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Andreia Oliveira University of Porto Medical School, Dep. Clinical Epidemiology, Predictive Medicine and Public Health Institute of Public Health – University.

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Presentation on theme: "Andreia Oliveira University of Porto Medical School, Dep. Clinical Epidemiology, Predictive Medicine and Public Health Institute of Public Health – University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Andreia Oliveira University of Porto Medical School, Dep. Clinical Epidemiology, Predictive Medicine and Public Health Institute of Public Health – University of Porto Bristol | October 18, 2011 G eneration XXI

2 Lisbon Porto

3  Population-based birth cohort  8647 newborns  Recruitment at birth (5 maternity units*): April 2005/August 2006  Personal interviews at recruitment and follow-up “Born and grow at the beginning of the millennium” * Live newborn with gestational age > 24 weeks

4 Schedule and sample sizes Newborns n=8647 * Mothers (n=8513) Survey 6 months (n=1670) Survey 15 months (n=1040) Survey 24 months (n=826) Fathers (n=4351; 51%) * 126 twins, 6 triples, 1 quad

5 Recruitment MotherFatherNewborn Questionnaire   (self-administered)  Medical records  Blood sample   (Umbilical cord) Anthropometry 

6 Diet- related data 6 mo15 mo24 mo48 mo Breastfeeding on demanding vs. regular intervals --- Age at weaning for a list of solid foods --- Food allergies Eating behaviours (e.g. difficulties in feeding; eating slowly; small quantities each time; being angry at the meals’ end; refusing solid foods). --- Children’s frequency of consumption (FFQ) -- (for unhealthy foods) (for several items) Food records--- 2-days 3-days Mother’s FFQ (total diet)--- Parent’s perception on child eating behaviors --- Restrictive/ pressure* Parental Control ** * Child feeding Questionnaire-Birch LL); ** Parental Control (Overt/Covert - Ogden J)

7 Survey 48M

8 Andreia Oliveira

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