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EGEE is a project funded by the European Union Uom Roles, Responsibilities and Tasks Vassilis Stefanidis EGEE - UoM kick-off Meeting, Jun, 2004 Source.

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Presentation on theme: "EGEE is a project funded by the European Union Uom Roles, Responsibilities and Tasks Vassilis Stefanidis EGEE - UoM kick-off Meeting, Jun, 2004 Source."— Presentation transcript:

1 EGEE is a project funded by the European Union Uom Roles, Responsibilities and Tasks Vassilis Stefanidis EGEE - UoM kick-off Meeting, Jun, 2004 Source of slices + material: EC, EGEE, CERN, GRNET

2 Athens, 27-28 th May - 2 Objectives of this session Understand overall aim of EGEE activities Present UoM roles, responsibilities and tasks / activity UoM team Presentation

3 Athens, 27-28 th May - 3 SA1 overall objective Create, operate, support and manage a production quality infrastructure SEE - GRID

4 Athens, 27-28 th May - 4 Greece: GRID projected topology Grid Node Isabella – Δημόκριτος 32 Dual Xeon 1 GB RAM 10 TB Storage Area

5 Athens, 27-28 th May - 5 Sites + responsibilities Production siteResponsible partner: operations HG01-GRNETICCS HG02 (Athens 2) + potential IASA clusterIASA HG03 (Thessaloniki) + potential Auth clusterAuth+UoM HG04 (Patras)CTI HG05 (Crete)ICS-FORTH Pre-production site Pre01 (UoM)UoM Pre02 (UoPatras)UoPatras Pre03 (UoA; certification site more likely)UoA + Support for key ROC services by specific partners (see SA1 presentation)

6 Athens, 27-28 th May - 6 EGEE activities in Greece SA1: GRID Operations, Support and Management NA3: User Training and Induction NA5: Policy and International Cooperation

7 Athens, 27-28 th May - 7 Our collective aim SA1: build expertise and operational procedures that will allow Greece to: Integrate into European production-level infrastructure Operate a self-standing coherent Grid infrastructure Create teams of core experts for the future NA3: train and inform users, operators, etc. NA5: contribute to whitepapers, standards etc on the international stage If we do this, EGEE-2 will follow!

8 Athens, 27-28 th May - 8 SA1 objectives in Greece: detail Pre-production infrastructure: smaller sites with next generation m/w 8/5 support, crucial as real-life testbeds, for m/w and application testing Production infrastructure: only stable clusters with significant resources can be admitted to the EGEE production infrastructure 24/7 operation, supported by RC, ROC and CICs Run a Regional Operations Centre One in each federation Provide front-line support to users and resource centers Support new resource centers joining EGEE in the regions Support deployment and operations in the resource centers Key specific ROC services: security, helpdesk/TT, portal, monitoring, m/w certification, installation procedures, core Grid services, etc.

9 Athens, 27-28 th May - 9 NA3 objectives: overall and GR Train the GRID community and wider user community Establish a training center in each region 5 regions

10 Athens, 27-28 th May - 10 NA5 General GRID and specific technical whitepapers Aegean & AUEB2

11 Athens, 27-28 th May - 11 Pre-production service Smaller sites New generation m/w (EGGE-1 or LCG-2) comming soon (15 Jun 2004 ??) Crucial for testing and experimentation Activities similar to those for production service

12 Athens, 27-28 th May - 12 SA1 objectives: detail Core infrastructure services: Operate essential grid services Grid monitoring and control: Proactively monitor the operational state and performance, Initiate corrective action Middleware deployment and resource induction: Validate and deploy middleware releases Set up operational procedures for new resources Resource provider and user support: Coordinate the resolution of problems from both Resource Centres and users Filter and aggregate problems, providing or obtaining solutions Grid management: Coordinate ROCs and CICs Manage the relationships with resource providers via service-level agreements.

13 Athens, 27-28 th May - 13 Operations centers: hierarchy

14 Athens, 27-28 th May - 14 M/W: lifecycles From 1 st April 2004 Production grid service based on the LCG infrastructure running LCG-2 grid m/w In parallel develop a “next generation” grid facility Produce a new set of grid services according to evolving standards (web services) Run a pre-production service providing early access for evaluation purposes Will replace LCG-2 on production facility in 2005 Globus 2 basedWeb services based EGEE-2EGEE-1LCG-2LCG-1 EDGVDT... LCG EGEE...AliEn

15 Athens, 27-28 th May - 15 Evolution of RCs SiteParallel (Gflops) Cluster (num. nodes) Disk (Tb) Automated Tape (Tb) Avg. LAN (Mbps) Avg. WAN (Mbps) JoinVOs supported HG01 (GRNET)N/A64*210.0 1000.02500.0 M0; M15cms, alice, atlas, dteam, lhcb HG02 (Athens2)N/A128N/A1000.02500.0 M15 HG03 (Saloniki)N/A128N/A1000.02500.0 M15 HG04 (Patra)N/A128N/A1000.02500.0 M15 HG05 (Crete)N/A128N/A1000.02500.0 M15

16 Athens, 27-28 th May - 16 Specific responsibilities UoA+IASA+GRNET-HQ: m/w certification; release documentation, etc. Certification testbed by IASA/UoA. UoA+Demokritos: Guidelines for configuration and automatic installation tools. Run local installation testbed to verify installation procedures. CTI: helpdesk, knowledge database, coordination of the support procedures. UoC: EGEE-SEE website/portal. IASA, UoA, Auth, ICCS: host and co-manage necessary core GRID services, as agreed with GRNET-HQ. ICS-FORTH: Coordinate the monitoring service (GridIce server + database). Auth and Aegean: security. Auth operates the CA; Aegean provides support and specific authorisation activities, site security guidelines, RA. Demokritos: certification/installation + application specific support Training: all operations people should support! Specific responsibilities start ASAP

17 Athens, 27-28 th May - 17 Milestones & Deliverables MonthDeliverable / Milestone ItemLead M03DSA1.1Detailed execution plan for first 15 months of infrastructure operation M06MSA1.1Initial pilot production grid operational (SEE RCs: GRNET, UCY, TAU) M06DSA1.2Release notes corresponding to the initial pilot Grid infrastructure operational M09DSA1.3Accounting and reporting web site publicly available M12MSA1.2First review M12DSA1.4Assessment of initial infrastructure operation and plan for next 12 months M14DSA1.5First release of EGEE Infrastructure Planning Guide (“cook-book”) M14MSA1.3Full production grid infrastructure operational (SEE: 9 RCs) M14DSA1.6Release notes corresponding to the full production Grid infrastructure operational M18MSA1.4Second review M22DSA1.7Updated EGEE Infrastructure Planning Guide M24DSA1.8Assessment of production infrastructure operation and outline of how sustained operation of EGEE might be addressed. M24MSA1.5Third review and expanded production grid operational M24DSA1.9Release notes corresponding to expanded production Grid infrastructure operational

18 Athens, 27-28 th May - 18 ROC organization: vertical Fabric adminM/W adminRA managerMonitoring / User supportSystem adminN/W adminTechnician roles Specific people

19 Athens, 27-28 th May - 19 UoM: Identification of personnel & roles UoM Team Collaborator nameContact/emailInstituteRole Margaritis Konstantinoskmarg@uom.grUoMScientific Coordinator Stefanidis Vassilisbstefan@uom.grUoMTechnical Coordinator Typou Theodorostypou@uom.grUoMAssistant Technical Coordinator - System Admin Georgakopoulos Kostaskgeorga@uom.grUoMSystem Administrator - HG 3 Node Manager Fotis Georgefgeo@uom.grUoMSystem Administrator - HG 3 Node Manager Michailidis Panagiotispanosm@uom.grUoMApplication Developer Digalakis Iasonasjason@uom.grUoMApplication Developer Kousourakis Anastasiosakusur@uom.grUoMComputer & Network Technician

20 Athens, 27-28 th May - 20 UoM: (Pre) Tasks UoM Team Tasks – 1 st phase ( waiting funding, final tasks and deliverables ) TasksCompletedremarks Globus InstallationYes Ver 3 - CA installed UoM Official EU Grid Registration RequestNo From Greek CA (auth) Cluster preparationNo PCs definition - preparation Globus Survey (Documentation Survey)No Globus Modules DefinitionNo What module do what Globus Operation (Documentation Survey)No Cluster Interconnection with Grid ManagerNo Definition Small Grid Implementation (over Globus)No UoM EGEE Overview - Web SiteNo Organize our work

21 Athens, 27-28 th May - 21 UoM Team Responsibilities UoM Team Tasks – 1 st phase Responsibilities TasksremarksPersons Globus Installation Ver 3 – CA installed UoM Official EU Grid Registration Request From Greek CA (auth) Stefanidis mail account Stefanidis Cluster preparation PCs definirion – preparation Fotis + Kousourakis Globus Survey (Documentation Survey) Typou+Fotis + Georgak + Michailidis + Kousourakis Globus Modules Definition What module do what Typou+Fotis + Georgak + Michailidis + Kousourakis Globus Operation (Documentation Survey) Typou+Fotis + Georgak + Michailidis + Kousourakis Cluster Interconnection with Grid Manager (Def) Definition Typou + Georgako + Fotis Small Grid Implementation (over Globus) All Team UoM EGEE Overview - Web Site Organize our workMichailidis + Georgak ?

22 Athens, 27-28 th May - 22 Communications procedures CERN Document Server (CDS): Main site intranet/gateway.html EDMS server (In OTHERS/EGEE/)

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