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11/15: Planning in Belief Space contd.. Home Work 3 returned; Homework 4 assigned Avg.61.66667 Std. Dev.19.16551 Median57 Agenda: Long post-mortem on Kanna Rajan Talk Progression/Regression in Belief Space
Discussion on Kanna Rajan Talk Qn: What did you mean by the comment to KR that the difficulty of modeling search control may be more acute because of hand-coded search control? HSTS/RAX (the planner underlying MAPGEN) depends on hand-coded search control rules to tell the planner how to deal with the choice points during its search. To write these, you need expertise with both the HSTS planner and the domain. And the rules change if the domain changes. I was wondering if the latter difficulty may be alleviated if you were to use domain-independent (or even domain-specific but declarative—a la TLPLAN—search control). [Kanna thinks the latter techniques may not scale] The domain specific search control rules are also used in ASPEN—JPL’s own temporal planner that uses local search. In ASPEN’s case, the control rules tell it which of the many possible plan repairs should be picked first. The experience with ASPEN was that it takes NASA folks time to (a) encode the new domain AND (b) write the domain specific rules. The first cannot be avoided. The second could be, if we use domain-independent local search heuristics (e.g. LPG planner)
Explaining Plans Qn: KR mentioned that it was very important for the users to get exlanations for the decisions the planner made. How do we get them? There are two types of explanations: Explanations of correctness—e.g. why is this action in the plan? Can be given through causal links… the action is in the plan because of the causal links it is giving. Following them will tell us whether or not the action is (in)directly supporting some toplevel goal Can be computed after the fact (doesn’t matter who made the plan—if I have the domain theory, I can compute its explanation of correctness) Rationale for decision—e.g. Why was this action chosen as against some other action giving similar effects? This information needs to be captured during the search [See Kambhampti’s 1990 paper on Information Requirements for Modification]
From [Kambhampati, 1990]
Soft Goals Qn: KR mentioned that MAPGEN needs to handle soft goals. What are these and how are they handled? Soft Goals are those that don’t have to be achieved for the plan to be considered valid. However, achieving them can improve the “value” of the plan. Soft Goals give planning a more distinct optimization flavor (If all goals are soft, then any executable sequence is a valid plan, and what we are looking for are valid plans with high quality) The way MAPGEN handles these seems to be sort of ad hoc —the goals are given priorities. All tier 1 goals are first handled, then tier 2 goals are handled etc. A related qn: How do we handle soft goals in a more principled and automated way? See the papers in AAAI-2004 (by Rao et al) and ICAPS-2004 (by Smith) … and a summary of the issues in the next slide
Handling Soft Goals—an approach Consider the variant of classical planning problem called PSP Net Benefit, defined as follows: There are n goals to be achieved. Each goal g, when achieved gives a reward R g Each action a in the domain has a cost C a (expressed in the same units as the reward) Objective is to find a plan that has the highest net benefit (which is the difference between cumulative reward of all the goals achieved by the plan, and the cumulative cost of all the actions used in the plan) How do we solve PSP Net Benefit problem? Naïve (but guaranteed optimal) idea: Consider all possible subset of the n goals. For each find the least costly plan (using cost-based planning graphs). Among all these, pick the one with the best benefit. You die because there are 2 n different calls to the planning algorithm Cheap (but pretty inoptimal idea): Rank the n goals in terms of the expected net benefit of the plans for achieving them. Work just on the subset of goals with +ve net benefit You can do this by finding a (cost-sensitive) relaxed plan for each of the goals. The net benefit is the reward of the goal minus the cost of the relaxed plan. Problem: The cost of achieving a goal depends on what other goals we are planning to achieve in conjunction. We need to consider residual cost of achieving a goal g k+1 in the context of goals {g 1..g k } that have already been selected A less greedy idea: Generalize the relaxed plan extraction procedure such that it takes the relaxed plan P for achieving {g 1 …g k } and attempts to re-use as many of the actions in P as possible while finding a relaxed plan for g k+1 See AltAlt ps system (in AAAI 2004) for details
Belief State Search: An Example Problem Initial state: M is true and exactly one of P,Q,R are true Goal: Need G Actions: A1: M P => K A2: M Q => K A3: M R => L A4: K => G A5: L => G Init State Formula: [(p & ~q & ~r)V(~p&q&~r)V(~p&~q&r)]&M DNF: [M&p&~q&~r]V[M&~p&~q&~r]V[M&~p&~q&r] CNF: (P V Q V R) & (~P V ~Q) &(~P V ~R) &(~Q V ~R) & M DNF good for progression (clauses are partial states) CNF good For regression Plan: ??
Progression & Regression Progression with DNF The “constituents” (DNF clauses) look like partial states already. Think of applying action to each of these constituents and unioning the result Action application converts each constituent to a set of new constituents Termination when each constituent entails the goal formula Regression with CNF Very little difference from classical planning (since we already had partial states in classical planning). THE Main difference is that we cannot split the disjunction into search space Termination when each (CNF) clause is entailed by the initial state
Progression Example
Regression Search Example Actions: A1: M P => K A2: M Q => K A3: M R => L A4: K => G A5: L => G Initially: (P V Q V R) & (~P V ~Q) & (~P V ~R) & (~Q V ~R) & M Goal State: G G (G V K) (G V K V L) A4 A1 (G V K V L V P) & M A2 A5 A3 G or K must be true before A4 For G to be true after A4 (G V K V L V P V Q) & M (G V K V L V P V Q V R) & M Each Clause is Satisfied by a Clause in the Initial Clausal State -- Done! (5 actions) Initially: (P V Q V R) & (~P V ~Q) & (~P V ~R) & (~Q V ~R) & M Clausal States compactly represent disjunction to sets of uncertain literals – Yet, still need heuristics for the search (G V K V L V P V Q V R) & M Enabling precondition Must be true before A1 was applied
What happens if we restrict uncertainty? If initial state contains only the known variables (either known to be true or known to be false), –DNF formula has one single constituent –CNF clauses are all singletons –So you can see how we go from 2^(2 n ) to 3 n
11/17 … after all the money we spend on wardrobe and cosmetic surgeries
No. 42: HOW NOT TO BE SEEN (aka Monty Python on Conformant Planning) Video shown in class Conformant Planning in Real World™: 2 examples
Heuristics for Conformant Planning First idea: Notice that “Classical planning” (which assumes full observability) is a “relaxation” of conformant planning –So, the length of the classical planning solution is a lowerbound (admissible heuristic) for conformant planning –Further, the heuristics for classical planning are also heuristics for conformant planning (albeit not very informed probably) Next idea: Let us get a feel for how estimating distances between belief states differs from estimating those between states
Three issues: How many states are there? How far are each of the states from goal? How much interaction is there between states? For example if the length of plan for taking S1 to goal is 10, S2 to goal is 10, the length of plan for taking both to goal could be anywhere between 10 and Infinity depending on the interactions [Notice that we talk about “state” interactions here just as we talked about “goal interactions” in classical planning] Need to estimate the length of “combined plan” for taking all states to the goal
Belief-state cardinality alone won’t be enough… Early work on conformant planning concentrated exclusively on heuristics that look at the cardinality of the belief state –The larger the cardinality of the belief state, the higher its uncertainty, and the worse it is (for progression) Notice that in regression, we have the opposite heuristic—the larger the cardinality, the higher the flexibility (we are satisfied with any one of a larger set of states) and so the better it is From our example in the previous slide, cardinality is only one of the three components that go into actual distance estimation. –For example, there may be an action that reduces the cardinality (e.g. bomb the place ) but the new belief state with low uncertainty will be infinite distance away from the goal. We will look at planning graph-based heuristics for considering all three components –(actually, unless we look at cross-world mutexes, we won’t be considering the interaction part…)
Planning Graph Heuristic Computation Heuristics –BFS –Cardinality –Max, Sum, Level, Relaxed Plans Planning Graph Structures –Single, unioned planning graph (SG) –Multiple, independent planning graphs (MG) –Single, labeled planning graph (LUG) [Bryce, et. al, 2004] – AAAI MDP workshop
Using a Single, Unioned Graph P M Q M R M P Q R M A1 A2 A3 Q R M K L A4 G A5 P A1 A2 A3 Q R M K L P G A4 K A1 P M Heuristic Estimate = 2 Not effective Lose world specific support information Union literals from all initial states into a conjunctive initial graph level Minimal implementation
Using Multiple Graphs P M A1 P M K P M K A4 G R M A3 R M L R M L G A5 P M Q M R M Q M A2 Q M K Q K A4 G M G K A1 M P G A4 K A2 Q M G A5 L A3 R M Same-world Mutexes Memory Intensive Heuristic Computation Can be costly Unioning these graphs a priori would give much savings …
What about mutexes? In the previous slide, we considered only relaxed plans (thus ignoring any mutexes) –We could have considered mutexes in the individual world graphs to get better estimates of the plans in the individual worlds (call these same world mutexes) –We could also have considered the impact of having an action in one world on the other world. Consider a patient who may or may not be suffering from disease D. There is a medicine M, which if given in the world where he has D, will cure the patient. But if it is given in the world where the patient doesn’t have disease D, it will kill him. Since giving the medicine M will have impact in both worlds, we now have a mutex between “being alive” in world 1 and “being cured” in world 2! Notice that cross-world mutexes will take into account the state-interactions that we mentioned as one of the three components making up the distance estimate. We could compute a subset of same world and cross world mutexes to improve the accuracy of the heuristics… –…but it is not clear whether or not the accuracy comes at too much additional cost to have reasonable impact on efficiency.. [see Bryce et. Al. JAIR submission]
Connection to CGP CGP—the “conformant Graphplan”—does multiple planning graphs, but also does backward search directly on the graphs to find a solution (as against using these to give heuristic estimates) –It has to mark sameworld and cross world mutexes to ensure soundness..
Using a Single, Labeled Graph (joint work with David E. Smith) P Q R A1 A2 A3 P Q R M L A1 A2 A3 P Q R L A5 Action Labels: Conjunction of Labels of Supporting Literals Literal Labels: Disjunction of Labels Of Supporting Actions P M Q M R M K A4 G K A1 A2 A3 P Q R M G A5 A4 L K A1 A2 A3 P Q R M Heuristic Value = 5 Memory Efficient Cheap Heuristics Scalable Extensible Benefits from BDD’s ~Q & ~R ~P & ~R ~P & ~Q (~P & ~R) V (~Q & ~R) (~P & ~R) V (~Q & ~R) V (~P & ~Q) M True Label Key Labels signify possible worlds under which a literal holds
Sensing Actions Sensing actions in essence “partition” a belief state –Sensing a formula f splits a belief state B to B&f; B&~f –Both partitions need to be taken to the goal state now –Tree plan –AO* search Heuristics will have to compare two generalized AND branches –In the figure, the lower branch has an expected cost of 11,000 –The upper branch has a fixed sensing cost of 300 + based on the outcome, a cost of 7 or 12,000 If we consider worst case cost, we assume the cost is 12,300 If we consider both to be equally likey, we assume 6303.5 units cost If we know actual probabilities that the sensing action returns one result as against other, we can use that to get the expected cost… AsAs A 7 12,000 11,000 300
Cost models of conditional plans The execution cost of a conditional plan is Cost of O5 + [Prob(p=T)* {cost of A1 + A3} + Prob(p=F)*{cost of A2 +A3} ] Can take max(cost A1+A3; cost A2+A3 ) The planning cost of a conditional plan is however is proportional to the total size of the plan (num actions) O5:p? A1 A3 A2 Y N O5:p? A1 A2 Y N Need to estimate cost of leaf belief states
Slides beyond this point not covered
System Architecture A* Search Engine (HSP-r) Heuristics Planning Graph(s) (IPP) Belief States Labels (CUDD) Model Checker (NuSMV) Off – The - ShelfCustom IPC PDDL Parser Searches Guided By Input for Condense Validates Extracted From
Sum and Relaxed Plan Are Best for a single Graph Relaxed Plan is Best Multiple Or Label Graphs Label Graph using mutexes With relaxed plan is best overall
Relaxed Plan is Best for a single Graph Sum is Best for Multiple Graphs Label Graph using mutexes With relaxed plan is best overall
Cardinality does well Multiple Graph Union Relaxed Plan scales Label Graph Relaxed Plan Does best
OptimalApproaches scale poorly Cardinality approaches are faster But quality suffers Relaxed Plan approaches Scale better with time approximate to cardinality And quality comparable to optimal
OptimalApproaches scale poorly Cardinality approaches are faster But quality suffers Relaxed Plan approaches Scale better with time approximate to cardinality And quality comparable to optimal
Contingent Planning Progression Planner – PBSP –LAO* type search -- Non-Deterministic & Partially Observable –Build Planning Graph to compute heuristic for each Belief State No Mutexes Computed Added Observational Actions to Domains
OptimalApproaches scale poorly Cardinality approaches are faster And scale better But quality suffers by two orders of magnitude Relaxed Plan approaches Scale better than optimal approaches and have Comparable quality
Conclusions & Future Work Conclusion –Distance Estimations using “overlap” are more informed than cardinality and max state to state heuristics –Multiple Planning Graphs give good heuristics, but are costly Labeled Planning graphs reduce cost –Planning Graph Heuristics help control plan length while scaling to difficult problems More details in: –TR at: Conformant, Contingent – all planning graph types –AAAI-04 MDP workshop Labeled Planning Graph for conformant planning Future Work –Stochastic Planning
Stochastic Planning Stochastic Planning Problem Non-Deterministic Planner (PBSP or CAltAlt) Deterministic Planner (UCPOP) New Approach Buridan Seed Stochastic Plan Relaxation Of Instance Convert Solution to Stochastic Plan Deterministic Plan Non- Deterministic Plan Stochastic Plan Local Search To Improve Probability of Satisfaction A seed non- deterministic plan is likely to reflect physics of a stochastic planning problem better than a seed deterministic plan. Can use Relaxed Plans that are greedy On Probability by Using Probability in Planning Graph (similar to PGraphPlan)
Distance Estimates Cardinality Max State to StateState to State Overlap – Belief state to Belief state 4 2 3 5 3 6 4 4 min 7 7 max 7 union 10
Cardinality does well Multiple Graph Union Relaxed Plan scales Label Graph Relaxed Plan Does best, mutexes do help
OptimalApproaches scale poorly Cardinality approaches are faster And scale better But quality suffers by an order of magnitude Relaxed Plan approaches Scale better than optimal approaches, but have quality comparable to optimal
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