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Efficient Compression and Application of Deterministic Patterns in a Logic BIST Architecture Peter Wohl, John A. Waicukauski, Sanjay Patel, Minesh B. Amin.

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Presentation on theme: "Efficient Compression and Application of Deterministic Patterns in a Logic BIST Architecture Peter Wohl, John A. Waicukauski, Sanjay Patel, Minesh B. Amin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Efficient Compression and Application of Deterministic Patterns in a Logic BIST Architecture Peter Wohl, John A. Waicukauski, Sanjay Patel, Minesh B. Amin Synopsys Inc. DAC’03 Laboratory of Reliable Computing Department of Electrical Engineering National Tsing Hua University Hsinchu, Taiwan

2 Chih-Yen Lo 2 Reference  G. Hetherington, T. Fryars, N. Tamarapalli, M. Kassab, A.Hassan, J. Rajski, “Logic BIST for Large Industrial Designs: Real Issues and Case Studies”, International Test Conference1999, pp.358-367.  H.-J. Wunderlich, G. Kiefer, “Bit-Flipping BIST”, International Conference on Computer-Aided Design, 1996.  A. Irion, G. Kiefer, H. Vranken, H.-J. Wunderlich, “Circuit Partitioning for Efficient Logic BIST Synthesis”, Design and Test Europe, 2001.  J. Rajski, J. Tyszer, M. Kassab, N. Mukherjee, R. Thompson, K.H. Tsai, A. Hertwig, N. Tamarapalli. G. Mrugalski, G. Eide, J. Qian, “Embedded Deterministic Test for Low Cost Manufacturing Test”, International Test Conference 2002, pp. 301- 310.

3 Chih-Yen Lo 3 Outline  Introduction  Proposed DBIST solution  Reseeding with 0-cycle overhead  Multiple patterns per seed  Comparing  Results  Conclusions

4 Chih-Yen Lo 4 Introduction(1/2)  Testing digital circuits represent a big porting of design, manufacture and service cost.  Logic BIST & Scan are used to control test cost.  Logic BIST :  PRPG generate pseudo-random patterns.  Apply them into the internal scan chains of CUT.  Compress the response & Compare it with the signature of the fault-free circuit.  Trade-off between test coverage & test applica- tion time.

5 Chih-Yen Lo 5 Introduction(2/2)  Several solutions are proposed to address the problem.  Using multiplicity of scan chains  Adding test points to the design  Biasing the pseudo-random patterns  Adding deterministic test patterns  Initialize PRPG to set scan cell to specific values

6 Chih-Yen Lo 6 Proposed DBIST Solution  DBIST- Combine the same high test coverage as deterministic ATPG with a logic BIST architecture.  DBIST – Deterministic BIST  A modified deterministic ATPG generates the test patterns  Compress them into LFSR seeds.  “care bits” can be set to the desired value, while others are set to pseudo-random values.  Apply them in a modified BIST architecture.

7 Chih-Yen Lo 7 DBIST Architecture

8 Chih-Yen Lo 8 DBIST Features  A lot of short parallel scan chains  to reduce test application time  However, its length is no less than shadow chain.  Combinational phase shifter  convert test patterns from 1-D to 2-D  reduce the length of PRPG LFSR  Combinational compactor  compact the results unloaded from scan chains  reduce the length of MISR  PRPG shadow

9 Chih-Yen Lo 9 PRPG Shadow

10 Chih-Yen Lo 10 Reseeding with 0-cycle Overhead  No additional cycles are added to reload seed.  No additional cycles are added for the transfer of the new seed to the PRPG LFSR.  No additional cycles are needed to unload PRPG shadow.

11 Chih-Yen Lo 11 DBIST Self-test  Support special mode to test DBIST logic itself.  PRPG shadow is configured as single scan chain.  PRPG LFSR, MISR and DBIST controller state elements are also configured as scan chains.  All DBIST logic are testable.  DBIST controller  Combinational phase shifter  Combinational compactor  Aforementioned scan chains

12 Chih-Yen Lo 12 Multiple Patterns per Seed(1/2)  ATPG characteristics:  20 bits scan cells are set for a single fault.  each pattern tests as many faults as possible.  still a small percentage of scan cells are set.  The number of “care bits” per highly compacted pattern drops rapidly.  Maybe thousands of “care bits” at beginning  only be 100 bits after a few hundred patterns  around 20-40 bits for last hundreds of patterns  In DBIST, the “care bits” are encoded as LFSR seed, while others are generated randomly from the LFSR.

13 Chih-Yen Lo 13 Multiple Patterns per Seed(2/2)  LFSR spec. chosen by the authors :  The size of LFSR is about 250-500 bits.  The available “care bits” size is 19 bits less than the length of LFSR.  The test pattern generator must be modified.  A variable-sized set of patterns are encoded into a seed.  If the seed is not exist, remove the “care bits” that target last fault.  cells_per_pattern, total_cells and pats_per_set  Fully utilize the seed size and Reduce total data

14 Chih-Yen Lo 14 Comparing  Compare DBIST with deterministic patterns  the data reduction  the test cycles reduction  PatsperSeed ~ 1.5-3.0  Clendet/Clenbist ~ 20-30

15 Chih-Yen Lo 15 Results  The area overhead is 1-2 %  0.2% fault coverage diff. for fault coverage 98% to 99+%  Patdet/Patbist ≥1/2  CPUbist is less than CPUdet.  Data reduction increases with scan cell number.  Cycle reduction is about constant and larger than 10.

16 Chih-Yen Lo 16 Conclusions  A deterministic BIST method with the same high fault coverage but in a logic BIST architecture.  A variable-size set of test patterns is encoded as a seed.  Seed application is zero-cycle time overhead.  Test data and cycles are both reduced.  All the methods are fully integrated into an automated flow.  design modification  DBIST pattern generation

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