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Glass and solar control Technical Advisory Service
2008 Technical Advisory Service Glass and solar control
Thermal Insulation Acoustic Insulation Solar Control Safety Aesthetic and Decoration
Glass and solar control
Introduction Solar and light factors Solar control glazings Planibel coloured Pyrolytic coated glass Stopsol Sunergy Magnetron coated glass Planibel Energy N/NT Stopray Synthesis Comments
Introduction Heat Glass and solar control
Introduction Glass and solar control
Introduction – Solar radiancy
Intensity (W/m²) Energy 1.5 UV Light Short I.R. 1.0 0.5 780 2500 Wavelength (nm) Glass and solar control
Introduction – Solar radiancy
Solar spectrum : UV : 280 to 380 nm 5% energy Light : 380 to 780 nm 50% energy Short I.R. : 780 to 2500 nm 45% energy Glass and solar control
Introduction Solar radiancy Radiators Close IR Radio waves Long IR
Visible Long IR
Introduction – Greenhouse effect
1. Solar radiancy : UV, visual, short IR 2. Absorption: heating of the objects 3. The objects irradiate heat (long IR) 4. The glass is opaque with long IR = Greenhouse effect Glass and solar control
Glass and solar control
Introduction Solar and light factors Solar control glazings Planibel coloured Pyrolytic coated glass Stopsol Sunergy Magnetron coated glass Planibel Energy N/NT Stopray Synthesis Comments
The light factors (from 380 to 780 nm)
Lights factors tv = LT = transmitted light incident light 0,10 0,90 1 SG clear Light LT tv LR rv Glass and solar control
The light factors (from 380 to 780 nm)
rv = LR = light reflexion tv = LT = light transmission Glass and solar control
The energy factors (from 280 to 2500 nm)
Energetic factors 0,08 0,87 0, ,02 0,85 1 SG clear SF = g = transmitted heat incident heat Heat EAae DET te }g ER re qi qe Glass and solar control
Energy equation: DET + EA + ER = 100 %
The energy factors (from 280 to 2500 nm) re = ER = energy reflexion te = DET = direct energy transmission ae = EA = energy absorption g = SF = solar factor = total energy transmission Energy equation: DET + EA + ER = 100 % Glass and solar control
The energy factors (from 280 to 2500 nm)
Remarks : american index SHGC (solar heat gain coeeficient) = FS SC (shading coefficient) = FS/87 SC sw = TED/87 SC lw = SC – SC sw RHG (Relative Heat Gain) = 630 SC U
Light and energy factors - Selectivity
LIGHT = SOLAR ENERGY (50 %) LT = 80 SF = 40 at least SF = 25 LT = 50 at the maximum SELECTIVITY = LT <= 2 SF Glass and solar control
Light and energy factors - Selectivity
100 Clear glazing LT Transmission Selectivity = £ 2 50 SF Clear glazing with selective coatin Wavelength [nm]
Light and energy factors
Pour caractériser un vitrage, tv et g suffisent Glass and solar control
Light and energy factors
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 SG DG Light transmission Solar Factor Glass and solar control
Light and energy factors
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Facteur solaire Transmission lumineuse Optimal characteristics in summer impossible Characteristics optimal in winter as long as there is sun on the glazing SG DG not very interesting (“black” glazing) Glass and solar control
Introduction Criterias characterizing the glazings :
Ug: thermal insulation heating FS: solar control ventilation TL: light transmission lighting Aesthetic criterias Glass and solar control
Glass and solar control
Introduction Solar and light factors Solar control glazings Planibel coloured Pyrolytic coated glass Stopsol Sunergy Magnetron coated glass Planibel Energy N/NT Stopray Synthesis Comments
How decrease the SF of a glazing ?
Solar control glazings How decrease the SF of a glazing ? Modify the composition of the glass (increase absorption) Planibel coloured Method of coating (increase reflexion and/or absorption) « Pyrolytic » coatings Stopsol Sunergy « Magnetron » coatings Stopray
Solar control glazings - Spandrels
Requirements on spandrels: Good matching with vision glass Angular stability Preferably single glazed units Technical solutions Enamelled float or pyrolytic coated glass Double glazing «Blackpearl» Shadow box
Glass and solar control
Introduction Solar and light factors Solar control glazings Planibel coloured Pyrolytic coated glass Stopsol Sunergy Magnetron coated glass Planibel Energy N/NT Stopray Synthesis Comments
Stabilising agents (15 %)
Planibel coloured Sand (70 %) Melting (15 %) Stabilising agents (15 %) Soda Limestone Dolomie Feldspar Furnace Tinted glass + metallic oxides Glass and solar control
Planibel coloured - Range
Linea Azzura Green Bronze Grey Azur Dark Blue Priva Blue
Planibel bronze Tower ITT - Brussels
Glass and solar control
Planibel coloured - Performances
Example: PLANIBEL green 6 mm LT = 73 LR = 7 EA 51 DET ER 44 FS Exemple de bonne application de verre absorbant: pare-brise de voiture quand la voiture roule, la chaleur s'évacue du côté ventilé Exemple de mauvaise application: vitrage avec ventilation d'air froid juste du côté intérieur. 5 39 12 56 Glass and solar control
Planibel coloured - Performances
single glass 6 mm 90 80 Clear (selectivity 1) 70 Bronze (0,7) 60 Grey (0,7) Transmission (%) 50 Azur (1,3) Green (1,3) 40 30 Priva Blue (0,8) 20 10 280 380 780 1000 2000 2480 Wavelength (nm) Glass and solar control
Planibel coloured - Performances
Thermobel Thermobel HR Planibel coloured Light transmission Facteur solaire Solar factor Glass and solar control
Planibel coloured - Transformations
Single glazing Double glazing Double glazing with low emissivity coating Safety / laminated glazing Safety / tempered glazing Enamelled glazing Glass and solar control
Planibel coloured - Spandrels
Coloured enamelled and tempered Planibel Planibel coloured + Blackpearl Glass and solar control
Glass and solar control
Introduction Solar and light factors Solar control glazings Planibel coloured Pyrolytic coated glass Stopsol Sunergy Magnetron coated glass Planibel Energy N/NT Stopray Synthesis Comments
Pyrolytic coating glazing - History
Technology Pyrolytic (Spray) Moustier Pyrolytic (Spray/CVD) Pyrolytic (CVD) Stopsol Classic Stopsol Supersilver Stopsol Silverlight Sunergy
Pyrolytic coating glazing - Process
1 2 1 From « Spray » process (1) Micro-drops screening To CVD process (Chemical Vapour Deposition) (2) Best lateral uniformity Higher reactivity « Multicoating » possibilities 2 Glass and solar control
Glass and solar control
Introduction Solar and light factors Solar control glazings Planibel coloured Pyrolytic coated glass Stopsol Sunergy Magnetron coated glass Planibel Energy N/NT Stopray Synthesis Comments
Stopsol Pyrolytic coatings Can be used in single and double glazing
High light reflexion Low selectivity Can be tempered and curved Stability of aesthetic aspect and performances Spandrels range available in SG and DGU Glass and solar control
Stopsol - Performances
Example : 6 mm Stopsol Classic Green #1 LT = 31 LR = 34 AE 51 DET ER 21 SF Exemple de bonne application de verre absorbant: pare-brise de voiture quand la voiture roule, la chaleur s'évacue du côté ventilé Exemple de mauvaise application: vitrage avec ventilation d'air froid juste du côté intérieur. 28 38 13 34 Glass and solar control
Stopsol - Performances
Example : 6 mm Stopsol Classic Green #2 TL = 31 LR = 19 AE 68 DET RE 21 SF Exemple de bonne application de verre absorbant: pare-brise de voiture quand la voiture roule, la chaleur s'évacue du côté ventilé Exemple de mauvaise application: vitrage avec ventilation d'air froid juste du côté intérieur. 11 50 18 39 Glass and solar control
Stopsol - Performances
Example : 6 mm Stopsol Supersilver Green #2 LT = 51 LR = 24 AE 55 DET ER 32 SF Exemple de bonne application de verre absorbant: pare-brise de voiture quand la voiture roule, la chaleur s'évacue du côté ventilé Exemple de mauvaise application: vitrage avec ventilation d'air froid juste du côté intérieur. 13 41 14 46 Glass and solar control
Stopsol - Performances
Example : 6 mm Stopsol Silverlight Green #2 LR = 58 LR = 19 AE 53 DET ER 36 SF Exemple de bonne application de verre absorbant: pare-brise de voiture quand la voiture roule, la chaleur s'évacue du côté ventilé Exemple de mauvaise application: vitrage avec ventilation d'air froid juste du côté intérieur. 11 39 14 50 Glass and solar control
Supersilver Classic Silverlight Sunergy
Stopsol - Performances Supersilver Classic Silverlight Sunergy GREEN #1
Supersilver Classic Silverlight Sunergy
Stopsol - Performances Supersilver Classic Silverlight Sunergy GREEN #2
Stopsol Classic Clear Business Park Bolzano, Italy
Innopolis Toulouse (France) Stopsol Classic Clear
Stopsol Silverlight Green #1
Espace Rolin Brussels Stopsol Silverlight Green #1 Glass and solar control
Stopsol - Range
Stopsol - Performances
Single glazing 6 mm 90 80 Clear float (selectivity 1,0) 70 CL. CLEAR # 1 (0,7) CL. BRONZE # 1 (0,5) 60 CL. GREY # 1 (0,5) Transmission (%) CL. DARK BLUE # 1 (0,7) 50 CL. GREEN # 1 (0,9) 40 30 20 10 280 380 780 1000 2000 2480 Wavelength (nm) Glass and solar control
Stopsol - Performances
Thermobel Thermobel HR Thermobel coloré Stopsol Light transmission Solar factor Glass and solar control
Stopsol - Transformation
Single glazing No necessary edge stripping before assemblage Double glazing Double glazing with low emissivity coating Safety / laminated glazing Safety / tempered glazing Enamelled glazing Glass and solar control
Stopsol - Spandrels Enamelled and tempered Stopsol
Stopsol + Blackpearl 1 2 3 1 = Stopsol coating 2 = Glass 3 = Colorbel enamel Glass and solar control
Glass and solar control
Introduction Solar and light factors Solar control glazings Planibel coloured Pyrolytic coated glass Stopsol Sunergy Magnetron coated glass Planibel Energy N/NT Stopray Synthesis Comments
Sunergy Pyrolytic coatings
Can be used in single and double glazing (not in pos.1) Low light reflexion Low emissivity Can be tempered and curved Stability of aesthetic aspect and performances Glass and solar control
Sunergy - Performances
Example : 6 mm Sunergy Green #2 LT = 55 LR = 7 AE 64 DET ER 30 SF Exemple de bonne application de verre absorbant: pare-brise de voiture quand la voiture roule, la chaleur s'évacue du côté ventilé Exemple de mauvaise application: vitrage avec ventilation d'air froid juste du côté intérieur. 6 52 12 42 Glass and solar control
La Samaritaine Paris, France Sunergy Clear
Gulliver Lecce, Itale Sunergy Azur
Sunergy green Tambest Finland Glass and solar control
Sunergy - Range
Sunergy - Performances
Single glazing 6 mm 90 Clear float (selectivity 1,0) 80 70 60 Transmission (%) 50 40 30 Sunergy clear (selectivity 1,1) 20 10 280 380 780 1000 2000 2480 Wavelength (nm)
Sunergy - Performances
Thermobel Thermobel HR Thermobel coloré Stopsol Sunergy Light transmission Solar factor Glass and solar control
Sunergy - Transformation
Single glazing No necessary edge stripping before assemblage Double glazing Double glazing with low emissivity coating Safety / laminated glazing Safety / tempered glazing Enamelled glazing Glass and solar control
Sunergy - Spandrels Sunergy + Blackpearl Glass and solar control
Glass and solar control
Introduction Solar and light factors Solar control glazings Planibel coloured Pyrolytic coated glass Stopsol Sunergy Magnetron coated glass Planibel Energy N/NT Stopray Synthesis Comments
Magnetron coating glazing
Technology Dial Sputtering Lodelinsart Magnetron sputtering Gold Stopray Solarbel Single silver Stopray Double silver Stopray
Magnetron coating glazing
Load Washer Inspection Buffer Coat zones Unload « off-line » deposit « vacuum » process
Magnetron coating glazing
Cathode (-) Ions (+) Magnets Coating Glass Gas Anode + Glass and solar control
Glass and solar control
Introduction Solar and light factors Solar control glazings Planibel coloured Pyrolytic coated glass Stopsol Sunergy Magnetron coated glass Planibel Energy N/NT Stopray Synthesis Comments
Stopray & Planibel Energy N/NT
Magnetron coating (precious metals) Can be used only in double glazing Position 2 Always low emissivity High selectivity (LT/SF) Stability of aesthetic aspect and performances Spandrels range available Glass and solar control
Stopray & Planibel Energy N/NT
100 Clear glazing LT Selectivity = £ 2 Transmission (%) 50 SF Clear glazing with selective coating Wavelength (nm)
Planibel / Thermobel Energy N
LT = 71 % - SF = 42 % ar: U = 1,2 – 1,1 W/m²K Dimensions max: 3210 mm x 6000 mm Standard thicknesses : 4 – 6 – 8 – 10 mm Processings : laminating t° out = 0°C t° in = 20°C t° of inner sheet = 17.3°C Glass and solar control
Planibel / Thermobel Energy NT
LT = 74 % - SF = 45 % ar: U = 1,2 – 1,0 W/m²K Dimensions max: 3210 mm x 6000 mm Standard thicknesses: 4 – 6 – 8 – 10 mm Processings: tempering, laminating t° out = 0°C t° in = 20°C t° of inner sheet = 17.3°C Glass and solar control
Stopray - Brand
Stopray - Brand Temperable Stopray Stopray Vision 50 T
Stopray Lime 61 T Stopray Titanium 37 T Stopray Indigo 48 T
Stopray - Performances
Thermobel Thermobel HR Thermobel colored Sunergy Stopsol Energy Stopray Light transmission Ces conclusions ne sont pas tout-à-fait juste car on tient ici seulement compte des gains solaires et pas de l'isolation thermique qui est indispensable. On peut néanmoins conclure qule le DG ou DV sélectif est le meilleur choix en privé et que le DV à couche est le meilleur choix en bureaux. Solar factor Glass and solar control
Stopray - Selectivity 1st generation (single coating) 100
Clear double glazing Transmission (%) 50 Stopray Neutral 50/40 Stopray Cristal 61/40 Wavelength (nm)
Stopray - Selectivity Neutral Cristal Elite Safir Energy Carat 100
50 100 Neutral Cristal Elite Safir Energy Carat Transmission (%) Wavelength (nm)
Stopray - Selectivity Planibel ENERGY (71;39) ELITE (67;37)
SAFIR (61;32) CARAT (52;26) Galaxy (40,21)
Memorial Roi Baudoin Brussels Stopray Elite
Mid City London, UK Stopray Safir
HQ Hewlett Packard Paris, France
Sunergy clear curved Stopray Neutral
Paris Austerlitz Stopray Neutral – Stopray Carat
Gregory Cars Saint Petersburg, Russia
Stopray Silver 43/25
Varsovie, Poland Stopray Silver 43/25
Stopray - Transformation
Double glazing Necessary edge stripping before assemblage Safety laminated glazing Safety / tempered glazing For Stopray T Glass and solar control
Stopray - Spandrels Colorbel tempered or DGU Blackpearl 1 = Glass
2 1 2 3 1 = Glass 2 = Colorbel 1 = Glass 2 = Stopay coating 3 = Blackpearl Glass and solar control
Evolution du vitrage pour façade
Stopray - Using 2 ranges for 2 markets Climates « with lot of sun » Solarbel Monolithic product with SF and LT very low Selectivity (<1) and U coefficient insignificant Matched Spandrels « All » climates Stopray Insulating glazing with low SF but high LT Selectivity of 1.3 to 2 Low U coefficient Glass and solar control
Glass and solar control
Introduction Solar and light factors Solar control glazings Planibel coloured Pyrolytic coated glass Stopsol Sunergy Magnetron coated glass Planibel Energy N/NT Stopray Synthesis Comments
Synthesis – Planibel coloured
Low level of light reflexion High degree of energetic absorption Convenient for all utilisation Moderate price Easy cleaning Spandrel in single enamelled glazing or Blackpearl Glass and solar control
Synthesis - Stopsol High level of light reflexion
Convenient for all utilisation Moderate price Resistant coating, stable, can be tempered, curved and laminated 3 variants : Classic, Supersilver and Silverlight Large selection of colours Regular cleaning is necessary (#1) Spandrel in single enamelled glazing or Blackpearl Glass and solar control
Synthesis - Sunergy Modern aesthetic Low level of light reflexion
3 variants : clear, azur and green High selectivity Low emissivity coating Convenient for all utilisation Resistant coating, stable, can be tempered, curved and laminated Spandrel in Blackpearl Glass and solar control
Synthesis – Stopray & Planibel Energy N/NT
High range of colours High level of solar protection Large range of light reflexion Selectivity : high LT and low SF High thermal insulation Neutral colours available Always in double glazing Easy cleaning Spandrel in single glazing Colorbel or Blackpearl Glass and solar control
Mechanical resistance
Synthesis Pyrolithic coatings Magnetron coatings Stopsol Sunergy Stopray Mechanical resistance high low Using in SG pos. 1 or 2 pos. 2 - Using in DG Edge stripping no yes Transfor-mations Tempering Laminating Enamelling Curving (Laminating – contact AGC Flat Glass Europe) T Temperable
Synthesis Pyrolithic coatings Magnetron coatings Stopsol Sunergy
Stopray Light reflexion High (pos.1) low (pos.2) low low to high Thermal insulation medium high Selectivity Neutrality
Synthesis The choice of the glazing depends essentially of :
The type of the building aesthetic application (tertiary sector, residential …) equipement (HVAC….) quality and comfort needed (thermal, visual, acoustic …) Of the climatic zone exposition to the wind, snow … annual average temperature outside average sunny period latitude orientation/declination of the façade outside environment (shadows) Of the local regulation (energy, safety, ...) Glass and solar control
Glass and solar control
Introduction Solar and light factors Solar control glazings Planibel coloured Pyrolytic coated glass Stopsol Sunergy Magnetron coated glass Planibel Energy N/NT Stopray Synthesis Comments
Comments – Conventions coating position
Monolithic glass (from 1 to 2)
Comments – Conventions coating position
Double glass (from 1 to 4)
Comments – Conventions coating position
Triple glass (from 1 to 6)
Comments – Conventions coating position
Comments – Conventions coating position
Comments – Deformation of pictures
Glass and solar control
Comments – Aspect Do not place different glazing side by side
Respect the orientation of placing Glass and solar control
Comments – Thermal shocks
If the difference of temperature is higher than 30°C between two points of a same glazing, there is a risk of thermal breakage See training ” thermal shock” Glass and solar control
Aesthetic and decoration
Thermal insulation Acoustic insulation Solar control Safety Aesthetic and decoration
Laminated glass and DG assymetric Safety: Laminated glass
Solar control coating UV resistant silicone Acoustic insulation : Laminated glass and DG assymetric Safety: Laminated glass Thermal insulation low-e coating Glass and solar control
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