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User Management DigiTool Version 3.0
User Management 2 User Architecture PatronsStaff Users DepositorsApprovers Meditor User Management Management Module - /mng Web ProfilePrivileges Depositor ProfileApprover Profile
User Management 3 Patrons and Profiles Staff Users and Privileges Depositors and Profiles Staff Approvers and Profiles Services Agenda
User Management 4 What is a patron? A patron is a profiled user of the DigiTool system who, once confirmed, may login to the Resource Discovery or request profiled access to the deposit module. A patron ’ s details may be managed locally (within the DigiTool DB) or remotely by way of LDAP.
User Management 5 Patron Registration - RD New users are able to send a registration form to the institution’s staff, using the Resource Discovery Register tab.
User Management 6 Patron Registration - Deposit New users are able to send a registration form to the institution’s staff, using the Deposit registration tab.
User Management 7 Patron List New users registration from the Resource Discovery or the Deposit module automatically creates a new entry in the Staff-managed Patron List. The Patron List is accessed from Meditor by selecting the DigiTool > Administration > Patrons menu.
User Management 8 Patron Search Options The Patron List offers a number of options to search for patrons: Sort by - It is possible to sort the list by patron name, internal patron ID or patron username (barcode) number from the radio buttoned options. Enter Starting Point - Jump to a particular point in the list by typing in text in the space provided and pressing Enter. Keywords- It is possible to search within the patron database by keyword by clicking keywords and typing in text. Select a patron by highligting a result and clicking ‘Select’. Confirmed Non- Confirmed
User Management 9 Patron Details - Database Patron data is stored in the Z312 Oracle table of the DAT01 unit
User Management 10 New Patron Confirmation To see the new patron’s details and confirm the patron’s registration, the staff user can use the Modify button located in the Patron List.
User Management 11 New Patron To add a new Patron, click New. The Global Patron Information form appears for you to fill in the patron personal details and profile.
User Management 12 Duplicate Patron To add a new Patron by duplicating an existing patron's details, highlight a patron you would like to duplicate on the list and click Duplicate. The new patron will be assigned the same privileges as the patron chosen for duplication.
User Management 13 Delete Patron To delete a patron, highlight the patron and click Delete. By clicking YES the Patron user will be removed from the patron list and database.
User Management 14 Web Profile – Resource Discovery The patron profile or web profile is a mandatory set of definitions related to each patron which defines the behavior and authorizations for the patron in the Resource Discovery. Patron profiles are defined independently of the patron, and then attributed by profile name to existing patrons. NOTE: The default profile name is DIGITOOL
User Management 15 Web Profiles The Web Profile enables control over the patron’s Resource Discovery functions; this includes setting the default search base, e-Shelf permissions, personal collection definitions, etc. The Profile List is accessed from Meditor from the DigiTool > Administration > Web Profiles menu.
User Management 16 Modify Profile To modify an existing Profile, choose the Modify option.
User Management 17 New Profile To add a new Profile, choose the option ‘New’.
User Management 18 Duplicate Profile To duplicate an existing Profile, highlight a profile you would like to duplicate from the Profile list and click Duplicate. The new profile will be assigned the same definitions as the profile chosen for duplication.
User Management 19 Delete Profile To delete an existing profile, highlight the relevant profile and click Delete. If you click YES the profile user will be removed from the profile list.
User Management 20 Web Profiles - Database Web Profiles are stored in the Z61 Oracle Table of the DAT01 unit.
User Management 21 Changing Personal Profile The profiled definitions are used by default for aspects relating to language and display. The patron may change these aspects of his/her profile from the Resource Discovery My Space > Preferences menu, overwriting the institution’s default settings for these parameters.
User Management 22 Patrons and Profiles Staff Users and Privileges Depositors and Profiles Staff Approvers and Profiles Services Agenda
User Management 23 What is a staff user? A staff user is a privileged user of the DigiTool system who, depending on their given authorizations, may have a variety of staff rights that provide them access to and enable them to perform various functions across the system. A staff user’s details are managed locally only (from the Meditor Client) by other privileged staff users. ADMIN staff users with appropriate privilege may be able to manage all staff users in the system, while non-ADMIN staff users may only gain privilege to manage other staff users within their Administrative unit. NOTE: The default ADMIN user is named DIGITOOL and should not be erased until another ADMIN user exists.
User Management 24 Staff Users List To access the Staff Users List and Privileges, select: DigiTool > Administration > Staff Privileges from the Meditor menu. The staff users list offers the option to filter users by the Administrative Unit to which the user is defined, by selecting a check box on the top of the screen. Note: ADMIN users will see all staff users.
User Management 25 New User The drop-down lists are configurable in pc_tab_exp_field.eng To add a new staff user, click ‘New User’. The User Password Information form appears for filling in appropriate information.
User Management 26 Editor Level Editor Level is used for Meditor editing functionality. In order for someone else to update the record, s/he must have a level equal to, or higher than, the level assigned to the record. e.g. Beginners (level 10) may view, but not update, records created by Supervisor (level 40).
User Management 27 Each time records are saved on the server, the editor level may be changed. Editor Level
User Management 28 Staff Privileges (Profiles) ADMIN staff users with appropriate privilege may be able to manage all staff users in the system, while non-ADMIN staff users may only gain privilege to manage other staff users within their Administrative unit. Each staff user belongs to a single administrative unit except for ADMIN staff users who may belong to multiple units. Every staff user has their own “ Profile ” which is a set of privileges which defines their authorization status for different available staff functions on a per administrative unit basis.
User Management 29 Access Rights for a New User To assign access rights to a new user, highlight the name on the list and click Access Rights. Access Rights are assigned for each Administrative Unit separately.
User Management 30 Access Rights Summary To view the access rights summary of all functions and sub- functions assigned to the staff user, highlight the name on the list and click Summary. Allowed Denied
User Management 31 Modify User To modify a staff user's password, User unit, Cataloger Level or Collection Management Group, choose the ‘Modify User’ option.
User Management 32 Duplicate User To add a new user with the same privileges as an existing one can be performed through highlighting an existing user from the Staff user list and clicking ‘Duplicate User’.
User Management 33 ADMIN Staff Users ADMIN Staff users are staff users that their “User Unit” is ADMIN and not any specific Admin Unit. Note this is not a real Unit and user should be granted permissions on specific admin units.
User Management 34 Delete User To delete a staff user, highlight the user and click Delete. If you click YES the staff user will be removed from the list.
User Management 35 DIGITOOL Staff User The DIGITOOL staff user is the initial staff user, automatically created by the system, assigned the access rights to assign passwords to other staff users. This staff user should not be deleted or changed unless another ADMIN user has been created. There always needs to be at least one ADMIN user available.
User Management 36 Management Staff Privileges Only Administrators (ADMIN) staff users are authorized to manage certain functionality from the Web Management Module (mng). Administrators may be given permission for any/all of the privileges under the REP00 System Unit. The default DigiTool Administrator is MNGROOT.
User Management 37 Meditor The login procedure for the Meditor requires the user to enter (at least once) his/her user name and password. If the Save Password box is checked, the next time the user accesses the module, s/he will be automatically logged in.
User Management 38 Change Password Staff users can change their password, once they are logged in to the Meditor from the bottom tray of the Operation Bar. Right-hand part (right-click on the relevant icon): Login, password and privileges
User Management 39 Staff Users - Database Staff Users are saved in the Z66 Oracle Table of the DAT01 unit. 01 z66_password \ 02 z66_rec_key \ 03 user_name.............DIGITOOL 02 z66_user_library........ADMIN 02 z66_user_password....... 02 z66_user_password_enc...9ICQQIH6 02 z66_user_cat_level......00 02 z66_function_proxy...... 02 z66_catalog_proxy....... 02 z66_budget_proxy........ 02 z66_order_unit_proxy.... 02 z66_user_own_create..... 02 z66_user_own_check...... 02 z66_user_circ_level.....00
User Management 40 Patrons and Profiles Staff Users and Privileges Depositors and Profiles Staff Approvers and Profiles Services Agenda
User Management 41 Depositor - KEY POINTS Would-be depositors MUST be registered as Patrons first before requesting and becoming a depositor. Every depositor is associated with ONE administrative unit only.
User Management 42 Depositor – Request Deposit Access 1. Already a patron? Logging into the deposit module will recognize the user and prompt a profile request page. The user requests an admin unit to deposit to and only once a profile is assigned (by staff), will the depositor have access. 2. Not yet a patron? Click the register tab from the deposit login screen and fill out the standard patron registration form. The next screen shown will be the deposit profile request page. See 1 above.
User Management 43 Depositor – Profile Request 1.Choose the Administrative Unit for which you would like to gain depositing rights. 2.An optional note can provide the institution ’ s staff with more information as to what type of deposit rights you will need.
User Management 44 Depositor Profile A depositor profile is a set of definitions that apply to depositors which specify different behaviors and authorizations that the depositor will have access to when using the deposit module. The details managed at the depositor profile level: Available workflows – Depositor will only have access to the ones specified in their profile Active Deposits – Maximum active deposits. An active deposit is one which is of status: draft, submitted, resubmitted and returned. Approved and Declined are not counted as active deposits. File or disk space quota restrictions – The maximum amount of disk space allowed for all active deposits for the depositor. Deposit Group – The deposit group defined can be assigned to specific approver(s) for deposit review.
User Management 45 Depositor Profile Available for review only to Staff users from the Management module and defined per Admin Unit.
User Management 46 Staff – Managing Profile Requests 1.From the Administrative Unit ’ s Management module, Depositors and Depositor requests can be viewed. 2.Depositors can be filtered by profiles – or in this case by those with no profile – or Deposit Requesters.
User Management 47 Staff – Assigning Deposit Profiles 1.A deposit profile can be set by choosing from the existing dropdown of available depositor profiles (per Admin Unit). 2. Assigning a profile to a depositor initiates an email to the user notifying their approved deposit status. This process also confirms the user as a patron if they were not yet already confirmed.
User Management 48 Patrons and Profiles Staff Users and Privileges Depositors and Profiles Staff Approvers and Profiles Services Agenda
User Management 49 Approver - KEY POINTS Would-be Approvers MUST be defined as Staff users first before being defined as approvers. An approver is associated with one administrative unit – UNLESS the staff user is an ADMIN user in which case they may be defined as approvers in multiple units.
User Management 50 Approver Profile An approver profile is a set of definitions that apply to staff approvers individually and that specify the responsibilities that the approver will have when reviewing deposits in the approver module. The details managed at the approver profile level: Responsible for Group(s) – The approver will see all deposits from the selected group(s) within the approver’s Admin unit. AND/OR Responsible for Workflow(s)- The approver will see all deposits where the selected Admin unit-specific workflow(s) were used.
User Management 51 Approver – Profile Assignment Available for review only to Staff users from the Management module and defined per Admin Unit.
User Management 52 Patrons and Profiles Staff Users and Privileges Depositors and Profiles Staff Approvers and Profiles Services and LDAP Agenda
User Management 53 Patron Services p-com-03 – Confirm Users This Meditor Staff service available from the Services > General > Confirm Users (com-03) menu provides Staff users the ability to automatically confirm unconfirmed patrons.
User Management 54 LDAP – Remotely Managed Users When implementing LDAP, the need for registration as a patron is eliminated. All LDAP authorized users are automatically considered patrons and can login as registered users without the need for confirmation.
User Management 55 Thank you!
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