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Starting a Gay Straight Alliance in Your School Challenging homophobia Training teachers Finding resources Having fun (and running) Changing your school.

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Presentation on theme: "Starting a Gay Straight Alliance in Your School Challenging homophobia Training teachers Finding resources Having fun (and running) Changing your school."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starting a Gay Straight Alliance in Your School Challenging homophobia Training teachers Finding resources Having fun (and running) Changing your school

2 Why start a GSA? / 65% of LGB (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual) people experience homophobic bullying / 97% of LGB students hear derogatory phrases such as “dyke” or “poof” used in school / 1/2 of teachers fail to respond to homophobic language when they hear it. / A Gay Straight Alliance can be a place of support and education! / 65% of LGB (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual) people experience homophobic bullying / 97% of LGB students hear derogatory phrases such as “dyke” or “poof” used in school / 1/2 of teachers fail to respond to homophobic language when they hear it. / A Gay Straight Alliance can be a place of support and education! “The School Report” Stonewall 2007

3 What can a GSA do? / Set up staff training / Create a safe place for LGBT people / Meet awesome people / Change the climate of your school! / Have LGBT friendly social events / Get connected to LGBT organizations and support groups / Set up staff training / Create a safe place for LGBT people / Meet awesome people / Change the climate of your school! / Have LGBT friendly social events / Get connected to LGBT organizations and support groups

4 Convince Your School Effects of homophobia Statistics More statistics Legislation (how to)

5 The Costs of Homophobia / Alcohol and drug misuse / Truancy to escape persecution / Giving up on academic achievement / Too hard to work in a hostile environment / Suffering from mental and/or physical health conditions / Such as eating disorders, as a result of anxiety and eroded self esteem / Alcohol and drug misuse / Truancy to escape persecution / Giving up on academic achievement / Too hard to work in a hostile environment / Suffering from mental and/or physical health conditions / Such as eating disorders, as a result of anxiety and eroded self esteem

6 Homophobia in Schools 98% of LGBT pupils hear “that’s so gay” at school 75% of young LGBT people in faith schools experience homophobic bullying and are less likely than pupils in other schools to report it Only 1/4 of schools say that homophobic bullying is wrong in their school 30% of LGBT pupils report that adults are responsible for homophobic incidents at their school 98% of LGBT pupils hear “that’s so gay” at school 75% of young LGBT people in faith schools experience homophobic bullying and are less likely than pupils in other schools to report it Only 1/4 of schools say that homophobic bullying is wrong in their school 30% of LGBT pupils report that adults are responsible for homophobic incidents at their school “The School Report” Stonewall 2007

7 58% of LGBT pupils don’t report bullying when they experience it If a teacher is informed, 62% of the time, nothing is done 7% of teachers are reported to respond when they hear homophobic language “The School Report” Stonewall 2007 90% of 15-24 year olds have been called names because of their sexuality “Profiles of Prejudice” Stonewall and Mori 2003 Black, Asian, disabled and younger pupils are all more likely to experience homophobic violence “Uneven Vulnerability” GALOP 58% of LGBT pupils don’t report bullying when they experience it If a teacher is informed, 62% of the time, nothing is done 7% of teachers are reported to respond when they hear homophobic language “The School Report” Stonewall 2007 90% of 15-24 year olds have been called names because of their sexuality “Profiles of Prejudice” Stonewall and Mori 2003 Black, Asian, disabled and younger pupils are all more likely to experience homophobic violence “Uneven Vulnerability” GALOP

8 Your Legal Rights Language? Policy! (how to fight for) The government is on your side

9 Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) 2007 / Discrimination / Is when you are treated less favorably than someone else because of your real or perceived sexual orientation. / It is unlawful for your school to discriminate against a person who seeks to use its facilities or services based on real or perceived sexual orientation. / Starting a GSA / It is unlawful for your school to discriminate against a pupil by refusing the pupil access to any benefit, facility or service based on real or perceived sexual orientation. / Discrimination / Is when you are treated less favorably than someone else because of your real or perceived sexual orientation. / It is unlawful for your school to discriminate against a person who seeks to use its facilities or services based on real or perceived sexual orientation. / Starting a GSA / It is unlawful for your school to discriminate against a pupil by refusing the pupil access to any benefit, facility or service based on real or perceived sexual orientation.

10 Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) 2007 (what it means) / Clubs / If your school has other school sponsored clubs but won’t let you start a GSA because of the “nature of the club” it is being discriminatory under the Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) / School Activities / You are allowed to take part in all school activities such as sports, lessons, assemblies and dances and can’t be denied access because of real or perceived sexual orientation / Clubs / If your school has other school sponsored clubs but won’t let you start a GSA because of the “nature of the club” it is being discriminatory under the Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) / School Activities / You are allowed to take part in all school activities such as sports, lessons, assemblies and dances and can’t be denied access because of real or perceived sexual orientation

11 Learning and Skills Act 2000 Sex and Relationship Guide 2000 / It is now required for teachers to: / Challenge stigmatism of LGBT families in lessons about families, marriages and stable relationships / Give positive information of LGBT people to enable pupils to challenge derogatory stereotypes and prejudice / Challenge all forms of homophobic bullying / Ofsted will now include addressing homophobic bullying in their inspections / It is now required for teachers to: / Challenge stigmatism of LGBT families in lessons about families, marriages and stable relationships / Give positive information of LGBT people to enable pupils to challenge derogatory stereotypes and prejudice / Challenge all forms of homophobic bullying / Ofsted will now include addressing homophobic bullying in their inspections

12 Every Child Matters (DfES 2004) / Ofsted will report on how schools promote: / Physical and mental health / Safety and protection from harm and neglect / Enjoying and achieving / Positive contributions by being positively involved in community and society / Economic wellbeing / Ofsted will report on how schools promote: / Physical and mental health / Safety and protection from harm and neglect / Enjoying and achieving / Positive contributions by being positively involved in community and society / Economic wellbeing

13 What it all Means / Schools are currently hostile environments for LGBT students and their allies / Schools have a responsibility to protect their students regardless of sexual orientation / Schools are legally required to promote equality and safety / Schools can’t discriminate based on real or perceived sexual orientation / You have the right to be safe and comfortable at school and your school has the responsibility to make sure you are! / Schools are currently hostile environments for LGBT students and their allies / Schools have a responsibility to protect their students regardless of sexual orientation / Schools are legally required to promote equality and safety / Schools can’t discriminate based on real or perceived sexual orientation / You have the right to be safe and comfortable at school and your school has the responsibility to make sure you are!

14 Language? / The queer alphabet: LGBTQQAIP… / Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, a-sexual, intersexed, pansexual / Homo/Bi/Transphobia / The irrational fear and hatred of LGBT people / A homo/bi/transphobic incident is any incident which is perceived to be homo/bi/transphobic to the victim or another person / It is directed to impact those known or perceived to be LGBT / Heterosexism / Is a set of assumptions and practices that promotes heterosexual relationships as the only ’natural’ and valid form of sexual orientation / Recognises/rewards those who are heterosexual and ignores/penalises those who are not / The queer alphabet: LGBTQQAIP… / Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, a-sexual, intersexed, pansexual / Homo/Bi/Transphobia / The irrational fear and hatred of LGBT people / A homo/bi/transphobic incident is any incident which is perceived to be homo/bi/transphobic to the victim or another person / It is directed to impact those known or perceived to be LGBT / Heterosexism / Is a set of assumptions and practices that promotes heterosexual relationships as the only ’natural’ and valid form of sexual orientation / Recognises/rewards those who are heterosexual and ignores/penalises those who are not

15 / Sexual Orientation / Describes who you are physically and sexually attracted to / Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Questioning, Straight / Sex / Biological characteristics such as chromosomes, genitalia, hormones / Female, Male, Intersexed / Gender / How you feel and experience your gender / Not defined by your sex! / Gender is fluid: masculine, feminine, androgynous, genderqueer… / Transgender / A person who doesn’t identify with their biological sex / Might go through surgery, might not / Ally / A straight person who is supportive of the LGBT community / Sexual Orientation / Describes who you are physically and sexually attracted to / Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Questioning, Straight / Sex / Biological characteristics such as chromosomes, genitalia, hormones / Female, Male, Intersexed / Gender / How you feel and experience your gender / Not defined by your sex! / Gender is fluid: masculine, feminine, androgynous, genderqueer… / Transgender / A person who doesn’t identify with their biological sex / Might go through surgery, might not / Ally / A straight person who is supportive of the LGBT community

16 How do you start a GSA? / Find some supportive friends who want to help out / Ask a teacher to be a sponsor / Establish the club like any other club / Look in your Student Handbook for the rules at your school. This may include getting permission from senior management, finding an advisor, and/or writing a constitution. / Inform the senior management team / It can be very helpful to have the senior management on your side. They can work as liaisons on your behalf with other teachers, parent groups, community members, and the school board. If the senior management team is resistant to the GSA, let them know that forming a GSA club is protected under the Equality Act (Sexual Orientation) / Find some supportive friends who want to help out / Ask a teacher to be a sponsor / Establish the club like any other club / Look in your Student Handbook for the rules at your school. This may include getting permission from senior management, finding an advisor, and/or writing a constitution. / Inform the senior management team / It can be very helpful to have the senior management on your side. They can work as liaisons on your behalf with other teachers, parent groups, community members, and the school board. If the senior management team is resistant to the GSA, let them know that forming a GSA club is protected under the Equality Act (Sexual Orientation)

17 / Inform guidance counselors/school nurses / They might know some students who would be interested in joining / Pick a meeting place and advertise / Figure out the best way to advertise at your school. It may be a combination of school bulletin announcements, flyers, and word-of- mouth. If your flyers are defaced or torn down, do not be discouraged. Keep putting them back up. Eventually, whoever is tearing them down will give up. / Advertising for your group and having words up such as "gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or questioning" or "end homophobia" or "discuss sexual orientation" can be part of educating the school and can actually make other students feel safer -- even if they never attend a single meeting. / Bring food / Everyone loves food! / Inform guidance counselors/school nurses / They might know some students who would be interested in joining / Pick a meeting place and advertise / Figure out the best way to advertise at your school. It may be a combination of school bulletin announcements, flyers, and word-of- mouth. If your flyers are defaced or torn down, do not be discouraged. Keep putting them back up. Eventually, whoever is tearing them down will give up. / Advertising for your group and having words up such as "gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or questioning" or "end homophobia" or "discuss sexual orientation" can be part of educating the school and can actually make other students feel safer -- even if they never attend a single meeting. / Bring food / Everyone loves food! GSA Network “How to Start a GSA”

18 But My School’s Too Homophobic! How to start a GSA without support Getting support Staying safe Be prepared

19 Alternatives (creating change without a GSA) / Find supportive people / Inform your senior management and staff about the laws protecting LGBT youth / Ask staff to discuss LGBT History Month, IDAHO (International Day Against Homophobia) and other LGBT events / Bring your friends to LGBT youth groups / Stay informed! / Find supportive people / Inform your senior management and staff about the laws protecting LGBT youth / Ask staff to discuss LGBT History Month, IDAHO (International Day Against Homophobia) and other LGBT events / Bring your friends to LGBT youth groups / Stay informed!

20 Finding Support / Friends / Parents / If your parents or guardians are supportive, they can be a great resource to pressure the school / Staff / Is there an openly LGBT teacher? / Are guidance counselors/school nurses supportive? / Is there a health or PHSRE/citizenship teacher? / Community support / Community LGBT youth groups have great resources and could provide you with an ally / National organizations such as Schools OUT, Chrysalis and Stonewall have many contacts and will know someone in your area / REMEMBER! You have the legal right to have a GSA and to feel safe at your school / Friends / Parents / If your parents or guardians are supportive, they can be a great resource to pressure the school / Staff / Is there an openly LGBT teacher? / Are guidance counselors/school nurses supportive? / Is there a health or PHSRE/citizenship teacher? / Community support / Community LGBT youth groups have great resources and could provide you with an ally / National organizations such as Schools OUT, Chrysalis and Stonewall have many contacts and will know someone in your area / REMEMBER! You have the legal right to have a GSA and to feel safe at your school

21 Staying Safe / Don’t do anything that will put you in physical harm / Always plan events with teachers and senior management present / Inform your staff advisor of your plans in advance / Hold events in a safe space with allies and friends present / Know your rights / Look over your school’s student handbook and know your rights at school / Talk with community groups to get ideas for safe events / Don’t do anything that will put you in physical harm / Always plan events with teachers and senior management present / Inform your staff advisor of your plans in advance / Hold events in a safe space with allies and friends present / Know your rights / Look over your school’s student handbook and know your rights at school / Talk with community groups to get ideas for safe events

22 Keep it Simple / Start out slow / Before you plan a school assembly on homophobia, introduce more subtle ways to combat ignorance and intolerance / Put up safe space posters in teacher’s classrooms / Give teachers and librarians LGBT friendly books and movies to put up and show off / Hold a meeting with senior management and staff about the needs of LGBT students at your school / Make it about safety / Creating a GSA and having LGBT friendly events is about creating a safe space for LGBT people to learn and live / Start out slow / Before you plan a school assembly on homophobia, introduce more subtle ways to combat ignorance and intolerance / Put up safe space posters in teacher’s classrooms / Give teachers and librarians LGBT friendly books and movies to put up and show off / Hold a meeting with senior management and staff about the needs of LGBT students at your school / Make it about safety / Creating a GSA and having LGBT friendly events is about creating a safe space for LGBT people to learn and live

23 Be Prepared / Can be hard work / Setting up a GSA and running LGBT friendly events can be hard work, especially when dealing with tough senior management and staff. / Make sure to take time for yourself and have some fun / Celebrate your achievements and always keep a supportive group of friends and allies with you / Can be hard work / Setting up a GSA and running LGBT friendly events can be hard work, especially when dealing with tough senior management and staff. / Make sure to take time for yourself and have some fun / Celebrate your achievements and always keep a supportive group of friends and allies with you

24 I Have a GSA, Now What? Fun activities Resources and tools Creating change Developing a strategy Planning events Ideas!

25 / Having fun / Being inclusive / Getting resources / Safe space posters / LGBT friendly posters / Fundraising / LGBT History Month! / Surveys / Day of Silence / Public Speaking / Training Staff! / Having fun / Being inclusive / Getting resources / Safe space posters / LGBT friendly posters / Fundraising / LGBT History Month! / Surveys / Day of Silence / Public Speaking / Training Staff!

26 Fun Things To Do / LGBT movie night / Throw a party / IDAHO / Have a picnic or baking party / Plan trips to LGBT places in town / Coffee shops / LGBT youth groups / Dance party / LGBT movie night / Throw a party / IDAHO / Have a picnic or baking party / Plan trips to LGBT places in town / Coffee shops / LGBT youth groups / Dance party

27 Being Inclusive / Make sure every one has a space to speak / Be sure every one is comfortable / Don’t separate into “boys” and “girls” / Hold anti-oppression/racism workshops / Commission for Equality and Human Rights / Build coalitions with other clubs and community groups / Make sure every one has a space to speak / Be sure every one is comfortable / Don’t separate into “boys” and “girls” / Hold anti-oppression/racism workshops / Commission for Equality and Human Rights / Build coalitions with other clubs and community groups

28 Remember, LGBT people are daughters fathers sons uncles parents students teachers friends family Black White Asian grandparents In-laws sisters brothers foster parents Indian Mixed-heritage successful smart mothers workmates friends athletes scientists farmers religious diverse ordinary extraordinary

29 Getting Resources / Community Groups / Schools OUT / LGBT youth groups / Community and school counselors / Online / GSA Network / LGBT History Month / Stonewall / Queer Youth Network / Community Groups / Schools OUT / LGBT youth groups / Community and school counselors / Online / GSA Network / LGBT History Month / Stonewall / Queer Youth Network / EACH / Chrysalis / No Outsiders / National Union of Teachers

30 Safe Space Posters / Give to supportive teachers to put in classrooms / Put GSA information on them so people know where to go / The "Safe Zone" symbol is a message to LGBT youth and adult allies. A person displaying this symbol is one who will be understanding, supportive, and trustworthy if a LGBT youth needs help, advice, or just someone with whom they can talk / Give to supportive teachers to put in classrooms / Put GSA information on them so people know where to go / The "Safe Zone" symbol is a message to LGBT youth and adult allies. A person displaying this symbol is one who will be understanding, supportive, and trustworthy if a LGBT youth needs help, advice, or just someone with whom they can talk GSA Network “Hate Free Zone”

31 Fundraising / Club bank account / Become familiar with your school's system for financing student organizations. How do clubs set up bank accounts? Where will donations go? Who will donation checks be made out to? Who has the power to sign checks? Talk to other student leaders at your school, your advisor, and the senior management team to get ideas and advice. / Fundraising as a club activity / Have a bake sale or car wash - it's not very original, but it usually works. Or add your own twist - instead of selling just cookies, sell cookies with rainbow chocolate chips. / Sponsor a play, concert, or other cultural event to benefit your GSA. You might also consider donating part of the proceeds to a community organization or charity. / Look into community grant making programs. / Club bank account / Become familiar with your school's system for financing student organizations. How do clubs set up bank accounts? Where will donations go? Who will donation checks be made out to? Who has the power to sign checks? Talk to other student leaders at your school, your advisor, and the senior management team to get ideas and advice. / Fundraising as a club activity / Have a bake sale or car wash - it's not very original, but it usually works. Or add your own twist - instead of selling just cookies, sell cookies with rainbow chocolate chips. / Sponsor a play, concert, or other cultural event to benefit your GSA. You might also consider donating part of the proceeds to a community organization or charity. / Look into community grant making programs. GSA Network “GSA Fundraising”

32 Survey Your School / Teachers and senior management not listening? / Use already made surveys as a guide / Survey your own school to show that homophobia is a problem / Find out what problems are most important at your school / Teachers and senior management not listening? / Use already made surveys as a guide / Survey your own school to show that homophobia is a problem / Find out what problems are most important at your school

33 LGBT History Month / Every February is LGBT History Month / Now in its fourth year, LGBT HM is the largest cultural and educational LGBT event in world / Celebrate LGBT history at your school with posters, assemblies, movies, speakers and parties / Every February is LGBT History Month / Now in its fourth year, LGBT HM is the largest cultural and educational LGBT event in world / Celebrate LGBT history at your school with posters, assemblies, movies, speakers and parties

34 Day of Silence / The Day of Silence is an annual event held to bring attention to anti-LGBT bullying, harassment and discrimination in schools. Students and teachers will observe the day in silence to echo the silence that LGBT and ally students face everyday / Inform teachers and senior management for their support / Make badges, T-Shirts and flyers to advertise the day / Have a rally before school to get everyone involved and excited / Don’t speak for the entire day! / The Day of Silence is an annual event held to bring attention to anti-LGBT bullying, harassment and discrimination in schools. Students and teachers will observe the day in silence to echo the silence that LGBT and ally students face everyday / Inform teachers and senior management for their support / Make badges, T-Shirts and flyers to advertise the day / Have a rally before school to get everyone involved and excited / Don’t speak for the entire day!

35 Training Staff / Schools OUT leads staff training about anti-LGBT harassment, discrimination, bullying and the development of an inclusive curriculum / Training teaches staff how to respond to homophobic bullying, create a school environment that is safe for everyone and create and deliver a curriculum that is appropriate to the needs of all / To get your staff trained, contact Schools OUT / Schools OUT leads staff training about anti-LGBT harassment, discrimination, bullying and the development of an inclusive curriculum / Training teaches staff how to respond to homophobic bullying, create a school environment that is safe for everyone and create and deliver a curriculum that is appropriate to the needs of all / To get your staff trained, contact Schools OUT

36 Peer Education Workshops / Educating your peers about issues of sexual orientation and homophobia can be one of the most effective ways to make your school safer for LGBTQ students, and GSAs are a great framework for implementing an anti-homophobia peer education program. / Come up with a lesson plan for the workshop or download one online from a LGBT community group / Some places to look are: / GSA Network / Schools OUT / Chrysalis / Educating your peers about issues of sexual orientation and homophobia can be one of the most effective ways to make your school safer for LGBTQ students, and GSAs are a great framework for implementing an anti-homophobia peer education program. / Come up with a lesson plan for the workshop or download one online from a LGBT community group / Some places to look are: / GSA Network / Schools OUT / Chrysalis

37 Points to Remember / There is something you can do about the homophobia at your school / There is legislation that protects you / There are support organizations that can help you / School is legally supposed to be a safe place to learn for everyone / There is something you can do about the homophobia at your school / There is legislation that protects you / There are support organizations that can help you / School is legally supposed to be a safe place to learn for everyone

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