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Arizona City/County Management Association 2007 Winter Conference Attack of the Blog Presented by Scott Neal, City Manager Eden Prairie, Minnesota, USA.

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Presentation on theme: "Arizona City/County Management Association 2007 Winter Conference Attack of the Blog Presented by Scott Neal, City Manager Eden Prairie, Minnesota, USA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arizona City/County Management Association 2007 Winter Conference Attack of the Blog Presented by Scott Neal, City Manager Eden Prairie, Minnesota, USA February 7, 2007

2 Definitions Blog – “Web Log” Post Host RSS

3 Facts about my blog “Blog from City Hall” “Blog from City Hall” Started March 2003 Started March 2003 515 Individual posts as of February 27, 2005 515 Individual posts as of February 27, 2005 Wordpress Wordpress 4,000 subscribers; readers in 70 different countries on 6 or 7 continents 4,000 subscribers; readers in 70 different countries on 6 or 7 continents

4 Facts about my blog Profiled in Public Management, Governing and Public CIO magazines; newspapers in Minneapolis-St. Paul; Atlanta; Indianapolis; Charleston, SC; Nattick, MA; and Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, UK; and a BBC special report on the future of e-democracy in Great Britain. Profiled in Public Management, Governing and Public CIO magazines; newspapers in Minneapolis-St. Paul; Atlanta; Indianapolis; Charleston, SC; Nattick, MA; and Scunthorpe, North Lincolnshire, UK; and a BBC special report on the future of e-democracy in Great Britain.

5 Why do I blog? E ducate E ducate P romote P romote E nhance E nhance P raise P raise E mpathize E mpathize P ersonalize P ersonalize

6 Why do I blog? Educate – City Services Educate – City Services

7 Why do I blog? Educate – Public Policy (national) Educate – Public Policy (national)

8 Why do I blog? Educate – Public Policy (state) Educate – Public Policy (state)

9 Why do I blog? Educate – Public Policy (city) Educate – Public Policy (city)

10 Why do I blog? Promote – Community Organizations Promote – Community Organizations

11 Why do I blog? Promote – Businesses Promote – Businesses

12 Why do I blog? Promote – City of Eden Prairie Promote – City of Eden Prairie

13 Why do I blog? Promote – Blog Promote – Blog

14 Why do I blog? Enhance – Citizen’s understanding of local government Enhance – Citizen’s understanding of local government

15 Why do I blog? Praise – Employees Praise – Employees

16 Why do I blog? Praise – Employees Praise – Employees

17 Why do I blog? Praise – Elected Officials Praise – Elected Officials

18 Why do I blog? Praise – Local Citizens Praise – Local Citizens

19 Why do I blog? Empathy – For local government, elected officials, and appointed officials Empathy – For local government, elected officials, and appointed officials

20 Why do I blog? Personalize – “Putting the face on the faceless bureaucrat” Personalize – “Putting the face on the faceless bureaucrat”

21 Why do I blog? Personalize – “Putting the face on the faceless bureaucrat” Personalize – “Putting the face on the faceless bureaucrat”

22 Why do I blog? Personalize – “Putting the face on the faceless bureaucrat” Personalize – “Putting the face on the faceless bureaucrat”

23 Why do I blog? Personalize – “Putting the face on the faceless bureaucrat” Personalize – “Putting the face on the faceless bureaucrat”

24 Benefits of the blog Additional element to your organization’s communication strategy Additional element to your organization’s communication strategy Personal touch Personal touch Adds transparency – internally and externally Adds transparency – internally and externally Leverages my time Leverages my time Connects employees with City government Connects employees with City government Adds acclaim for our organization Adds acclaim for our organization

25 What do you need to do a blog? Computer and internet service Computer and internet service Observation skills Observation skills Writing skills Writing skills Personality Personality Motivation Motivation Time Time Digital camera Digital camera

26 Issues to consider Who will blog within your organization? Who will blog within your organization? Who owns the blog? Who owns the blog? Will you allow open comments from readers? Will you allow open comments from readers? Will you share personal information? Will you share personal information? How will you promote the blog? How will you promote the blog? Will you change posts? Will you archive? Will you change posts? Will you archive?

27 My insights Biggest surprises... Biggest surprises... Biggest disappointment... Biggest disappointment... Most common comments... Most common comments... Most common questions... Most common questions...

28 Scott’s Seven Iron Laws of Blogging Have the right motivation Have the right motivation If your motivations are pure, the politics of the blog are good If your motivations are pure, the politics of the blog are good Write what you know Write what you know Citizens are interested in the little things Citizens are interested in the little things Be honest Be honest You may have to eat those words someday You may have to eat those words someday Be authentic Be authentic Keep professional communications experts away from your blog Keep professional communications experts away from your blog Look for topics Look for topics They are all around you They are all around you Use photographs Use photographs They really are worth 1,000 words They really are worth 1,000 words Think with the end in mind Think with the end in mind

29 Thank you! Scott H. Neal City Manager Eden Prairie, Minnesota, USA

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