate ( 384 kbps) service based on GSM, for both Europe and North America 8PSK at 270.833 ksps 26 symbol training sequence 1/3, 3/9 or 4/12 reuse 576.92  s 58 26 8.25 33

17 17 ADAPTIVE ARRAYS IN EDGE Spatial-Temporal processing using DDFSE for interference suppression


19 DDFSE Equalizer Channel Decoder Rx Output Data EDGE Smart Antenna Processing Dual Diversity Receiver Using Delayed Decision Feedback Sequence Estimator for Joint Intersymbol Interference and Co-channel Interference Suppression Simulation results show a 15 to 30 dB improvement in S/I with 2 receive antennas Real-time EDGE Test Bed supports laboratory and field link level tests to demonstrate improved performance Wireless Systems Research Block Error Rate Signal -to-Interference Ratio (dB) EDGE with Interference Suppression in a Typical Urban Environment

20 Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) Techniques for 3G Wireless Systems Multiple antennas at both the base station and terminal can significantly increase data rates if the multipath environment is rich enough sufficient multipath  low correlation  high spectral efficiency With 4 transmit and receive antennas 4 independent data channels can be provided in the same bandwidth Data rates as high as 1.5 Mbps (4x384 kbps) may be possible for EDGE or as high as 40 Mbps for Wideband OFDM (also can be used in WCDMA/HDR)

21 21 MIMO-EDGE Goal: 4 transmit / 4 receive antennas in EDGE can theoretically increase capacity 4-fold with the same total transmit power (3.77X384 kbps = 1.45 Mbps is actual theoretical increase) Issues: –Joint spatial-temporal equalization –Weight adaptation –Mobile channel characteristics to support MIMO-EDGE Our approach: –Development of multi-antenna EDGE testbed –Development of 2X2 and 4X4 DDFSE architecture with MMSE combining using successive interference cancellation –Mobile channel measurements

22 22 MIMO Channel Testing Tx W1W1 W2W2 W3W3 W4W4 LO Synchronous test sequences Rx Record complex correlation of each transmit waveform on each receive antenna, C 4x4 Compute C H C correlation matrix to determine potential capacity and predict performance Compute fading correlation across receive array LO Mobile Transmitter Test Bed Receiver with Rooftop Antennas Transmit Antenna Configurations Space diversity Space / polarization diversity Space / pattern diversity Space / polarization / pattern diversity

23 23 MIMO Channel Measurement System Transmitter 4 antennas mounted on a laptop 4 coherent 1 Watt 1900 MHz transmitters with synchronous waveform generator Receive System Dual-polarized slant 45° PCS antennas separated by 10 feet and fixed multibeam antenna with 4 - 30° beams 4 coherent 1900 MHz receivers with real-time baseband processing using 4 TI TMS320C40 DSPs

24 24

25 25 EDGE with Wideband OFDM - MIMO Downlink High data rates (>1 Mbps) required on downlink only OFDM eliminates need for temporal processing => simplified MIMO processing for much higher data rates With 1.25 MHz bandwidth, QPSK, OFDM- MIMO with 4 antennas at base station and terminal => 10 Mbps downlink

26 26 SMART ANTENNA EVOLUTION FOR TDMA IS-136: Optimum combining uplink / power control downlink at all base stations with existing 2Rx/1Tx antennas 4Rx/4Tx antenna upgrade (adaptive uplink/multibeam downlink) for N=7 to 4 to clear spectrum for EDGE EDGE: S-T processing with IS-136 smart antennas (Data followed by VoIP) MIMO-EDGE (1.5 – 2.4 Mbps) Wideband OFDM-MIMO downlink (10 - 40 Mbps) 4Rx/4Tx base station with software radio for software evolution at base station with terminal replacements Research issues: Deployment strategies / integration with DCA, PC, adaptive modulation and coding / improved weight adaptation with CCI

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