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ePSIplus the catalyst to exploiting PSI within Europe Chris Corbin ePSIplus Analyst Nicosia, Cyprus, 20.02.07 funded by eContentPlus
Presentation outline Section 1 Introduction Section 2 Overview of Directive 2003/98/EC Section 3 Overview of ePSIplus thematic network Section 4 The ePSIplus 1 stop shop to PSI information Section 5 Summary Visible Hidden Visible Hidden Visible Hidden Visible Presentation Framework Visible Hidden
Introduction - Definitions - Data - eGovernment - Private Sector Enterprises - Public & Private Sector culture - Value Chain - The macro economic perspective Cyprus in the EU perspective Sq. kms.Population Countries (millions) (millions) Cyprus 0.009 0.75 1 EU27 4.325 490 27 Europe 9.9 728 44 World 135.8 5,847 200+
S1: Definitions Public Sector Information re-use “the use by person or legal entities of documents (data, information) held by public sector bodies, for commercial or non commercial purposes other than the initial purpose within the public task for which the documents (data, information) were produced. Exchange of documents between public sector bodies purely in pursuit of their public tasks does not constitute re-use.” Source: PSI Directive 2003/98/EC Article 2.4 31.12.2003
S1: Definitions continued Information Society: A society where information is naturally and equally available to all in society for the exchange of information. Source: CEHC Information Age: An age where the information society which is underpinned by ICT (Information Communication Technology) and the infrastructure that ensures all in society are equally connected for the exchange of information. Source: CEHC Knowledge Economy: An economy which revolves around creating, sharing and using knowledge and information to create wealth and improve the quality of life. Source: New Zealand Government -
Public Sector Body A public sector body means the State, regional or local authorities, bodies governed by public law and associations located by one or several such authorities or one or several such bodies governed by public law Reference: OJ L345/94 Article 2 Clause 1 Dated 31.12.2003 Document Document means: (a)Any content whatever its medium (written on paper or stored in electronic form or as a sound visual or audio visual recording); (b)Any part of such content Reference: OJ L345/95 Article 2 Clause3 Dated 31.12.2003 S1: Definitions continued
Body governed by public law A body governed by public law means any body: (a)Established for the specific purpose of meeting needs in the general interest, not having an industrial or commercial character; and (b)Having legal personality; and (c)Financed, for the most part by the State, or regional or local authorities, or other bodies governed by public law; or subject to management supervision by those bodies; or having an administrative, managerial or supervisory board, more than half of whose members are appointed by the State, regional or local authorities or by other bodies governed by public law; Reference: OJ L345/94 Article 2 Clause 2 Dated 31.12.2003 S1: Definitions continued
S1: Definitions continued Public Sector Is any part of a country’s economy which is controlled or operated by the State, either by national, regional or local government. Private Sector Is that part of the economy which is controlled by private individuals or companies. Public Sector Information Is information held by the public sector. Public Sector Information Holder (PSIH) A public sector body that holds public sector information.
S1: Data and Information abound! Voluntary Sector Public Sector Private sector Academic & Research Sector Civil Society The Data pot!
S1: PSI re-use diagrammatic perspective Private Value Added Information providers Sector (for example real time road data) Level 1 Member State level Level 2 Regional, Provincial level Level 3 Local level Level 1 Member State level Level 2 Regional, Provincial level Level 3 Local level European Union Level 0 Public Sector Consumers (Customers) Civil Citizens, Education, Research, Voluntary Society Representative organisations Value Chain
11 S1: Acquiring data within the public sector Public Sector Data Provider Private Sector Data Provider 1 ! 2 x 1 x Public Sector Private Sector Data Provider x Public (Civil Society) Data Viewers Public Sector Data Procurers Public Sector Data Viewers
12 S1: PSI data flows (internal) Current or existing Public Sector Information available for reuse PSI moved to the National Archives New PSI & Updates to existing PSI PSI Deleted Wow opportunities galore!
13 S1: Data
S1:Europe - Freedom of Information Legislation Year Implemented Member State Prior to 1991Austria, Denmark, France, Italy, Sweden 1991Netherlands 1992Spain 1993 1994 1995 1996Lithuania 1997 1998Ireland, Latvia 1999Belgium, Finland, Portugal 2000Czech Rep., Estonia 2001Slovakia 2002Poland 2003Slovenia 2004 2005UK, Hungary 2006Germany Not yetCyprus, Greece, Luxembourg, Malta Total25
S1: Public Sector Information Total set of public sector data held by the public sector Public sector data produced as part of the public task Legal basis: Data Privacy (Directive 95/46/EC & 2002/77/EC) Database protection (Directive 96/9/EC) Access to environmental information (Directive 2003/4/EC) Re-use of PSI (Directive 2003/98/EC - MS Compliant 1.07.05) Intellectual Property Rights (Directive 2004/48/EC - MS compliant by 29.04.06) Public procurement (Directive 2004/18/EC - MS Complaint 31.01.06) EU Treaty Article’s 81 & 82 In the wings! eGovernment (COM/2003/0406 & COM/2004/0219) INSPIRE (COM/2004/0516) Held by over a million public organisations within the EU and used by over 50+ million public sector employees! There is no Data Access framework in place at the EU level. Within Members States the access to data and information is often based on the Freedom of Information laws where they exist. Few laws but the application of them within the public sector is as diverse as the EU populations DNA, fingerprints or images of the iris of the eye!
The PSI POT Legislation Culture: Public Servants & Organisation IPR Ownership Locating it! Data S1: Data - the funnel effect!
S1: eGovernment EC MODINIS Project: eGovernment Economic Project (eGEP)
18 An IDEA! Build IDEA Viable? Launch & Sustain Produce Business Plan Viable? Y Y NN CustomersCustomers Time to Market Time factors that will be considered: Window of opportunity Time to achieve return on investment Period of profitability Business testing & planning Market analysis Resource analysis Risk analysis Price analysis Growth analysis Sustainability analysis Considering the re-use of PSI opportunity! S1: Assessing a business opportunity
View 1 of the boundary Is this the real world situation? It might have been at one time! View 2 of the boundary Is this the real world situation? Potential reasons eGovernment Private Sector also provides the same data and information as the public sector Politicians trying to reduce the Tax burden by making public Sector data assets sweat! Private Sector not sensing the boundary is moving and do not reposition their business! Public Sector Private Sector The boundary! Public Sector Private Sector Observations: The boundary is constantly moving The boundary is different in each member state The boundary is where the trading tension occurs S1: Public & Private Sector culture (the public - private boundary)
Public Sector Private Sector The boundary! AttributePrivate SectorPublic Sector TimeOf the EssenceNot of the essence Decision makingResponsiveSlow RiskKeenAverse Some examples of the cultural issues at the interface S1: Public & Private Sector culture
21 Potential Data & Information available for re-use PSI re-users (Value Chain) Information Consumers Public Sector Input Value Output Value Value added = O/P Value - I/P Value Economic analysis: simplified model for re-use of PSI S1: Value chain
22 PSI Sold PSI Free PSI not available Customer PSI re-users (Value Chain) S1: PSI Data flows
23 PSI Sold PSI Free PSI not available Customer (Includes Public Sector) PSI re-users (Value Chain) PSI Distributors / Partners No added value (1:1 relationship not an aggregator ) S1: PSI Data flows & value chain
24 Economic analysis: simplified model for re-use of PSI Related areas that impact: eGovernment as public sector moves down stream,procurement, PPP PSI CustomerCustomer Producer Professional Services Content Providers Data, Games, Navigation, databases, etc. Commercial re-use sector Risk, Catchment, Design (architecture, civil engineering), etc Information services, travel planning, catalogues, tourism, etc. Information Consumers Other Data Suppliers S1: Value chain
25 Simplified Value Chain Data Collector Data packager Data Wholesaler Data Distributor Data Integrator Customer Data Collector Data packager Data Integrator PSIPSI Linguistic Services Data Locator Services Semantic Services Directory Services Public Sector Trading Financial Services S1: Value chain
S1: existing and potential market sectors Public Sector Information available for reuse Geographic (Land, Sea, Air, Weather, …..…) BusinessTourismTransportation Future thematic interests! Economic Commercial private sector value added information service provider sectors Customers
S1: The European Union 490 Million people Multi-lingual (23+ Languages) Multi-cultural 900,000+ public sector organisation’s (Employs 45+ million people) 25 million SME’s (Employs 75+ million people) Euro Zone (2006)
S1: EU dynamics! Criteria1994199920042007 Member States12152527 European Parliamentary elections Yes No Number of MEPs567626732785 Population 349*10 6 378*10 6 456*10 6 490*10 6 Framework Program4th5th6th7th Cyprus MEP’s 6 Population - 749200 Area 9000 Km 2
S1: EU Lisbon Strategy At the Lisbon Summit of March 2000, the EU Heads of State and Government set a goal for the EU over the next decade to become: "the most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economy in the world, capable of sustainable economic growth with more and better jobs and greater social cohesion.” (by March 2010!)
S1: EU Lisbon Strategy continued The strategy focuses on: developing a more competitive and innovative EU economy. creating more and better jobs. giving all a greater stake in our society. protecting our environment. It is all about PEOPLE and their activities! Progress is reviewed annually at the EU Council each spring: High level group established spring 2005 HLG report published November 2005 Facing the Challenge Revised Lisbon Strategy approved spring 2006 Reference URLs
Focus of the revised Lisbon Strategy - Ensuring that the internal market is effective and that free and fair trade occurs; - Improving regulation and the European infrastructure; - Encouraging and boosting innovation; - Investing in Research and development, education, and developing the skills. Reference source: S1: EU Lisbon Strategy continued
EU Lisbon Strategy continued Liberalisation of Telecommunications Liberalisation of Data Liberalisation of Services Building the EU Information Society and Knowledge Economy PSI Services Directive
S1: Economic value of PSI EU Economic Value of PSI by Sector 1999 (Million Euro) Source: PIRA International report 30.10.99 page 48
Presentation - Section 2 Above available from URL:
S2: Background & history July 1988: European Council agree establishment of an information services market. 1989: Guidelines published for improving the synergy between the public and private sectors in the information market. (Sets out 19 principles) Jan 1999: Green paper on Public Sector Information: A key resource for Europe adopted by the EC. Oct 2001: European Commission adopts a communication on the re-use and the commercial exploitation of PSI: Creating a EU Framework for the exploitation of PSI. Jan 2002: European Commission publishes a consultation document: Towards a EU Framework for the exploitation of PSI. Jun 2002: European Commission adopts draft Directive. 31 st Dec 2003: The PSI Directive came into force giving member states (25) 18 months to implement. (1 st July 2005)
S2: EU PSI Directive Directive 2003/98/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 November 2003 on the re-use of public sector information. (Published in the Official Journal of the European Union L345 31.12.2003 (Pages 90 to 96)) The PSI Directive is a legal instrument (at the macro economic level) which has the objective of stimulating the internal market by introducing a general framework for the conditions governing the re-use of public sector documents.
S2: PSI Directive - structure Describes the EU legal framework within which the directive has been set. (page 90) EU Legality Intention Articles The Framework. 15 Articles. (Pages 93 to 96) 25 clauses that outline the way to interpret and implement the framework. (Page 90 to 93) Published in the Official Journal of the EU on the 31.12.2003 (7 pages) The PSI Directive
S2: EU PSI Directive Chapter 1: General Provisions Article 1: Subject matter and scope Article 2: Definitions Article 3: General Principle Chapter II: Requests for Re-use Article 4: Requirements applicable to the processing of requests for re-use Chapter III: Conditions for Re-Use Article 5: Available formats Article 6: Principles governing charging Article 7: Transparency Article 8: Licences Article 9: Practical arrangements Chapter IV: Non discrimination and Fair Trading Article 10: Non-discrimination Article 11: Prohibition of exclusive arrangements Chapter V: Final Provisions Article 12: Implementation Article 13: Review Article 14: Entry into force Article 15: Addressees
S2: PSI - What is available? Public Sector Information available for reuse Public Sector Information available for reuse Revised view due to Exclusion 1 EU PSI Dir Article 2(2)(d), (e), (f) Initial thought on data available The exclusions reduce the quantity of PSI data potentially available for reuse! Exclusions 1 Public Sector Information Exclusions 2 Revised view to Exclusions 2 FOIA Exclusions
The exclusions reduce the quantity of PSI data potentially available for reuse! Revised view to Exclusions 3 IPR EU PSI Article 1.2.5 Exclusions 1 Public Sector Information Exclusions 2 Exclusions 3 MS1MS6 MS12 MS18 MS24 MS25MS26MS27 PSI Availability within the 27 Member States. (White= none, Red=available, other shades partial coverage The QUILT effect Multi Dimensional For each Data theme Or category Revised view to Exclusion 4 Outside the public task! S2: PSI - What is available?
S2: EU PSI Directive - Pricing Data can be made available: No charge - Free. A marginal cost charge. A charge: –Where charges are made, the total income from supplying …..shall not exceed the cost of collection, production, reproduction and dissemination, together with a reasonable return on investment. Charges should be cost-oriented over the appropriate accounting period and calculated in line with accounting principles applicable to the public sector bodies involved. Reference: OJ L345/95 Article 6 Dated 31.12.2003
S2: EU PSI Directive - Pricing continued Charging for data can be based on: –Collecting –Producing (creation and collation) –Reproducing –Dissemination (user support) –ROI Reference: OJ L345/95 Article 6 Dated 31.12.2003
S2: EU PSI Directive - Asset Lists Member States shall ensure that practical arrangements are in place that facilitate the search for documents available for re-use, such as asset lists, accessible preferably online, of main documents, and portal sites that are linked to decentralised asset lists. Reference: OJ L345/95 Article 9 Dated 31.12.2003
If PSI is provided - does the public sector indemnify the PSI re-user against subsequent IPR claims? –arising from other parts of the public sector? –arising from outside the public sector? Who resolves IPR issues within the public sector? –The public sector body holding the information? –A public sector IPR clearing house? –The re-user has to walk the public sector? S2: the IPR issue
Checking whether the PSI of interest has: An existing exclusive arrangements in place? If Yes when will it lapse? If Yes what reuse does it apply to? Depends on transparency to be ascertained What is the likely hood of an exclusive arrangement being put in place in the public interest? (reviewed every 3 years) Are there existing partnership arrangements in place? –If partners receive favourable terms currently when will these be phased out? S2: A level playing field
S2: EU PSI Directive - Fair Trade If documents are re-used by a public sector body as input for its commercial activities which fall outside the scope of its public tasks, the charges and other conditions shall apply to the supply of documents for those activities as apply to other users Reference: OJ L345/95 Article 10.2 Dated 31.12.2003
EU PSI Directive ( broad) Political Review 2004200520062007 1.07.05 Member States comply 20082009 PSI directive came into force 31.12.03 Started in 1987 may achieve its objectives by 2017: 30 Years! We are here! EC Info Soc monitoring via contracts and projects such as ePSIplus Estimate as to when all EU25 will have Transposed the PSI Directive ePSIplus ePSINet + ePSINetCee MEPSIR CUPI Report S2: PSI Timeline
S2: MEPSIR - PSI Modelling MEPSIR Project Commissioned by the EC The study defines, tests and applies a methodology to measure the re-use of Public Sector Information (PSI) in the EU member states and Norway, serving as a basis for the review of the Directive that will take place three years after its implementation.
S2: MEPSIR - PSI Modelling Survey of Public Sector Web sites by Researcher Selected Public Sector Organisation’s Invited to complete an online questionnaire Selected PSI Re-users Invited to complete an online questionnaire Ref: MEPSIR: Methodology continued
S2: MEPSIR - PSI Modelling MEPSIR: Methodology Domains (28 with sub domains) business information geographic information legal information meteorological information social information transport information
51 EU Co-Decision Process Re-use PSI 5.06.02 31.12.03 19 Months Member States Transposition 18 Months EU27 = 37+ Months 1.07.05 19+ months Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Member State Public Sector compliance Step 4 Impact on Current PSI re-users Compliance Time to Reach Critical Mass European Parliament, Commission, Council Review July 2008 S2: Establishing the PSI framework
EU27: Member States notified European Commission that they have completed the transposition. 1.07.2005 (10) Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Ireland, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, UK (10) 1.12.2005 (12) Hungary, Lithuania (2) 1.03.2006 (17) Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Latvia, Netherlands (5) 23.10.2006 (19) Cyprus, Malta (2) 19.12.2006 (20) Germany (1) EU27: Member States still to complete transposition Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Luxembourg, Portugal, Romania, Spain (7) EFTA : Iceland - Data access laws for some public organisation’s under revision to comply with PSI Directive Liechtenstein - Norway - Revised FOI Act 2006 enables Norway to comply with the PSI Directive as of 1.01.08 Switzerland - S2: Member States transposed
53 Transposition as at January 2007 S2: Map view of Member States transposed
One of the objectives of the PSI Directive is to stimulate cross border entrepreneurial activity. Transposition notifications from a regional cross border (land) perspective as at 1.02.07 Baltic: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Sweden Benelux:Netherlands Central Europe: Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Slovakia Iberian Peninsular: Northwest Europe: Ireland, UK Southeast Europe:Italy, Slovenia, Greece, Cyprus Western Europe:France, Italy, Malta Mediterranean:Cyprus, France, Greece, Italy, Malta, Slovenia S2: The PSI market
Parliament Setting the legal framework Scrutiny National Audit Data Privacy & Protection Competition Information Regulation Public Sector Public Sector Organisation Reuse of PSI Policy National re-use PSI framework Financial Framework and Risk Analysis Framework Civil Society (including the market) S2: PSI Framework overall model
56 27 Member States implementing PSI Directive Directives, Communications PSI framework Parliament Council Commission S2: PSI Framework overall model
Presentation - section 3 An overview
S3: ePSIplus - Purpose The thematic Network will: –Support the implementation of the European Directive on PSI re-use; –Facilitate the major opportunities for business to develop value added products and services based on PSI. The network will be active for 30 months from the 1 st September 2006 through to 28 th February 2009 (which covers the period leading up to the PSI Directive review in 2008 by the European Parliament.) Cover all Member (EU, EEA, EFTA) and candidate states Covers all PSI domains ePSIplus will focus on five major themes
S3: ePSIplus - Major themes 1. Legal and regulatory progress and impact (including implementation of the Directive) 2. Public sector organisation and culture change (including compliance with the Directive) 3. Encouraging PSI re-use business 4. The financial impact of the Directive: pricing and charging (including impact on public sector costs and budget) 5. Information management, standards and data quality
S3: Theme 1- Legal & Regulatory progress & impact Status of transposition; learning from evidence of the impact of the different methods of transposition utilised and the results, with specific attention to outcomes of transposition in New Member States and federal countries. Emerging synergies between and mutual effects of FOI/Access regimes and PSI re-use implementation, the Directive on environmental information etc and other ‘neighbouring’ legislation Impact of the provisions and recitals of the Directive in areas such as licensing mechanisms, PSI asset discovery, transparency of pricing etc. Emerging practice on public sector IPR and copyright assertion. Incidence and type of disputes brought to legal resolution. Handling and review of exclusive deals (including those based on contracts prior to the Directive) Assessment of the requirement to extend the scope of the Directive e.g. to PSI in the culture, education and scientific research sectors.
S3: Theme 1 - Legal & Regulatory progress & impact Legal Framework Monitor transposition progress & the process Monitoring changes within applicable laws/statutes Legal analysis (harmonisation - level playing field in law) Articulating (Guidance) the differences of the legal base across Europe Regulatory Framework Framework (at National (and sub national) and European Level) Monitoring changes within the Framework Analysis of the effectiveness of the framework Monitoring the decisions and actions of the regulators Articulating (Guidance) the differences within the framework and how to handle them Complaint/Appeal/Judication Framework Framework (at National (and sub national) and European Level) Monitoring changes within the Framework Analysis of the effectiveness of the framework Monitoring decisions Articulating (Guidance) the differences within the framework and how to handle them
S3: Theme 2- Public sector organisation and culture change Managing the consequences of frequent changes in public sector structure for PSI re-use. The experiences of local government in complying with the Directive and supporting re-use. The relationship between e-government, public-private partnerships (PPP), private financing initiatives (PFI) and their impact on PSI re-use at different stages of the value chain. The effects of public sector data sharing policies on PSI re-use (including IPR issues) Training and support initiatives and infrastructures (e.g. competence centres) for central and local government agencies to support PSI re-use.
S3: Theme 3 - Encouraging PSI re-use business The role of European Associations in raising awareness of PSI re-use market potential and stimulating activity: possibilities for a Pan-European forum on PSI-re-use. Factors underlying demand for and creation of pan-European products. Inter-sector learning and analysis: what makes some sectors more successful in PSI re-use business and what lessons can be transferred? What business models work? Effective training, knowledge transfer and support mechanisms for entrepreneurs, role of organisations such as Chambers of Commerce.
S3: Theme 3 - Encouraging PSI re-use business Create & Maintain Business Directory Cross border and pan European businesses Establish Industry Action Group (IAG) Objectives & Mission TOR’s Organisational Structure Document the value add of a PSI IAG (Consider reticent of existing pan European Associations) Test ideas and seek potential volunteers via debate on the discussion forum
S3: Theme 4 - Impact on pricing The effects of the Directive on the PSI value chain, on costs, access and organisation within the public sector, including remedies for budget loss as a result of new charging policies. Developments in pricing and charging policies: emerging impact and approaches toward free of charge access, marginal costs charging, ‘reasonable return on investment’ policies etc Impact of varying fiscal and public sector cost-recovery approaches across Europe
ePSIplus website Country Reports PSI Bibliography S3: Theme 4 - Impact on prices and charges Background paper on issues and good practice Meeting 1 Publish materials and report on Meeting 1 Meeting 2 Publish materials and report on Meeting 2 Meeting 3 Publish materials and report on Meeting 3 Undertake web based survey and report Final report on the Financial impact of the PSI Directive Present to final conference
S3: Theme 5 - Information management, standards and data quality The impact on data quality for business re-use of public sector interventions, including through types of PPP. Approaches to interoperability between public and private sectors in support of re-use e.g. in relation to egovernment standards frameworks and access architectures.
S3: Actors within the ePSIplus thematic network Network co-ordinator (MDR) Analysts (5 subcontracted) National Network Members (30) Cyprus - Higher Education Institute - Marinos Ioannides Pan European Network Members (2) EUROGISpatial PRIMETMeteorological Registered stakeholders (5000+)
S3: ePSIplus - Registered Stakeholders Roles/benefits Database of potential experts/invitees for meetings Register for Newsletter Participate in online discussions Supply case information
S3: ePSIplus - Meetings 1Network kick off meeting held in Prague, 30/31 October 2006 15 Thematic cross-border workshops (3 per thematic area) –Legal & Regulation theme Workshop 1, 16 February 2007, Hague, Netherlands Workshop 2, September 2007, Nicosia, Cyprus –Public Sector Organisation theme Workshop 1, 11-13 April 2007, Prague, Czech Republic –Encouraging PSI re-use business theme –Pricing impact theme Workshop 1: 19- 20 April 2007, Helsinki Workshop 2: 1 - 2 November 2007, London Workshop 3: June 2008, Rome –Standards theme Workshop 1: 26 - 27 November, Riga, Latvia 35 National and Federal level meetings –Cyprus 20 February 2007 –Dublin 5 June 2007 Final Conference All the materials from the meetings are available on the ePSIplus web site
S3: ePSIplus knowledge cycle Thematic agenda Thematic meeting National agendas Analytic updates on themes National meetings National issue updates
S3: ePSIplus - Publications Other publications (that do not result from the thematic activities) Quarterly Update (Newsletter) Glossary Country reports PSI Media watch PSI Presentation watch PSI Tips PSI Bibliography Reports All of which are available on the ePSIplus web site
Web Site Quarterly newsletter Thematic Reports Country Reports Conference Report Final Conclusions & recommendations PSI Industry Action Group Terms of Reference Management documents Objectiv e & Aims StrategyMembership Information gathering and analysis Desk Research Surveys & questionnaires Analysis Information exchange and Consensus Building Thematic Meetings (3 Meetings for each of 5 themes) (15 off) Country meetings (25 off) Federal (Regional) Meetings (10 off) Final Conference Star t End Project Management, Monitoring internal indictors, assessment, and reporting Reports S3: ePSIplus overview
S3: Summary Assess and report on the impact of the Re-use PSI Directive. Demonstrate (through the network) the improved understanding of re-use of PSI across Europe Report and propose recommendations for the PSI Directive Review.
Presentation - section 4 An overview of the ePSIplus one stop shop!
S4: ePSIplus web site Live: 27.09.06 Objective: To become the first port of call for information on PSI re-use Target 5000+ Registered PSI stakeholders Home page
S4: ePSIplus web site - continued Scorecard level 1
78 Scorecard - Theme 1 - Level 2 S4: ePSIplus web site - continued
79 Scorecard - Theme 1 - Level 3 S4: ePSIplus web site - continued
80 S4: ePSIplus web site - continued
81 Support Transposition Implementation Awareness Enforcement ePSIplus Scorecard Theme 1 S4: ePSIplus web site - continued
82 Cases S4: ePSIplus web site - continued
83 Forum S4: ePSIplus web site - continued
84 Forum - NOT logged IN S4: ePSIplus web site - continued
85 Forum - logged IN S4: ePSIplus web site - continued Only visible If you are logged
86 Reports S4: ePSIplus web site - continued
87 Clicking on Cyprus on the map S4: ePSIplus web site - continued
88 Links S4: ePSIplus web site - continued
Presentation - section 5 Summary
S5: Summary Public Sector PSIH’s PSI Framework PSI Re-users CONFIDENCE FRAMEWORK FOR THE RE-USER COST EFFECTIVE FOR THE PUBLIC SECTOR Boosts the knowledge economy
S5: Summary PSI FrameworkPublic Sector PSIH PSI Re-user Central PSI portalCan be referred to minimal resources Speed Understanding Standard LicenceNo negotiatingConsistency Speed Online click use standard licenceMinimal human interventionSpeed No chargeNo transaction costsSimple Marginal cost- pre-publishedMinimal transaction Costs Quick Simple Charges pre-publishedNo negotiating Consistency Understanding Easy to assess Asset ListsConsistent with good data management Easy to locate Exclusive arrangements declared and/or phased out. (by December 2008) No negotiatingEasy to understand Separate accounts between Public Task and Trading task Improved business management Easy to understand IPR Management (preferably waive IPR)Cost effective data management Simple One public sector data regimeSimple Manage requests just as in FOI RegimeMinimal human interventionFast and simple PSI Directive - the WIN WIN framework The key to success is to KEEP IT SIMPLE!
S5: Summary The PSI Directive framework was established to: - minimise the burden on the public sector of enabling the re- use of public sector information to occur without resources being diverted from the public task. (apart from the establishment resource costs) - provides confidence to the potential re-user in that it provides a balance between the public sector defacto monopoly and the micro and small enterprises. - is simple and easy so that it encourages micro and small enterprises to re-use PSI. - time is of the essence - allow innovation to occur
S5: Summary The key to success is to KEEP IT SIMPLE! The ePSIplus thematic network - is devoted to the PSI vision and strategy - is people oriented! - provides a forum within which to share knowledge - acts as a catalyst to change - provides the only European PSI knowledge base currently in existence (via the web site) - is for everyone involved in PSI irrespective of which sector the stakeholder operates within. SO PLEASE STAY INVOLVED with ePSIplus
Is the EU PSI Directive and its transposition into Cyprus law? Entrepreneurial positive (it encourages innovation and entry into the market) Entrepreneurial neutral (neither encourages or encourages innovation and entry into the market) Entrepreneurial negative (it discourages innovation and entry into the market) S5: Summary
Interested in PSI? Then why not visit: Thank you for your attention Enjoy the day
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