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for a neutrinos factory

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1 for a neutrinos factory
Magnetic horn for a neutrinos factory Thermal and mechanical issues Sandry Wallon Linear Accelerator Laboratory (LAL-IN2P3-CNRS) Orsay, France Horn for a neutrinos factory - thermal and mechanical issues (8/07/2003)

2 Magnetic horn for a neutrinos factory
Thermal and mechanical issues CONTENT Horn prototype at Cern - features Thermal issues Material and mechanical issues Heat transfert rate – tests at LAL Fatigue strength – fatigue tests Summary Horn for a neutrinos factory - thermal and mechanical issues (8/07/2003) Sandry Wallon

3 1. Horn prototype at Cern Sandry Wallon
Horn for a neutrinos factory - thermal and mechanical issues (8/07/2003) Sandry Wallon

4 Drawing from S. Rangod / S. Gilardoni
1. Horn prototype at Cern Very high heat load at the horn’s waist 78.7 kW (energy particles losses) (for a 6+2mm thickness) 8 kW (Joule losses) Drawing from S. Rangod / S. Gilardoni Horn for a neutrinos factory - thermal and mechanical issues (8/07/2003)

5 Water flow in annular channel
2. Thermal issues Cooling system used for horn prototype Water curtain Electrical skin Water flow in annular channel Jacket Horn for a neutrinos factory - thermal and mechanical issues (8/07/2003) Sandry Wallon

6 Inner cond. waist’s shape
2. Thermal issues Heat removal We have to evacuate a very high heat load (86.7 kW) thanks to : sprinklers producing a water curtain internal jacket giving an annular channel Inner cond. waist’s shape t Other approach : reduce thickness (t) ! heat load   cooling can be performed with a single surface (stress  but lifetime can be kept) Limit of this approach cooling achievement  t < 3 mm  Twaist = 85°C (for Twater = 9°C) (80-90°C : Max temp allowed to use DI water) Horn for a neutrinos factory - thermal and mechanical issues (8/07/2003) Sandry Wallon

7 2. Thermal issues Thermal stress
Temperature rising after one pulse : 1.2°C ! (thanks to a high repetition rate [50Hz]) low thermal expansion  dynamical stress < 2 Mpa (All calculations done for a 3 mm thick cylinder) Horn for a neutrinos factory - thermal and mechanical issues (8/07/2003) Sandry Wallon

8 3. Material and mechanical issues
Lifetime/ Fatigue limit Cern’s horn prototype is said to have a 6 weeks lifetime! Neutrons irradiation of aluminum alloy (6000 family) : yield stress and ultimate tensile stress  but material becomes brittle but for a flux ~ 1022 fast neutrons/cm2 (6 weeks working), some bubbles appear in the material  potential fatigue crack What about the Al alloy fatigue limit? it’s unknown  fatigue limit confidence ! fatigue tests of irradiated material is very expensive (~300 k€) available irradiated samples come from nuclear reactor (thermal neutrons flux > fast neutrons flux)  we have to aim for a 6 weeks (guaranteed) lifetime Horn for a neutrinos factory - thermal and mechanical issues (8/07/2003) Sandry Wallon

9 3. Material and mechanical issues
Dynamical stress Static stress(1) due to magnetic pressure sq = 12 MPa sz = 20 Mpa (2 or 3 times smaller than expected fatigue limit  perfect) (1) analytical calculations performed for t=3mm, realistic for : Radial vibration freq. << mag. pressure pulse freq. Axial vibration freq. << mag. pressure pulse freq.  highly depends on end flanges design, but end flanges stiffness can be easily tuned To be done : dynamical coeffs calculation FEM transient analysis shows inner cond. behavior during start up (and ‘continuous’ behavior in case of using a low repetition rate power supply [~1Hz]) FEM harmonic state analysis (at 50 Hz) shows inner cond. behavior after start up Horn for a neutrinos factory - thermal and mechanical issues (8/07/2003) Sandry Wallon

10 3. Material and mechanical issues
Limit of ‘thickness reducing’ Reducing inner cond. waist’s thickness heat load  but buckling Safety Factor (SF)  Limit of this inner cond. waist’s thickness reducing t > 2.5 mm (buckling SF > 5 [usual value]) t > 2.1 mm (buckling SF > 3 [probably acceptable for a well known load and a perfect shape] Inner cond. waist’s shape t Horn for a neutrinos factory - thermal and mechanical issues (8/07/2003) Sandry Wallon

11 4. Heat transfer rate – tests at LAL
Heat transfer for forced convection in thin liquid film :  results come from measurement with heat flux up to 80 kW/m2 We are close to 500 kW/m2 To be compared to a 2 MW/m2 heat flux for tokamak (cooling liquid : Lithium or molten salt) Tests at LAL will be performed up to 400 kW/m2 Heat exchange surface (cylinder) will be machined and jacketed to measure the heat transfer rate for Cern’s horn prototype) Spreadsheet for heat study (steady state) Horn for a neutrinos factory - thermal and mechanical issues (8/07/2003) Sandry Wallon

12 5. Fatigue strength – fatigue tests
Al alloy first choice : 6082 instead of 6061 (used for nuclear vessel) : 6082 is an improved 6061 but there’s a lack of ‘good’ fatigue curves Ultrasonic fatigue tests will be performed up to 1010 cycles to show a real fatigue limit Horn for a neutrinos factory - thermal and mechanical issues (8/07/2003) Sandry Wallon

13 6. Summary Heat removal is critical
heat load coming from target is not welcome! According to first calculations, heat removal (from inner cond.) is achieved for a inner conductor with : a double skin (Cern’s prototype) a single heat exchange surface (LAL proposal) Single heat exchange surface design brings : better transparency lower manufacturing cost well known dynamical behavior (easy FEM modelisation) With a good confidence, lifetime is reasonably around 6 weeks, but it could be more… Horn for a neutrinos factory - thermal and mechanical issues (8/07/2003) Sandry Wallon

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