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Implementing CEN Standards in Icelandic Road Guidelines Gunnar Bjarnason Icelandic Road Administration (ICRA) CEN-NORD, Reykjavík 29.09. 2006.

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Presentation on theme: "Implementing CEN Standards in Icelandic Road Guidelines Gunnar Bjarnason Icelandic Road Administration (ICRA) CEN-NORD, Reykjavík 29.09. 2006."— Presentation transcript:

1 Implementing CEN Standards in Icelandic Road Guidelines Gunnar Bjarnason Icelandic Road Administration (ICRA) CEN-NORD, Reykjavík 29.09. 2006

2 Main Focus on two Product Standards for unbound aggregates and unbound mixtures EN 13242 (TC 154 Aggregates) Aggregates for Unbound and Hydraulically Bound Materials in Civil Engineering Work and Road Construction EN 13285 (TC 227 Road Materials) Unbound Mixtures Specification

3 Flow diagram for testing basecourse material

4 ICERA decided against using EN 13242 for grading requirements The EN 13242 Standard does not give detailed grading limits for road layers The standard gives the producer guidelines on how to classify aggregates and requirements on undersizes and oversizes Requirements for other unbound aggregate properties are however mostly in accordance with the categories of EN 13242

5 Grading Characteristics EN 13242 Example 0/32 mm material 0/32 G A 85 Grading category Refers to All in Minimum 85% passing D Size designation d/D

6 Aggregate% < 0,063 mm Category, f Coarse (d > 1 mm D > 2 mm) ≤ 2 ≤ 4 >4 NR f 2 f 4 f Declared f NR Fine (d = 0 mm D ≤ 6,3 mm) ≤ 3 ≤ 7 ≤ 10 ≤ 16 ≤ 22 >22 NR f 3 f 7 f 10 f 16 f 22 f Declared f NR All-in (d = 0 mm D > 6,3 mm) ≤ 3 ≤ 5 ≤ 7 ≤ 9 ≤ 12 ≤ 15 >15 NR f 3 f 5 f 7 f 9 f 12 f 15 f Declared f NR EN 13242 (TC 154)EN 13285 (TC 227) Missing UF6,UF8 % passing 0,063 mm Category, UF ≤ 3 ≤ 5 ≤ 7 ≤ 9 ≤ 12 ≤ 15 NR UF 3 UF 5 UF 7 UF 9 UF 12 UF 15 UF NR % passing 0,063 mm Category, LF  2  4  8 NR LF 2 LF 4 LF 8 LF NR

7 EN 13285 Unbound Mixtures Not a Harmonised Standard which means no CE marking Specifies grading categories with considerable choice. Difficult to find direct equivalents for grading to some of our existing basecourse and subbase requirements. Only “all in” 0/8-0/80 but not for example 0/90, 0/125 or graded or single sized although the standard covers both basecourse and subbase materials. No limits in the grading range 0,063 – 0,5 mm Aggregate properties in accordance with EN 13242 Article 4.5: Under certain conditions frost susceptability, permeability and leaching shall be considered. Does not include Mechanical Behavior of Unbound Mixtures (stiffness, permanent strains)

8 Base course grading requirements



11 Assessment of fines EN 13242 In Annex A (normative) Fines <3% of the fine aggregate then nonharmful Sand Equivalent, Methylene Blue

12 Assessment of fines ICRA allowed by Article 4.5 in EN 13285 Article 4.5: Requirements may be given in regulations in the place of use based on direct or indirect assessment of frost susceptibility and frost heave Fines ≤ 0,02 mm ≤ 3% determined by hydrometer or laser methods Organic matter (Humus content) NaOH, Plasticity of fines PI, LS

13 Petrographic analysis Base course “guiding requirements” Maximum percentage in quality class 3 Road type Altered Fresh A-B1 ≤ 7 ≤ 12 B2-B3 ≤ 10 ≤ 20 C1-C2 ≤ 15 ≤ 30 D ≤ 15 ≤ 30

14 Frost resistance in base course according to prEN 1367-6 if failed petrographic analysis Other proposed Categories 2,4,20 Road type Freeze/thaw (%) A-B1 ≤ 8 B2-B3 ≤14 C1-C2 ≤ 14 D NR

15 Road type Crushed gravel Crushed rock A-B1C 50/10 C 90/3 B2-B3C 50/10 C 90/3 C1-C2C 50/30 C 90/3 DC NR/50 C NR Crushed or Broken/Totally Rounded Particles Base course Other EN13242 Category C NR/70, missing C 50/20,C 40/30

16 Flakiness Index, Base course Other EN13242 Category none, missing FI 15-25-30-40 Road typeFlakiness index A – B1FI 20 B2-B3FI 20 C1-C2 D FI 35 FI 50

17 Road type Altered Fresh A-B1LA 20 LA 25 B2-B3LA 20 LA 30 C1-C2LA 25 LA 35 DLA 30 LA 40 Los Angeles requirements, Base course Other EN13242 Categories LA 50,LA 60,missing LA 15

18 Mechanical Behavior of Unbound Mixtures Not yet part of EN 13285 (Annex C informative) At ICERA we have used –CBR test (requirements) –Laboratory Plate Bearing Test (requirements) –Repeated Load Triaxial Test (for research)

19 Do we have to use European Standards Test Methods? According to the Mandate M 125 alternative test methods can be used provided that good correlation can be demonstrated with the reference method Example Optical Measuring Equipment to measure particle shape in stead of Flakiness index method

20 Some Conclusions The Categories of EN 13242 are in most cases adequate for road aggregates but the grading categories are not The grading Categories of EN 13285 could be improved to cover all base course and subbase mixtures It is important to make the EN 13242 and EN 13285 grading requirements compatible Mechanistic approach should be added to EN 13285 It is important that the Nordic Freeze Thaw Test has been accepted and will be part of the EN 13242 Product standards.

21 Why European standards? Not because industry wants to Not because specifiers want to Not because they are better standards Because it is part of the regulatory framework of the European Union to remove ‘barriers to trade’

22 Thank you for your attention

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