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1212 /mhj BioMedical Engineering Technische Universiteit Eindhoven in collaboration with Universiteit Maastricht.

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Presentation on theme: "1212 /mhj BioMedical Engineering Technische Universiteit Eindhoven in collaboration with Universiteit Maastricht."— Presentation transcript:

1 1212 /mhj BioMedical Engineering Technische Universiteit Eindhoven in collaboration with Universiteit Maastricht

2 1212 /mhj The first and only 5-year BME programme in Europe leading to a Master degree, starting from the freshman year start: 1997

3 1212 /mhj Teaching methods  Courses  Design Centred Learning (DCL)

4 1212 /mhj

5 1212 Teaching methods  Courses  Design Centred Learning (DCL)

6 1212 /mhj Structure of the programme

7 1212 /mhj Programme first year Autumn: Courses  Calculus  Mechanics  Chemistry  Biological Systems DCL:  4 Case Studies

8 1212 /mhj Programme first year Winter: Courses  Linear Algebra  Dynamical Systems  Biochemistry  Measurements on Biological Systems DCL:  4 Case Studies

9 1212 /mhj Programme first year Spring: Courses  Multivariate Analysis  Fundamentals of Transport Processes  Control Theory  Materials Science DCL:  4 Case Studies

10 1212 /mhj Programme second year Autumn: Courses  Statistics  Informatics and Visualisation  Continuum Mechanics  The Living Cell DCL:  4 Case Studies

11 1212 /mhj Programme second year Winter: Courses  Optics  Dynamics  Thermodynamics  Mechanical Properties of Biological Tissues DCL: 4  Case Studies

12 1212 /mhj Programme second year Spring: Courses  Control Systems  Electromagnetism  Energy Metabolism  Fluid Mechanics and Diffusion DCL:  4 Case Studies

13 1212 /mhj Programme third year Autumn: Courses  Numerical Analysis of Continuous Systems  Molecular Engineering  Signal Theory  Homeostasis DCL:  2 Projects

14 1212 /mhj Programme third year Winter: 4 out of 5 Courses  Data Modelling and Processing  Biomolecular Engineering  Molecular Simulations  Bioelectricity  Imaging DCL:  2 Projects

15 1212 /mhj Programme third year Spring: Skillslabs  Characterization of Mechanical Material Properties  Characterization of Chemical Material Properties  Measurements in a Clinical/Biological Environment  Optical Measurement Methods  Computer Simulations

16 1212 /mhj Programme fourth year Autumn: Courses  4 elective courses DCL  Multidisciplinary project

17 1212 /mhj Programme fourth year Winter: Courses  4 elective courses DCL  Internal traineeship

18 1212 /mhj Programme fourth year Spring: DCL  External traineeship (abroad)

19 1212 /mhj Programme fifth year Autumn, winter and s pring: DCL  Final Project

20 1212 /mhj Fields of Research I. Tissue mechanics  Soft Tissue Mechanics  Impact Mechanics  Cardiovascular Mechanics  Bone Mechanics  Cell Mechanics

21 1212 /mhj Fields of Research II. Molecular Engineering  Biomaterials and Biochemistry  Molecular Engineering  Molecular Pharmacology  Vascular Biology

22 1212 /mhj Fields of Research III. Functional Imaging  MR Imaging  Clinical Imaging  Vital Imaging  Image Analyses

23 1212 /mhj Fields of Research IV. Metabolism  Energy Metabolism  Skeletal Muscle Function

24 1212 /mhj Fields of Research V. Cardiovascular modelling  Heart Mechanics  Cell Metabolism

25 1212 /mhj Fields of Research VI. Bio-Computing  Large Scale Computing  Biocontrol and Signal Analysis

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