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RSS 2.0: Experience with implementation in a closed Intranet Presented by Mr Ajith Balan Scientific Officer Scientific Information Resource Division Bhabha.

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Presentation on theme: "RSS 2.0: Experience with implementation in a closed Intranet Presented by Mr Ajith Balan Scientific Officer Scientific Information Resource Division Bhabha."— Presentation transcript:

1 RSS 2.0: Experience with implementation in a closed Intranet Presented by Mr Ajith Balan Scientific Officer Scientific Information Resource Division Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Trombay, Mumbai – 400 085. (91)(22) 2559 0819

2 Web 2.0Role of Web 2.0 in a Library RSS RSS in LAKSHYA The presentation will be covering: Tools and ApplicationsSubscription of RSS Feeds

3 Web 2.0 refers to a large set of ideas and techniques which encourage user interaction, communication, and collaboration, where web acts as a platform. In short it is the changing trends in the use of World Wide Web technology and web design. The term “Web 2.0” was coined by O’Reilly in 2004 during a team discussion on a potential future conference about the Web. Tim O’Reilly summarized Web 2.0 : “Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as platform” Web 2.0

4  Web pages are static  Viewed through web browsers  Client server model  Content is created by web coders/developers  Dynamic web pages  Viewed through Browsers, RSS Readers, etc.  Web service architecture  Content can be created by everyone Web 2.0 Web 1.0 Web 2.0 & Web 1.0 Web 3.0 - future version of web 2.0

5 Blogs Wikis Google Maps Tagging and social bookmarking Flicker Folksonomy Podcasting RSS and syndication Web 2.0 Technologies

6 Library 2.0 Web 2.0 has substantial implications for libraries  The application of interactive, collaborative, and multi-media web-based technologies to web-based library services and collections.  User-centered virtual community  Communally innovative  A hybrid of blogs, wikis, streaming media, content aggregators, instant messaging, and social networks  Allows the user to edit OPAC data and metadata with checks and authentication  RSS feeds and other related technologies provide users a way to syndicate and republish content on the Web Role of Web 2.0 in a Library

7 RSS is an acronym for Really Simple Syndication or Rich Site Summary. RSS is a defined standard based on XML with the specific purpose of delivering updates to web-based content. RSS was originally developed by Netscape to distribute news, stories and information.  Instant information  Single source  Rapid scanning  Categorizing Purpose of RSS RSS

8 RSS 2.0 is very similar to the 0.9 series and is generally considered compatible, while RSS Version 1.0 remains very different. RSS 0.90 Developed by Netscape Purpose: Building portals of headlines to mainstream news sites RSS 0.91 Developed by UserLand Software Purpose : Weblogging products & web-based writing software RSS 1.0 Developed by RSS-DEV Working Group Purpose : RDF based applications RSS 2.0 Developed by UserLand Software Purpose : General-purpose, metadata-rich syndication RSS FORMATS

9 RSS 1.0 looks like RSS 2.0 looks like

10 A data format used for providing users with frequently updated content that are produced by web authors. An example of pull technology. Feeds Aggregators or Feed readers An aggregator is a program or site that collects the feeds for reading. Aggregators can be installed as stand-alone programs, or they can be web-based. RSS – Parts

11 Desktop software - allows users to quickly and easily, create, edit and publish RSS feeds eg: FeedForAll, XML Notepad Text editor RSS feeds can be created using : RSS Feeds

12 The Channel appears at the top of the file and reveals how the items relate to each other. RSS feeds contain "items" Items are chained together to create what is called a “Channel”. Each item contains: Title Description Link How to Make an RSS Feed

13 XML File

14 There are a number of desktop RSS Readers like FeedDemon, FeedReader etc. To subscribe to a specific RSS feed, simply enter the url of the RSS file into the software, the extension is usually.xml or.rss Web based readers work similar to desktop clients which makes use of web browsers. Web based RSS feed reader RSS feeds can be read in two different ways: Desktop RSS feed reader Feed Readers

15 LAKSHYA Online information gateway - Provide digital resources to BARC scientists and engineers Access to scientific and technical e-journals, online references, encyclopedias, trial resources etc.

16 How to build a RSS Feed into an existing website within the Intranet Two major implementations: Building a RSS aggregator by subscribing all possible feeds through internet access. Synchronization with data sources like RDBMS, XML, web pages etc. Implementation of RSS in Lakshya LAKSHYA - Dynamic RSS is generated from RDBMS using PHP script language

17 Server Side scripting language PHP XML Notepad 2007 Acrobat Dreamweaver 8 Microsoft IIS 6 Web Server MYSQL Tools and applications used in the development of RSS Feed

18 XML code generated using XML Notepad 2007

19 RSS Feed for Lakshya

20 Click on the Favorites Center button (It looks like a star) Click on Feeds Click on the "Bookmarks" menu or open the Bookmarks sidebar Find your feed by name - look for the icon For commonly-used browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer 7 Mozilla Firefox Titles of recent updated journals on LAKSHYA are available as RSS feeds. To get the RSS feed, just click the orange feed icon on Lakshya home page Subscription of RSS feeds inLAKSHYA Subscription of RSS feeds in LAKSHYA Subscription of RSS Feeds

21 The goal of Scientific Information Resource Division, BARC is acquisition, preservation and dissemination of knowledge in all fields of nuclear science and technology and to bring innovations in related fields. The implementation of RSS 2.0 is one such approach. By offering RSS services, LAKSHYA provides readers the updated contents from a wide range of digital resources. In order to clear up some of the inconsistencies between RSS versions and the problems with the way they interoperate, we are under planning & development of a newly standardized syndication system “Atom”. CONCLUSION


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