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Jean Zinn-Justin, Dapnia ECFA 12/05/06 1 France with two institutions : CEA/DSM/Dapnia, CNRS/IN2P3.
Jean Zinn-Justin, Dapnia ECFA 12/05/06 2 IN2P3 (20 labs,2600p) IRESLALIPNOCPPM APC SPhN CC LYON DSM … LSM CNRS+Univ CEA Research Ministery GIE GANIL I … SPP DAPNIA (750p) Figure 1 CERN
Jean Zinn-Justin, Dapnia ECFA 12/05/06 3 IN2P3 and DAPNIA IN2P3 –Mission for CNRS plus universities in nuclear and particle physics –20 laboratories in 15 different universities –1000 permanent scientists (1/2 CNRS, 1/2 universities), 1500 IT CNRS, 300 non permanent = 2800 DAPNIA –Particle, nuclear and astrophysics –Location: Saclay –635 permanent plus about 130 non permanent = 770
Jean Zinn-Justin, Dapnia ECFA 12/05/06 4 French Nuclear and High Energy Physics Budget CERN 100 Meuros CNRS + Universities 200 Meuros (3/4 for salaries) CEA 55 Meuros (3/5 for salaries)
Jean Zinn-Justin, Dapnia ECFA 12/05/06 5 Distribution of activities IN2P3 –1/4 Quarks and charged leptons –1/4 Nuclear Physics –1/4 Astroparticle physics plus neutrinos –1/4 Accelerator R§D plus instrumentation R§D plus interdisciplinary activities (including nuclear energy) DAPNIA –1/4 particle physics –1/4 astrophysics (not included in the 55 Meuros CEA) –1/8 nuclear physics –1/4 accelerator R§D plus instrumentation R§D –1/8 interdisciplinary activities
Jean Zinn-Justin, Dapnia ECFA 12/05/06 6 French Roadmap for HEP and Astroparticle A Bottom-Up approach involving the whole French scientific community. Coordinated by a steering committee composed of members from the scientific committees of DAPNIA & the IN2P3. A workshop on the future of nuclear and high energy physics was held from the 6th to the 10th October 2004 at la Colle-sur-Loup and gathered together more than 400 researchers, teacher-researchers and engineers. The management of the CEA- DAPNIA and the CNRS-IN2P3 have distilled the summary given in the document « from Quarks to Cosmos ».
Jean Zinn-Justin, Dapnia ECFA 12/05/06 7 The Ultimate Constituents of Matter CMS Solenoid Objective 1 : Fully exploit the potential of the programmes in progress at FNAL, SLAC & DESY. Objective 2 : Fulfil our commitments to the LHC experiments : ATLAS and CMS, LHCb; construction and installation of the detectors, preparation of the analyses, start-up of the detectors in 2007.
Jean Zinn-Justin, Dapnia ECFA 12/05/06 8 The Ultimate Constituents of Matter Objective 3 : From 2007, ensure an optimal exploitation of the physics potential offered by the LHC and its detectors, and prepare a possible accelerator upgrade. 100 GeV No Background L = 10 33 cm -2 s -1 photons + neutrons L = 10 35 cm -2 s -1 ?? NbSn Magnet R&D
Jean Zinn-Justin, Dapnia ECFA 12/05/06 9 The Ultimate Constituents of Matter Objective 4 : Take part in the accelerator R&D in the CLIC project (CTF3). Take part in the accelerator R&D and the design of a detector for the ILC. CLIC Cavity Integrated cavity RF tests in CryHoLab Fast piezoelectric actuator Cold tuning system
Jean Zinn-Justin, Dapnia ECFA 12/05/06 10 The Ultimate Constituents of Matter Understand the structure of nucleons (partons distributions, spin) and, more generally, or hadrons (COMPASS at CERN, TJNAF 6-12 GeV, FAIR at GSI), by both experimental and theoretical efforts Micromegas @ COMPASS TJNAF
Jean Zinn-Justin, Dapnia ECFA 12/05/06 11 Neutrinos, Astroparticle and Cosmology SN G347.3-0.5 : (0.8-10 TeV) et X Projet ANTARES Objective 1 : Ensure the success of the current large projects : AUGER, HESS, ANTARES, VIRGO, GLAST, AMS, PLANCK, NEMO, OPERA, T2K. Objective 2 : Continue neutrino astronomy, with a 1 km3 underwater telescope in the Mediterranean sea at the 2010 horizon. An improvement of HESS is envisaged (HESS II) in the 3-4 years to come.
Jean Zinn-Justin, Dapnia ECFA 12/05/06 12 Neutrinos, Astroparticle and Cosmology Objective 3 : VIRGO Detector for the detection of gravitational waves, now in commissioning, will reach its maximum of sensitivity in the two coming years. R &D in progress could lead to a follow-up of VIRGO for the detection of the gravitational waves (Around 2010 – 2015) Supernovae neutrinos Objective 4 : Modernisation and expansion of the underground laboratory of Modane within an international framework, in order to house detectors permitting the study of proton stability, to detect supernovae and to study neutrino properties with CERN beams (Around 2015-2020)
Jean Zinn-Justin, Dapnia ECFA 12/05/06 13 shear Objective 5 : Space is another very important priority axis. The experiments under construction will have to be carried through (… PLANCK & GLAST horizon 2007, AMS one to two years later), the new generation of experiments in cosmology and gravitation (JDEM/DUNE, LISA, around 2012-2013) and also the study of cosmic phenomena of high energy (SIMBOL-X and ECLAIRS horizon 2008-12) will have to be prepared. Neutrinos, Astroparticle and Cosmology DUNE JDEM/SNAP
Jean Zinn-Justin, Dapnia ECFA 12/05/06 14 Neutrinos, Astroparticle and Cosmology Objective 6 : Follow-up the experiments on cosmic rays of the highest energy (collaboration AUGER in Argentina), dark matter research (EDELWEISS with Modane) and neutrinoless double beta decay researches (SUPERNEMO) EDELWEISS
Jean Zinn-Justin, Dapnia ECFA 12/05/06 15 EXTREME STATES OF NUCLEAR MATTER Ensure in the next few years a maximum exploitation of the physics potential offered by PHENIX and STAR experiments of RHIC. Complete ALICE construction at LHC (2007), and starting in 2008, exploit its strong scientific potential during ten years. PHENIX @ RHIC ALICE @ CERN/LHC
Jean Zinn-Justin, Dapnia ECFA 12/05/06 16 SCIENTIFIC COMPUTATION Objective 1 : Reinforce the calculation resources of the computing centre IN2P3/DAPNIA of Lyon within the framework of the LHC Computing Grid project Objective 2 : Relay this action at the regional or inter-regional level by the creation of computation poles inserted in the grid.
Jean Zinn-Justin, Dapnia ECFA 12/05/06 17 ACCELERATORS and INSTRUMENTATION Objective 1 : Continue the R & D on the high gradient superconducting accelerating cavities and the power couplers (ILC, EURISOL), together with intense protons sources and intense heavy ions sources (> 1mA). Objective 2 : Take part with the CERN in the R&D on CLIC in preparation of a 5 TeV e+ e- linear collider at CERN around 2020.. Drive beam - 180 A, 70 ns from 2.4 GeV to 240 MeV with -9MV/m Main beam – 1.5 A, 58 ns from 9 GeV to 1.5 TeV with 150MV/m CLIC UNIT (6000 modules at 3 TeV) QUAD POWER EXTRACTION AND TRANSFER STRUCTURE (=PETS) 30GHz- 150 MW BPM ACCELERATING STRUCTURES
Jean Zinn-Justin, Dapnia ECFA 12/05/06 18 ACCELERATORS and INSTRUMENTATION Objective 3 : Build a high intensity proton injector for CERN (IPHI) in order to increase the intensity of the machines at CERN (LINAC4 project) and be prepared for intense neutrinos beams or radioactive heavy ions beams (SPL project) at CERN, possibly coupled with EURISOL (beta beams, around 2015-2020)... Objective 4 : Continue innovating technical R&D in acceleration technique, in particular laser driven accelerators. Objective 5 : Research on innovating detection technologies. IPHI &SPIRAL2 RFQMicromegas for T2K and ILC
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