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World Climate Research Programme Participation of WCRP (and GCOS) in GEO G.Sommeria.

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Presentation on theme: "World Climate Research Programme Participation of WCRP (and GCOS) in GEO G.Sommeria."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Climate Research Programme Participation of WCRP (and GCOS) in GEO G.Sommeria

2 World Climate Research Programme Role for the Scientific Community in GEO (1) Advising GEO Participating in advisory mechanism Optimising use of GEOSS observations Helping transition from research to operational systems Generating new applications

3 World Climate Research Programme Role for the Scientific Community (2) As a major user of GEOSS Understanding Earth processes in all areas Connecting scientific communities Developing observation methodologies Linking existing methodologies to new appl. Adapting to new processing technologies

4 World Climate Research Programme INVOLVEMENT of WCRP in GEO Input to 10-year Plan: Role of research, importance of data quality, of assimilation… Climate chapter (with GCOS and WMO) Water chapter (with IGWCO and WMO) Input to 2005 tasks,2006 and 2007-09 Workplans Consultation within WCRP (role of WOAP)/GCOS Coord. with our sponsors (WMO, ICSU, IOC), with IGBP, within CEOS and IGOS P Participation in Plenaries and 4 committees

5 World Climate Research Programme Implication of WCRP in 2006 GEO tasks: Climate (1) (1) Maintain sustained climate data reprocessing and reanalysis effort (WOAP) co-lead with GCOS- poc G.Sommeria Direct support obtained from GEO for reanalysis Workshop (first support from GEO for climate) 2007: reanalysis conf, reprocessing workshop? (2) Secure key data for climate studies and forecasting from satellite systems co-lead WMO-CEOS-USA ( GCOS under WMO)

6 World Climate Research Programme Climate tasks (2) 3/ Clarify mechanisms for improving terrestrial observations (lead GTOS, contr GCOS) 4/ Identify mechanisms to help create a truly global ocean OS. (lead GOOS, contr GCOS) 5/ Coordinate with IPY on EO requirements (proposed lead IGOS-P/WCRP CliC, contr GCOS) 6/ Improve coordination of coastal and marine climate obs. (contr GCOS, prop.contr WCRP/Clivar)

7 World Climate Research Programme Water tasks (GEWEX with IGWCO) 1/Workshops on Water observation (lead IGOS-P/Spain; poc R.Lawford (2006 only) 2/Hydrological ensemble forecasts for WR managt. (WCRP/IGOS-P) poc J.Schaake 3/Water resource management including capacity building, at WWF IV (IGOS-P/GEOsec) 2006 only 5/Coord. Mechanism for global in-situ water observations (Portugal/GOOS)

8 World Climate Research Programme Other Tasks AR-06-04: Interoperability specifications (CEOP) AR-06-05: Development of Network- distributed clearing house (CEOP) WE-06-03: Multi-model ensemble prediction system (lead WMO/ Thorpex) WE-06-04: Advanced dissemination methods (lead WMO/WIS, contr CEOP)

9 World Climate Research Programme Proposals for 2007-2009 WP (WCRP-1) Proposed co-lead of Cl-06-05 with IGOS-P (V.Lytle) Contr. to Cl-06-06 (H.Cattle) Co-lead Cl-07-P1(with THORPEX): seamless weather and climate prediction system? Contr. to Wa-07-P2: Satellite water measurements in lakes, rivers, estuaries (GEWEX?)

10 World Climate Research Programme Proposals for 2007-2009 WP (WCRP-2) Contr. to HE-06-03: Ensemble forecasting methods for Health (H.Cattle) Contr. to AG-06-05:Predictability of food supply hazards (THORPEX-AMMA)-H.Cattle Contr. to EN-06-05: Ensemble forecasting techniques for energy management ? Contr. to US-07-P2: Millenium development goals (or better: specific task on the use of climate data and forecasts in decision- support systems for risk management.)?

11 World Climate Research Programme Questions for WOAP What role for WOAP in WCRP’s inputs? Need to improve coordination with GCOS? Which messages to GEO? How to benefit better from GEO? WOAP’s views on WCRP’s commitments Message for next Plenary Actions for the coming year?

12 World Climate Research Programme Proposals for 2007-2009 WP GCOS Cl-06-02: emphasize need for enhanced space-based obs. in line with IP and satellite supplement report Support integration of climate information into development decisions (cf US-07-P2) Contin. of AR-06-07: improve def. of in-situ obs. networks, through high level support and community engagement Support comprehensive reporting on progr. of GCOS by June 09 as requested by SBSTA

13 World Climate Research Programme

14 GEO tasks 2006: WATER Workshops on various aspects of water observation (space and in situ), quality,ground water,atmos w.cycle, hydrology Demonstration project on hydrological ensemble Forecast Session of WWF IV on benefits of EO for WR managt. Produce a global catchment dataset for application to catchment managt. and monitoring of hydr. Cycle Coordination mechanism for global in-situ water observations, including oceans Workshops on EO applic.for WR management in developing countries Capacity building programme on WR Latin America

15 World Climate Research Programme Background (1) GCOS: Implementation Plan for the Global Observing System for Climate in Support of the UNFCCC (follows second adequacy report): - Key Action 23: Parties are urged to adopt an internationally-coordinated approach to the development of integrated global climate products and to make them accessible to all Parties. As far as possible, these products should incorporate past data covering at least the last 30 years in order to serve as a reference for climate variability and change studies

16 World Climate Research Programme Background (2). -Key Action 24: Parties are urged to give high priority to establishing a sustained capacity for global climate reanalysis, to develop improved methods for such reanalysis, and to ensure coordination and collaboration among centres conducting reanalyses.

17 World Climate Research Programme Contributors Co-leads: GCOS-WCRP (WOAP) CEOS/ESA ECMWF Japan (JMA) USA (NOAA, NASA) Portugal, Italy, Thaïland, Greece, Germany, Australia, Argentina, Spain, Netherlands

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