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QL Initiative in a Small Liberal Arts College Colby-Sawyer College Semra Kilic-Bahi Cheryl Coolidge Ben Steele.

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Presentation on theme: "QL Initiative in a Small Liberal Arts College Colby-Sawyer College Semra Kilic-Bahi Cheryl Coolidge Ben Steele."— Presentation transcript:

1 QL Initiative in a Small Liberal Arts College Colby-Sawyer College Semra Kilic-Bahi Cheryl Coolidge Ben Steele

2 Colby-Sawyer College New London, NH Liberal Arts College Liberal Arts College ~1000 students ~1000 students No math major or minor No math major or minor Math Proficiency (one math course) Math Proficiency (one math course) Liberal Art Mathematics Liberal Art Mathematics College Algebra College Algebra Precalculus Precalculus Calculus I and II Calculus I and II Statistics Statistics

3 Colby-Sawyer College Liberal Arts Education Program  PATHWAYS- set of five courses First Year Seminar First Year Seminar Stepping Stones Stepping Stones Sophomore Seminar Sophomore Seminar  Exploration Courses-set of eight courses  Capstone  Electronic Portfolio  PATHWAYS- set of five courses First Year Seminar First Year Seminar Stepping Stones Stepping Stones Sophomore Seminar Sophomore Seminar  Exploration Courses-set of eight courses  Capstone  Electronic Portfolio  PROFICIENCIES Mathematics Mathematics Writing Writing Computer Computer  PROFICIENCIES Mathematics Mathematics Writing Writing Computer Computer

4 Why QL? Spring 2004 Basic Mathematical Skills Basic Mathematical Skills The Conceptual Understanding The Conceptual Understanding The Retention of the Information/Skills The Retention of the Information/Skills The ability and the flexibility to use those skills in different contexts The ability and the flexibility to use those skills in different contexts National Research Council “Adaptive Reasoning,” National Research Council “Adaptive Reasoning,” CUPM Curriculum Guide 2004, MAA CUPM Curriculum Guide 2004, MAA Spring 2004 Basic Mathematical Skills Basic Mathematical Skills The Conceptual Understanding The Conceptual Understanding The Retention of the Information/Skills The Retention of the Information/Skills The ability and the flexibility to use those skills in different contexts The ability and the flexibility to use those skills in different contexts National Research Council “Adaptive Reasoning,” National Research Council “Adaptive Reasoning,” CUPM Curriculum Guide 2004, MAA CUPM Curriculum Guide 2004, MAA

5 PREP Workshop Summer 2004 Summer 2004 “Quantitative Literacy Across the Curriculum: Everybody’s Project,” The Washington Center, Leavenworth, WA Psychology Psychology Mathematics Mathematics Summer 2004 Summer 2004 “Quantitative Literacy Across the Curriculum: Everybody’s Project,” The Washington Center, Leavenworth, WA Psychology Psychology Mathematics Mathematics Sleeping Lady

6 After the Workshop Fall 2004 Natural Sciences Department Chair Natural Sciences Department Chair Director of Community and Education Studies Director of Community and Education Studies Dean of Faculty Dean of Faculty Liberal Education Director Liberal Education Director

7 Fall 2004 – Spring 2005 Grant Application (December 2004) Grant Application (December 2004) Biology Biology Community and Environmental Studies Community and Environmental Studies Psychology Psychology Mathematics Mathematics Social Science Social Science Mission Statement Mission Statement Assessment Assessment

8 PREP Workshop II Macalester College Summer 2005 Creating And Strengthening Interdisciplinary Programs In Quantitative Literacy Creating And Strengthening Interdisciplinary Programs In Quantitative Literacy Social Sciences Social Sciences Humanities Humanities Biology Biology Mathematics Mathematics Business Administration Business Administration Creating And Strengthening Interdisciplinary Programs In Quantitative Literacy Creating And Strengthening Interdisciplinary Programs In Quantitative Literacy Social Sciences Social Sciences Humanities Humanities Biology Biology Mathematics Mathematics Business Administration Business Administration

9 QL Mission Statement (Draft) Colby-Sawyer College Fall 2006 Read, understand, interpret, use, and communicate quantitative information given symbolically, visually, numerically, or verbally. Read, understand, interpret, use, and communicate quantitative information given symbolically, visually, numerically, or verbally. Gather and analyze information, construct and test hypotheses, draw inferences, and make well-reasoned decisions. Gather and analyze information, construct and test hypotheses, draw inferences, and make well-reasoned decisions. Effective Use of Technology Effective Use of Technology Fall 2006 Read, understand, interpret, use, and communicate quantitative information given symbolically, visually, numerically, or verbally. Read, understand, interpret, use, and communicate quantitative information given symbolically, visually, numerically, or verbally. Gather and analyze information, construct and test hypotheses, draw inferences, and make well-reasoned decisions. Gather and analyze information, construct and test hypotheses, draw inferences, and make well-reasoned decisions. Effective Use of Technology Effective Use of Technology

10 National Numeracy Network “The world of the twenty-first century is a world awash in numbers” Lynn Steen, 2001 Beth Fratesi & H. L. Vacher

11 Why Spreadsheets? An effective technological tool An effective technological tool Available, both on and off campus Available, both on and off campus Encourages active learning Encourages active learning Has the potential to shift the emphasis from computational to conceptual learning Has the potential to shift the emphasis from computational to conceptual learning Marketable skill for our students Marketable skill for our students Links QL with computer literacy and technology Links QL with computer literacy and technology An effective technological tool An effective technological tool Available, both on and off campus Available, both on and off campus Encourages active learning Encourages active learning Has the potential to shift the emphasis from computational to conceptual learning Has the potential to shift the emphasis from computational to conceptual learning Marketable skill for our students Marketable skill for our students Links QL with computer literacy and technology Links QL with computer literacy and technology

12 Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum Summer 2005 Spreadsheets Across the Curriculum Summer 2005 NSF Funded Project - 0442629 PI: Len Vacher, University of South Florida PD: Emily Lardner, The Washington Center NSF Funded Project - 0442629 PI: Len Vacher, University of South Florida PD: Emily Lardner, The Washington Center

13 The Module Pretest (optional) Pretest (optional) Introduction of the problem Introduction of the problem Background Background Students build the spreadsheet(s) Students build the spreadsheet(s) End of module assignments End of module assignments

14 Goals QL concepts QL concepts Number sense Number sense Proportions and conversions Proportions and conversions Linear equations, correlation and regression Linear equations, correlation and regression Modeling Modeling Content concepts Content concepts Discipline specific Discipline specific

15 Is It Hot in Here? In the lab, all measurements are done using the metric system (SI System). This module will familiarize you with the SI units of mass, volume, and temperature. Prepared for SSAC by Cheryl Coolidge - Colby-Sawyer College © The Washington Center for Improving the Quality of Undergraduate Education. All rights reserved. 2006 Supporting Quantitative concepts and skills Number sense: Scientific notation; ratios; order of magnitude Algebra: Rearranging equations Graphs: XY (scatter); trend line Function: Linear SSAC2006:Q199.CC1.2 Core Quantitative concept and skill Number sense: Unit conversions Spreadsheeting Conversions in the English and the Metric System

16 Problem The metric system is used to record measurements in most industrial countries of the world and in science laboratories in all countries. This module will allow you to become more familiar with metric units and to learn how to perform conversions. 1.Suppose your dorm room is 55 degrees Celsius. Should you get facilities to help you? 2.Suppose your next door neighbor offers you 25 milliliters of Sam Adams for $5.00. Will you have a good party? 3.Suppose you are instructed to weigh out 60 grams of sodium chloride (table salt). Will that make your French fries salty?

17 17 Temperature conversions Your dorm room is 55 degrees Celsius. Should you get facilities to help you? The equations that allow you to convert between Fahrenheit and Celsius temperatures are: F = [(9/5)× C]+32 and C = (5/9×(F-32)) You can answer this question by building a spreadsheet containing a formula converting Fahrenheit to Celsius. = cell with a number in it = cell with a formula in it Start this spreadsheet by creating the series of Fahrenheit numbers in Column B. Remember, Excel will recognize this pattern for you so you just have to copy the first three cells in Column B through Row 36. Create the formula needed for the conversion to Celsius in Cell C4 and copy the formula through Row 36. Recreate this spreadsheet. What is the approximate Fahrenheit equivalent of 55 degrees Celsius? Should you call facilities? Record your answer.

18 Our contributions Faculty Faculty 2 biologists 2 biologists 1 chemist 1 chemist 1 mathematician 1 mathematician 1 computer applications faculty member 1 computer applications faculty member 1 nursing faculty 1 nursing faculty 1 business faculty member 1 business faculty member 10 modules - several reviewed and posted at 10 modules - several reviewed and posted at

19 Assessment (unit conversion module) Pretest scores (4 questions) n = 24 Pretest scores (4 questions) n = 24 28.6% +/-17.9 End of module assignment (first 3 questions, similar to pretest questions) n = 24 End of module assignment (first 3 questions, similar to pretest questions) n = 24 88.2 +/- 12.7

20 Assessment (equilibrium module)

21 Experience Start simple! Expect first year students to struggle. Start simple! Expect first year students to struggle. Define goals first, then create the spreadsheet Define goals first, then create the spreadsheet Build the module around the spreadsheet(s) Build the module around the spreadsheet(s)

22 The Future of QL at Colby-Sawyer NSF Funded Project - 0633133 NSF Funded Project - 0633133 PI: Semra Kilic-Bahi PI: Semra Kilic-Bahi Co-PIs: John Callewaert Co-PIs: John Callewaert Randy Hanson Randy Hanson Lynn Garrioch Lynn Garrioch Ben Steele Ben Steele

23 Goals For faculty For faculty For students For students For curriculum For curriculum For greater community For greater community

24 Faculty Goals Increase confidence, attitudes, and willingness Increase confidence, attitudes, and willingness Number who regularly use QL: 35% to 50% Number who regularly use QL: 35% to 50%

25 Faculty Development Summer workshops (2) Summer workshops (2) Materials posted on BlackBoard site Materials posted on BlackBoard site Faculty development seminars Faculty development seminars Encourage inclusion of QL in Pathway seminars Encourage inclusion of QL in Pathway seminars Attendance at conferences, workshops Attendance at conferences, workshops

26 Curriculum Goals QL content in curriculum: increase by 10% QL content in curriculum: increase by 10% Formal committee Formal committee Maybe additional QL requirement Maybe additional QL requirement

27 Curriculum Redesign statistics Redesign statistics New modeling course New modeling course Math proficiency to QL proficiency (done) Math proficiency to QL proficiency (done) The purpose of the quantitative literacy program at Colby-Sawyer College is to teach students the skills and tools needed to use quantitative information effectively in their personal, public, and professional lives. The purpose of the quantitative literacy program at Colby-Sawyer College is to teach students the skills and tools needed to use quantitative information effectively in their personal, public, and professional lives. QL element in electronic portfolio QL element in electronic portfolio

28 Students Goals Improved attitudes Improved attitudes NSSE NSSE Improved abilities Improved abilities assessment tools: first year and senior assessment tools: first year and senior Four tutors trained per year Four tutors trained per year

29 Student Involvement Training of tutors Training of tutors Programs in residence halls Programs in residence halls

30 Greater Community Dissemination Participants from other institutions at workshops Participants from other institutions at workshops Materials available outside Materials available outside Three papers at Conferences Three papers at Conferences Submit written article Submit written article

31 Overall Exciting time of change Exciting time of change Intellectually invigorating Intellectually invigorating

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